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Our House [Archive 2]


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Krystal, my oldest used to sleep in good but that stopped when we had Meaghan and I went back to work. It sure was nice while it lasted. I don't anticipate them ever sleeping in. I just wish they'd entertain themselves until at least 8 am so that I can feel a little rested. Although I don't think it would be so bad if they'd sleep through the night. They both still wake up in the early hours for water. Of course they need mom to take them to the kitchen where the cups are already waiting for them. For me a good nights sleep is usually where I get at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I never feel fully rested when I wake up in the middle of the night.


Donna - I solved that problem with sippy cups. When *I* go to bed, I put a cup of water on their windowsill (right near their beds). If they get up for a drink, it's waiting for them. I can't do it at their bedtime, because then they will drink it right away and have to pee an hour later. I sleep with water on my nightstand, so I guess it's only fair.

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Cara....never ends with either us or our furbabies. I even turn over in bed quietly or the dogs will pop up like....

"It's morning!":lol:lol...regardless of the time!

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Krystal that's a good idea. I might have to try that. We don't have any more sippys but I have the sports cups with straws :yes


Those sports cups are the best thing! I drink out of those exclusively :yes


Judy - You know, it's nice to know I'm not the only one that has to tiptoe to keep the furbabies asleep. :lol After they've finally laid down I don't want to do anything to wake them back up. Kinda like having a newborn around :lol

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I didn't do 1:30 am intentionally, lol. Whenever Henry is watching something I don't care for or playing one of those shoot-em-up video games, I sit on the loveseat with my CD walkman and crochet. Usually he heads to bed at 10:30, and I go about 30 minutes later. Last night apparently he got really into trying to beat some hidden level that he didn't go to bed until almost one o'clock in the morning, so I missed my cue, lol.


I must be lucky because both our boys (10 and 7) get up WAY early, like 6:30ish, but they tend to entertain themselves on the weekends and let us sleep. They get to watch all the Pokemon episodes on the DVR from the week before and they know if they wake us up, then Henry will take over the TV. (There's only one in the house) I also keep their drawer in the fridge filled with water bottles and juice boxes, and they have their own basket in the cupboard of zippy bags of cereal and poptarts and stuff. We're usually left alone till around 9 or sometimes even 10am.

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I must be lucky because both our boys (10 and 7) get up WAY early, like 6:30ish, but they tend to entertain themselves on the weekends and let us sleep. They get to watch all the Pokemon episodes on the DVR from the week before and they know if they wake us up, then Henry will take over the TV. (There's only one in the house) I also keep their drawer in the fridge filled with water bottles and juice boxes, and they have their own basket in the cupboard of zippy bags of cereal and poptarts and stuff. We're usually left alone till around 9 or sometimes even 10am.


I'd say you are the luckiest woman on the planet! :yes:lol

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Judy and Cara, I must have had the laziest pets ever. They never bothered when I got up. They'd look at me like why'd you wake me up and go right back to sleep :lol


Let's count you in the lucky group :lol Every pet I've ever had thinks they have to follow me everywhere I go. I haven't even been able to visit the bathroom at home without an audience for 20 years :rofl

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Howdy doody everyboody


Furbabies are funny arent they. Everytime you walk to the kitchen our Coco the burmese cat follows in the hope that he will get some food. Every morning Coco waits in our bathroom so he can have a cuddle under the heat lights. If you dont come then he sits and meows until you do.


Bean your lucky the boys can look after themselves and dont bug you. I remember my girls coming into my room on a saturday at 6.30 and let me know that it was morning. The girls are much better now.

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Hi Ladies. I love all the stories about kiddos and pets. :yes


I've been gone most of the day - lots of traffic since school is out for the week and lots of people must be on vacation.:think Tomorrow will be cleaning time, but I'm going to crochet and chill for a while. :hookMr. Train has been on hold for a long time, so back to little squares!

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Let's count you in the lucky group :lol Every pet I've ever had thinks they have to follow me everywhere I go. I haven't even been able to visit the bathroom at home without an audience for 20 years :rofl


I've been lucky in the animal area but unfortuneately these girls make up for it with the early waking and following me into every room. :lol

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I've been lucky in the animal area but unfortuneately these girls make up for it with the early waking and following me into every room. :lol



It's horrible isn't it? I want to go relax in a bath right now & I can't because Jaden will break into the bathroom. No privacy at all & now I have to wait because he is too old to be seeing me nekkid. It may scar him for life since I can't wear duct tape in the bath. :D

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Tabby - get yourself a rubber doorstop. You can jam it in from the inside and it won't go ANYWHERE. Tell Jadyn if he comes in while you're bathing, you're going to start giving him baths like when HE was a baby. Or some other threat that you're likely to follow through with. At his age (8, right?) he should easily be able to learn that lesson. Jeez, even my 5 year old gets the idea now.

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