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Our House [Archive 1]


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Renee, where in Austin do you live? I have a family member there.


I'm in NW Austin, close to Cedar Park. I love the area, but it's a pain in the bootay to go to work - I live 15 miles from campus, but the commute is about an hour to an hour and a half each way (except right now in the summer with schools out, the commute is only about 45 minutes each way).

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Jeez, I get confused.... WHAT CAL am I in? Is it one I even joined? No, it's NOT! But somehow, here I am, posting! I guess you could consider me an "associate" member! :lol


As for my town, we've got about 3,500 people and it's HUGE as far as land is concerned.


I think you just show up here so Julie can see that darling face everywhere. Or atleast I hope that's why. HeeHee, love it. :lol



Julie~You can run but you can't hide. :P

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Donna - Yep, even Big Daddy asks if they make colors other than red, white and blue :blush But your ideas sound really nice. I'm a big fan of rich color :yes


Judy - Oh how nifty about DS :manyheart I just adore doctors that are actually interested in the patient improving not necessarily their bank accounts :P My pain management guy is like that. I think it makes it easier on their patients. Gives them incentive to improve when they have a support system like DS offers :manyheart


Renee - Oh yes, down your way it's quite green :yes One of my sisters lives in Kerrville in the Hill Country..Wow! What a site in spring and fall!! With all this rain our local bluebonnets are popping all over and big I just love going for drives :yes We're going to San Antonio next weekend I can't wait to see all the wildflowers along the way. I have a feeling DH will be stopping for photos quite often this trip :lol I try to be good and not make him stop too often.


Krystal - You're as bad as I am. :lol I have no idea what CALs I'm even in anymore :lol That's okay, you can be our cheerleader :cheer

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I'm in NW Austin, close to Cedar Park. I love the area, but it's a pain in the bootay to go to work - I live 15 miles from campus, but the commute is about an hour to an hour and a half each way (except right now in the summer with schools out, the commute is only about 45 minutes each way).


DHs brother lives in Round Rock by the Dell plant. And that's where he works, too :yes

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DHs brother lives in Round Rock by the Dell plant. And that's where he works, too :yes


I have some friends who work at Dell (they live in Pflugerville). I'm on the other side of the city from there.

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Tab, between you and Krystal i have my hands full keeping you guys in line . I kept thinking you were ALL gonna have that little runt for avatars today, so i shouldnt complain if it's only one I guess .


Mary- you have really gone to town on the bus-ghan !


Donna- thanks, I appreciate your support !

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I know what you guys mean about what CAL you are in -- I have to keep looking at the top of the page to see which one I'm posting in. They are all kinda running together at this point .


Renee, thanks for telling me what it looks like out there. I always pictured your state as lots of brown, sand and flat ground .



And Krystal - 2 posts in a row with that little dude is enough to make me wanna take up drinking . Looks like I'm seeing double NIGHTMARES .

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Tab, between you and Krystal i have my hands full keeping you guys in line . I kept thinking you were ALL gonna have that little runt for avatars today, so i shouldnt complain if it's only one I guess .


I would have but I'm just not that brave :lol

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Wow, has this place ever been hopping today. I laid on a swing this afternoon and read. I finished "The Wife Test" by Betina Krahn. I definately have to add her to my list of favorite authors. Her books may be romance novels, but they all have a good plot and story line. Her characters are well developed and her descriptions of people and situations sometimes have me in stitches. I'll give you a sample. 5 maidens are on their way from a convent in France to the English court to be wed and are dressed as nuns. After an attack on them 5 of their guards switch clothes with them and take their places in case there is another attack.

"I don't look like no 'Sister,'" the gangly swordsman who went by the name of Fenster growled. He raised the hem of his habit, which was already perilously short, and looked down at his hairy knees and enormous feet. "You ever seen a female wi' feet like this?"

"I can honestly say," Hugh responded, "I have been spared that horror." He turned to Graham, who was working to keep a sober face. "We may as well get them settled in the tent."

"Oughta at least get t' wear me own bags b'neath," Willum the axeman muttered as fell in behind Sir Graham. "Got a right big draft up me arse."

Just picturing them gives me the giggles.:rofl :rofl :rofl

I did manage to get some more squares done for the train cuddleghan this evening. I'm off to bed now.

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Afternoon everyone,


I had a good day working on my casablanca while mum worked on her round ripple. She is really getting the hang of it now and here is a pic to show you all.



We also went through plenty of cake and coffee. Boy do I love chocolate cake:yes

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Your mom's ripple is looking very pretty .It looks like you taught her the pattern well . :)

What is the 3rd color she is using ? The one that looks like a tan or a pink. I can't tell from the photo .

And how big does she plan on making it, has she decided ?

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Hi Julie thanks yes mum is having fun making this ripple. The pink she is using is actually red heart country rose. She is going to continue until she has finished using the 3 balls of red heart that I gave her. I said if she wanted more I would look on ebay but she may just finish it off.


I also started another one for her in brown with yellow and white. She has trouble reading a pattern so I have done the first 6 rows for her then she continues from there. One day I will teach her to read a pattern, but for now she is happy doing the rr.


I have completed adding 3 rows of the casablanca, I now have 7 rows left to do.

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Wendy, you say your mom has never crocheted before?? She's doing great!

The handiwork skill was passed down to you...:yes

I have the gene in my family too:D

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Wendy- I can't wait to see your Casa finished ! You have been working on it for so long and have been so dedicated to it, never giving up. I admire your ability to do that .


I wish I could do like I used to and work on ONLY one thing til it was complete .I wouldnt even buy yarn for another project til the first was done.

Now I've got so many things laying here it's driving me batty .



Judy- you are lucky to have had people in your family to get your skills from and any help you may have needed when first learning .

My mom and sister both hate crafts and think they are a stupid waste of your time .

My grandma always crocheted, quilted and things like that, but she died so many years ago that by the time I actually took time to learn to crochet, her health had gotten to the point where she couldnt have done much to help me learn . Plus she lived a few hours away, so we didnt get to see her a lot , just occasionally .

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Judy yes we are pretty lucky arent we.



Julie you are always so focussed on your crochet and your always there to inspire us all with your cals and ideas and support. Even though your family isnt there to help you or support you with your craft we are.:hug

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Wendy - Wow! Mom's coming along great on that ripple! Color me impressed :yes My mother could never read a pattern either. When she had one she wanted to do I'd have to help her start, too :lol Then she was off to the races!


Julie - Crafts stupid? A waste of time? :eek But you seem so sane to come from a bunch of lunatics :lol I'm with Wendy. Stick with us and we'll lend you more support than an 18-hour girdle! :manyheart

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Afternoon everyone,


I had a good day working on my casablanca while mum worked on her round ripple. She is really getting the hang of it now and here is a pic to show you all.



We also went through plenty of cake and coffee. Boy do I love chocolate cake:yes


Wendy ~ Thanks for sharing the picture. It's so great that you spend time crocheting with your mom...be sure and tell her we love her RR!:hug

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Thanks you guys

Yea, my sister is especially bad to make fun of me crocheting . She all the time makes smart remarks about it and why I'm not doing something better with my time .

You'd have to know her though .We are EXACT opposites in everything . She is into looking like a model ,perfect clothes, perfect hair, perfect family ,perfect neighborhood . ( Kinda like a Stepford Wife )


One year for Christmas, I made my sister one of the stadium blankets that folds up ( off Priscilla's old site ),then bought them a picnic basket and filled it with all kinds of picnic items ,to kinda make a complete picnic set. I even put the stuff in to make s'mores .

She responded back after they opened it ( they live out of state ) ,making fun of the afghan and not even knowing what it was at first ( because it has like carrying handles on it ,so when it folds up, it's easy to carry . )

Last thing I made any of them .


And I made my mom 2 afghans before , a long time ago and never once saw them out anyplace in her house .

Well , last summer I saw them out - in her yard sale for 2 bucks each .


So,anyhow, it's a little bit like I'm from another planet or else they are .

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Good Morning. :) DH just left for the airport and I am trying to convince myself to get busy around here. :lol


Linda ~ I enjoyed your book review - it sounds like a good one!


Wendy ~ I'm glad you are so close to finishing the Casa. :hook


Hi to everyone else, too. Now, I have to accomplish some cleaning and other things, so I can crochet later. :D

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Julie~Yeah, some people just don't get it. My sister thinks i'm weird too. She is materialistic as well & I could careless as long as we're fed, clothed & a roof over our heads. And honestly that's only cause of the kiddos. I'de be happy living on the beach as a bum as long as I could have my yarn & hooks. :hook


I will tell ya she got really jealous when her Hubby was paying attention & ohhhing and ahhhing over my stuff. Then she said she wishes she knew how but i've never heard that since. :no

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Julie, your family's reaction (really LACK of reaction) to your hard work is why I ONLY make things for either someone who has asked me to whip up something or for people who I KNOW appreciate hand crafts.

That's it.:yes

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Yea, I guess we all have people in our lives who we have made things for and they don't appreciate them or the time and care we put into them .


I think it must be a good feeling to do lots of charity stuff, since you know those items are definitely needed and used . I guess I should do more of that kind of thing .


Tab- I think that's just one more thing we have in common. I could care less about stuff like that too. I like having a nice house to live in, but don't need the fanciest one in town. I like having a car , but as long as it runs I don't care if it's brand new or 20 years old .


I just think there are lots more important things to be concerned with other than STUFF .

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Julie my sister is the same, the only craft she does is folkart painting. She was never into knitting or crocheting. Mum knitted a heap of beautiful clothes for her baby and we never saw her baby wear any of it. I hope she has at least kept the clothes to pass on down the line but we dont know.


Thanks for your compliments on mum's rr. I will let her know how much you all liked her work.


I too cant wait for the casa to be finished. I look at those 7 rows left and am trying to will my hands to crochet those squares faster.

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