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Our House [Archive 2]


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No one made a pumpkin pie :eek I'm gonna have to make me a pumpkin pie next week just for my fix :lol But I have two lovely chocolate cream pies :drool We ate turkey and ham and deviled eggs and sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes and gravy and dressing (2 kinds) and pinwheels and olives and crackers and cheese and cranberry sauce and fruit salad and if you've excuse me I'm going to go explode now :lol

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No one made a pumpkin pie :eek I'm gonna have to make me a pumpkin pie next week just for my fix :lol But I have two lovely chocolate cream pies :drool We ate turkey and ham and deviled eggs and sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes and gravy and dressing (2 kinds) and pinwheels and olives and crackers and cheese and cranberry sauce and fruit salad and if you've excuse me I'm going to go explode now :lol




....We had a nice day...FIL met DS's girlfriend for the first time...and he was NOT his usual curmudgeon self around her! He likes her...as if we would expect anything less... I'm exhausted (esp after riding almost 2 hours in the car this evening) and the dogs are tired from the company.

I hope everyone else had as nice a time as Cara and I seem to have:manyheart


BTW: those lighted crochet hooks are a blast to use in the car - till it gets really dark and even they become useless.

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I'm back home after a very nice day at Kim's cousin's house. Way, way too much food. They sent a care package of turkey and other goodies home with me. Got 27 squares crocheted while I was there for Mr. Rooster. I really, really need to start putting some of those squares together. :blush

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Got 27 squares crocheted while I was there for Mr. Rooster. I really, really need to start putting some of those squares together. :blush

Uh-oh....it's time:eek

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I'm so glad to see everyone had a good holiday. We went to my finance's sisters house, like we always do, and officially announced our engagement. We got a lot of "congrats" and a few "it's about time"'s (we've been living together for almost five years, lol.) The kids were way too rowdy and got away with murder (thanks to Me-Maw). My 15 yr old future niece (whose bed is quite uncomfortable) is fascinated with my crocheting, she made me promise to bring stuff with me when we go out for Christmas and teach her (I was working with black yarn,,,not a good teaching tool). The drive was long and awful, but well worth it.


Happy Thanksgiving to those in the US, and well wishes to everyone!!!

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Oh and I forgot to mention that two of my sisters kids Tori 13 & Travis 14 wanted to crochet. There grandmother taught them a little bit but I re-taught them. Last week Tori stopped in with my sister & I gave her yarn & a hook. My sister said they all fought over it. :lol So I gave Travis his own hook & yarn. I think it's awesome that they want to crochet. Travis said we'll have to get together & have a crochet class. :D I never expected him to like it. He's HUGE (like 6 foot) already & has piercings & tattoos (yeah, I don't judge her mothering). But anyways he just doesn't look like the crocheting type. I absolutely love though & wish my kiddos would get more into it. Tre does occasionally but only when it's a last resort so I don't feel he really wants to learn. Oh well atleast I have some family wanting to learn. It is awesome. :cheerAnd my sis even said she wants to learn. Oh yeah, i'm just hooking & reeling em in. :hook:lol

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Morning! I'm eating a turkey and cheese sandwich for breakfast. Pumpkin pie sounds better. And that was one dessert we didn't have!

Going shopping in a few minutes with my neighbor, Rosie at the Mall of Georgia. :eek I think I've lost my mind. I NEVER go shopping the day after Thanksgiving. Oh, well.

Congratulations, Bean. :yay

Have a good day! :hug

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Good Morning! No way am I going shopping today. :lol We had snow and sleet yesterday evening - not much stuck to the ground, but some bridges are a little icy this a.m.


Bean, Congratulations on your engagement. :manyheart


Tabby and Bean ~ That is so neat that the kids are showing interest in crocheting. :hook

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Sounds like everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Ours was pretty nice too. We went over to a friends house and the girls followed the older kids all over the house. There was lots of food and she made a pumpkin cobbler. It was deeelicious. I am now going to have to get the recipe. It was my favorite part of dinner :yes I also got one row made and sewn onto the ladybug while we were there. Then I started on another row. Like Tabby I was hooking and reeling them in. They were all intrigued by my little squares and wanted to know how they were made.

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Bean, congrats!!!!


Tabby, at least someone wants to learn to crochet...I keep plugging away around here...some interest from 2 neighbors who know how to do it a little, esp when I mentioned doing it for charity:)

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Okay, I had a nice long message typed out and it ate it! :irk Let's try this again shall we? Hopefully I remember everything....


Bean - Congratulations!!! :party:hug


Tabby - Sitting there hooking and reeling 'em in :rofl You're so punny :lol And hey if Big Daddy with his truck driver looking self can crochet so can your nephew. I think that's very cool :D


Linda - We didn't have pumpkin pie either. If I'd've known no one made one I would have. But I always have the ingredients around so I'll make us one next week.


Mary - I was wondering about y'all last night. They said it was supposed to get pretty ugly up at your end of 35. We only got a little rain and light sleet. It's bright and shiny this morning. But it is nice and chilly. Perfect crochet and sleep weather! Take it easy up there :hug


Donna - Great progress on the LB. I can never get anything done when everyone's around. Too much yaking not enough hooking :lol


Judy & Wendy - Good morning my friends :hug


DH had to go back to work today so I'm gonna spend the day working on my niece's Love Letters, a purse for me using that nice new suede yarn I got last week and DH asked if I had time to make a ghan for his one employee. That's right just one and she's pretty self sufficient :lol At least they pay him like a supervisor. I already planned to make her something because she's a really great lady so I will work on her ghan today now that I've finally found a pattern I like :yes


Have a great day everyone :manyheart

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Hi, Cara...sounds like we all have a bit of a hangover today. Things are slow around here...too much rich food:lol:lol

...that and there are some souls brave enough to go out shopping today! We went to the grocery store...nice and empty;)

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Hi, Cara...sounds like we all have a bit of a hangover today. Things are slow around here...too much rich food:lol:lol

...that and there are some souls brave enough to go out shopping today! We went to the grocery store...nice and empty;)


Turkey hangover. That must be my problem today. I'm in a brain fog or something. Couldn't figure out why everyone in the Sky! CAL was posting photos all of a sudden. Then it dawned on me it's Friday :blush

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Cara, what pattern are you using for DH's employee gift? It hadn't dawned on me that it's Friday, either. :lol


DH has been out this a.m. and said there is just some patchy ice on bridges, but I'm staying in...laundry, etc. and then crochet by the fire. I have 4 1/2 more rows to go on Mr. Train. :hook


Donna~How much have you done on your Ladybug so far? That's going to be adorable.

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Cara, what pattern are you using for DH's employee gift? It hadn't dawned on me that it's Friday, either. :lol


It's an Aran cable ghan that's in this month's issue of Hooked on Crochet! I've done several of those before and they look so classy and they're a lot of fun to do :yes They can be really heavy though but hubby said she's always freezing so it should suit her perfect :D

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I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was very low key. A girlfriend of mine took pity on me and stayed in austin (her husband went to Ft. Worth to be with his family). Kimm came over around 11 (after I had gone to south Austin to take care of a friend's cat) and we went to IHOP for breakfast (not much was open, but we wanted eggs and pancakes). We then came back to my place and watched football all afternoon, and drank hot chocolate, because it finally got cold!! I had bought some firelogs, so we had a fire going, and it was wonderful.


After the Dallas game (darn, the Cowboys won again), we went back to Diane's house to take care of her cats, then to a local Austin insitution - Treadgill's for dinner. We ate pecan pie at my place after and then she went home. I was up watching The Omen on HBO until 1 (that was a creepy movie!).


The whole time we were at my house, my uber-shy cat Kitsu (the one with the heart condition) hung out with us. This is something of a miracle, because no one's ever seen Kitsu except me and his vets. But he's been getting so much vet care the past 2 months, I think it's making him a little more comfy with people.


I slept in a bit (Kitsu hasn't been feeling well the past few days, so I'm spending some time trying to get him to eat, I think his potassium is too low again). At 1 I have to meet up Kimm and we're watching the Longhorns and Aggies game at the Best Movie Theater in the World - The Alamo Drafthouse (www.drafthouse.com) - they serve dinner and drinks to you while you're watching the movie, and the food is good, and they have beer and wine! And fried pickle spears! We have both been craving fried pickle spears, so we'll be getting some of those this afternoon.

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Sounds like you had a great day Renee! I'd love to go to the Drafthouse sometime. They have one in San Antonio that does the Rocky Horror Picture Show every Thursday. That one would be a blast if they still do it like we did in the 70s with the costumes and talking back. Yes, I've done that dorky thing and it's a blast! :lol

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Renee, it sounds like your holiday has been a really good one! You must have wonderful friends...and I'm so happy to hear that Kitsu showed himself. I think you're right - all the care he's been getting from so many different people has probably made him less fearful. Also means he's being treated very gently at the vet's.:)


I'll be getting my tennis shoes and sweats on in a minute so I can take Sparkie for a walk. It's pretty cool here, but sunny, so I can't resist.

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I loved hearing about the Curmudgeon meeting the girlfriend and he was so well-behaved. that sounds almost like a tv show-- I would have loved to see it, when he is so cantankerous the rest of the time .:lol


I'm impressed with all of you who crochet at family gatherings. That wouldnt have been done at ours- although this year was a total blank. When the family still gathered together for the dinners, I would have been laughed out of the place by my mom and sister. they think crocheting is total nonsense and I should find something better to do with my time, so I wouldnt do it in front of them.

If all my grandkids would have been here, it'd be like trying to crochet in a tornado with a typhoon and a mudslide all happening at the same time.



Bean-was the engagement a surprise or did you know it was happening ?


To all of you brave enough to SHOP today - you deserve the


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We're Home! I'm BEAT!! I was pleasantly surprised. The Mall of Georgia was busier than normal, but it wasn't a zoo. Of course we didn't get there until 10:00, but everyone seemed to be in a good mood, with lots of smiles for the cashiers and employees. I got some calenders for 2008, some moisture cream for Kim, and some candles. Then we stopped at Goodwill and I got a purse and some paperbacks. Rosie got a bunch of Christmas gifts at 25% - 50% off, so she was pleased, too. The Disney shop was the worst. They had huge discounts on stuff and the checkout line went from the front of the store to the back of the store and back to the front. We had lunch at the food court, which was very crowded, but everyone was nice there too.

I'm ready to kick back and crochet and watch TV and relax.

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