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Our House [Archive 1]


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Hello all :manyheart


Whew!! The rain has finally stopped but what a steam bath it is out there :lol I cut my day out a little short. Too hot for me :lol

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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome and positive feedback on both the Casablanca quilt and my pottery.


Pottery is my first crafting/artist outlet. But as it became less a hobby and more a career (yay!), I found that I needed a hobby. That's when I started crocheting. It's good to have something to do to keep my hands busy while relaxing in the evenings. It's also nice because you can take it along with you; pottery pretty much has to stay in the studio until it's done.


thropots =^.^=

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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome and positive feedback on both the Casablanca quilt and my pottery.


Pottery is my first crafting/artist outlet. But as it became less a hobby and more a career (yay!), I found that I needed a hobby. That's when I started crocheting. It's good to have something to do to keep my hands busy while relaxing in the evenings. It's also nice because you can take it along with you; pottery pretty much has to stay in the studio until it's done.


thropots =^.^=

Yup...pottery wouldn't do well as a portable hobby:lol ...my SIL works pottery - strictly an artistic outlet. She went to FIT in NYC and is a freelance fabric designer. She loves the pottery...though she tends to bring her perfectionist artist's eye to it...and finds fault where others don't!

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Hey, Tabby - thanks.

Was thinking of you: were you melting on the field trip? I'm afraid to see what the temp and humidity are...

And did the little darlins give you a headache?:hug

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How are the girls? Are they out of school yet? My kiddos are done on the 21st of June & they can't wait, now I can't say the same for me. :lol



Hi Tabby everything is great here. The girls are good, they are busy on saturdays with tennis and netball. The girls dont have school holidays here till Mid July for 2 weeks. Then the next lot of school holidays is 2 weeks in october. How long do your kids have holidays for in june.

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Hi! Well I just keep making squares...I have to start joining them, but when I get on a roll, it's hard to stop! :lol


Hi Tabby ~ Field trips, end of school programs - with the 4 boys, I bet you'll be really busy. :hug Yes, DD and husband will be moving this Sat. We all get along great and I'll miss them!


Cara ~ Wow! It is oppressive, isn't it? Thank goodness for a.c.!


Hi Wendy! ~ How are you and what are you working on now?:)

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Well, I've been plotting and crocheting and laying out squares and picking up squares after Trouble scatters them and crocheting more squares all day. I am 4 Aran squares short of having all squares for the next 3 blocks of the LotL and have about 1/4 - 1/3 of the squares for the next 3 blocks done as well. I was laying out the squares on the bed to see where squares were missing. Then I would crochet them and lay out some more. However, Trouble kept walking through them, curling up on them, and in general messing up the layout about every 30 minutes. Every time Trouble messed them up and I had to straighten them out again, Kim laughed. :lol The day went by very fast. Well, I'm off to crochet more squares. Have a good evening everyone.:yes

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Well, I've been plotting and crocheting and laying out squares and picking up squares after Trouble scatters them and crocheting more squares all day. I am 4 Aran squares short of having all squares for the next 3 blocks of the LotL and have about 1/4 - 1/3 of the squares for the next 3 blocks done as well. I was laying out the squares on the bed to see where squares were missing. Then I would crochet them and lay out some more. However, Trouble kept walking through them, curling up on them, and in general messing up the layout about every 30 minutes. Every time Trouble messed them up and I had to straighten them out again, Kim laughed. :lol The day went by very fast. Well, I'm off to crochet more squares. Have a good evening everyone.:yes


:lol :lol Well, you don't call him Trouble for nothing :devil

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Good Morning. :) I'll be leaving early to go to DD's (they move in tomorrow.)


Linda ~ I love your story about Trouble! We have always loved our pets and their antics, too. :yes


No pics from me today unless it's squares and yarn, but hopefully soon I'll have something to show! :blush


Have a wonderful day! :manyheart

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Good Morning!



Wendy~Aren't you the lucky one?? Our kids here are off from the 21st of June until the first week in September. :eek



Judy~Actually, we were in a museum so it wasn't warm at all thankfully. ;) The kids were great, better behaved then most of the older kids we saw there. And it was a childrens museum so it was all hands on & they loved it, we really had a blast. :manyheart Now he's crying at my side because he doesn't want to go to school today.:( But, he has to. :yes He's been doing this since i've been making him go alone & it breaks my heart. :( How else is he going to learn to go to kindergarten alone? I can't be there all the time & the teacher says he stops as soon as they pull away from the house.....so I think he's just testing me. But still......:cry :cry :cry Thanks for listening/reading my emotional rant. :hug


Mary~It has been busy here and will probably get worse before it gets better. :yes Oh well, I better enjoy it before they grow up & move out. Is your DD going to live close to you?? I'm sure you'll still get to spend tons of time together. You sound very close & I admire that ALOT. :manyheart

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Good morning ladies :flower


Mary - :yay DD finally gets to move into her house :yay That's great!


Tabby - Yep, it goes fast. Hard to remember that when they're driving you nuts but before you know what happened you'll have grandbabies :manyheart


Wendy - Do children take summer vacation in Australia the way they do here? I don't even truly know what months that would be summerwise for y'all :think If nothing else, we're getting a good education on the day-to-day working in Australia around here which is actually kinda neat :yes


Well, off to work on my baby blanket and the newsletter....I really shouldn't put that off til the minute :P


Have a happy day everyone :manyheart

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Tabby and Cara the kids have summer holidays in december. So while in America they have off from 21/6 to 1/9 Our kids have from 13/12 to 31/1.

Then through the year they have 3 more breaks with 2 weeks at a time, In April, July and October.


I also noticed that you guys put your date backwards.


Mary hello there, have a great trip.

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Tabby and Cara the kids have summer holidays in december. So while in America they have off from 21/6 to 1/9 Our kids have from 13/12 to 31/1.

Then through the year they have 3 more breaks with 2 weeks at a time, In April, July and October.


I also noticed that you guys put your date backwards.


Mary hello there, have a great trip.


:heehee Actually in real life I write my dates like 1 June 2007. I worked for the Army too long :lol


That's interesting about their breaks though. Kids here get 3 months all at once which is great for the kids but usually makes parents lives rough :lol

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Hi everyone. I'm new to crochetville and crochet-alongs, but livejournal user buttercup720 in the crochetcrochet community has been encouraging me to join since I am currently working on the Casablanca Crochet Quilt. So here I am.


I'm a little over half done with the quilt, and am trying to finish by the end of June. It will be a wedding gift for my sister-in-law and her fiance. The wedding is early July. I'm not sure if I will finish in time, but I'm trying my hardest to meet the deadline.


I am using Caron Wintuk yarn in #3009 Black, #3044 Nutmet, and #3062 Fisherman. I picked out and purchased the yarn in February, but I didn't get started on the quilt until early March because I was finishing up some other projects (I'm one of those rare crocheters who only have one project going at a time). I have been posting my progress in my livejournal and in the livejournal crochetcrochet community. If you are intersested in my journey this far, you can check out the following posts:


Feb 09, 2007: Some thoughts about my yarn choice


April 19, 2007: My first post about the quilt to the crochetcrochet community


May 12, 2007: Almost to the half-way point


May 30, 2007: Today


Now, if I can just figure out how things work at crochetville, I'll try to keep you all posted about my progress (right now, I'm finding this very frustrating).


Hey Thropots. That's would be me, Buttercup720. I go by a different name here. Welcome to the 'ville and your Casablanca is looking beautiful. I'm glad you finally joined!

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Mroning, everyone. I'm still crocheting squares. :hook I haven't woven any of the tails in yet or connected any of them together, but I'll lay them out on the bed later and take a picture of them, so you can have an idea of how this is shaping up. Maybe next week I can do the tails and connecting.:blush

Tabby it's really rough when they put you through those separation wails, but that too will pass. You're doing a great job, I just know. It's even harder when they take off to college without a look back.

Mary, how wonderful that they've got a spick and span new home to move into. :manyheart

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Thanks ladies & he did do fine. She said he stopped crying as soon as they got to school. :) I think he is just testing his Momma's poor heart. :( Then to make it worse the unfit drug addict mother next door tried to tell me how to raise him. GRRRRRR......I almost chewed her head off. :devil I can take advice but not from someone like her & her advice was to just basically dump him in the car & be completely mean about it. That's not me & I didn't want to make him worse. :no We're trying to work through this positively & at a slow pace so we don't overwhelm him all at once. Geeze Louise, I need to move & fast. :yes


~Another Daily Rant From Your Truly~ :D:lol





Wendy~It's funny you mention our dates are backwards because that's the first thing thst came to my mind when I saw yours. :lol I always write mine month first, then date, then year like today 6-1-07. ;) Learn something new all the time. :yes

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Wendy- I learned to do dates the way you do in French class back in high school.


Tabby- Rant on girl! I know it's hard when they cry like that, luckily I didn't have that problem too much with my 4 year old and she loves school and can't wait to get there. The only time she had a little trouble being left at the school was with a subsitute teacher. It really threw her off.


I only have a bunch of squares to show for my Friday photo I hope next week I'll have more put together to show.



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Tabby, you can come here and rant anytime...that's what friends are for. :hug


Actually, DD's house is about 25 minutes from us. It's clean now, but they will be doing lots of updating when they can. Great old house on a "Father Knows Best" type street...of course DD doesn't even know what I mean by that! :lol I just got home and really need to spend some time on this house.

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As I said, it's not sewn together yet, but here goes. Lady of the Lotus (revised pattern) full view and closeup view. I've still got 1 block of squares to go to be 1/4 of the way there. It's in the aran, oranges and gold.



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I only have a bunch of squares to show for my Friday photo I hope next week I'll have more put together to show.




Heather, that looks about the same as my progress this week! ;) Mine are just different colors. :lol

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