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Our House [Archive 1]


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Unfortunately, I wasn't the one who called the vote!


But feel free to hold an election if you want to. It's just that I don't really have to listen to the results.


You see, I'm desperately trying to finish some WIPs, and thought Miss Julie's CAL would help me out!


What did I get in return? ANOTHER CAL I couldn't pass up, started by our friendly Miss Julie.... AND I get pages upon pages of lively chatter that I don't want to pass up, and it's cutting into my crochet time! So, I want to see her put her money where her mouth is (to coin a phrase) and actually finish one of her own self-proclaimed astonishingly many WIPs!


Then I'll feel better... IF I have to cause myself all kindsa strife (like choosing to :hook or join in the antics here - such stress!) then I'm gonna throw a little tantrum and let Miss Julie finish one....

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Hey, Julie. Shouldn't that be two for keeping Arnold, since Krystal was the one who suggested it? Or don't you and Krystal get to vote? :lol :lol :lol :lol

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Good point, Linda ! I never thought of that !


But it sounds like my vote isn't gonna change her mind anyhow, so I guess I have to go get my project finished . :no:yes:no


I'll accept the challenge . :hook :hook :hook



Be right back, gotta go get that Granny's Daughter started .

I'll be done in 3 minutes.



Have a new avatar picked out by then, Krystal ! :D

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Whoo hoo, that is really cool isnt it ? Gonna be neat to see all the posts about it !


I wrapped it up and have had it ready to mail for a week now, then remembered I forgot to enclose the list of everyone who sent blocks in, so I made the list and slid it in the back of the package and taped it up some more , so I told Amy the list will be inside the package when she opens it .


I didn't keep a copy out ,so she will no doubt list the names once she gets it . I am mailing it in the morning . :)

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You and my one chicken will have something in common now - he's missing a little claw off the end of his toe! LOL! Too bad it's a rooster, or I'd name him after you! :rofl


Alright, gotta get to my :hook myself. Since Julie's gonna be busy, I can actually get something done!

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something tells me you let that poor chicken in the house and HE saw your Arnold Avatar and tried to claw his own EYES out . :no


Poor thing . He broke a nail . :(


He is now an invalid because of your avatar . :cry


Trying to make you feel guilty here, little miss .

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Krystal~I'm with you on this one because since i've been making dishcloth's i've gotten nothing else done. It's all her fault so I vote to keep him. :devil




She told me to say that Julie, I swear. She said she'de pay me big bucks to stick with her on this one. :yes:D

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Krystal~I'm with you on this one because since i've been making dishcloth's i've gotten nothing else done. It's all her fault so I vote to keep him. :devil




She told me to say that Julie, I swear. She said she'de pay me big bucks to stick with her on this one. :yes:D



Now that's hitting below the belt :rofl :rofl

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I need to go lay down, so I am going to elect you as Judge Wapner in my absence .


Will you settle this dispute and try to figure out WHO is telling the truth ?


I'll check in 4 AM to see .


Will do, chief :yes

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Heather - no, you are just plain old nice and don't want to hurt anyone's feelings . :)


That's part of it :lol The other part is I thought it might be a good incentive for you to get a WIP done. :D

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