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Our House [Archive 2]


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I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier...


I crocheted a square in the color I've already been working on and just frogged it and measured the length. It took a little more than 6 yards, so no way will my scrap be long enough. I bet my mom will have some somewhere I can snag a little of.

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Winder is right between Lawrenceville and Athens. About an hour east of you. I used to list Athens as my location since it is better known, but then people thought I was in college because of UGA being there, lol.

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Bean - How very clever of you to use that method to figure out yardage. I need to write that down :lol


Just for the record, with a G hook I get 48 squares from a 7 oz skein of RHSS. But I crochet kinda loose so you might get more if you're like me and ignore gauge :D I've done enough of them after all these years to know if it looks right or not :lol

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Bean, I think Carol Ventura (my tapestry crochet heroine) mentioned doing what you did: making a swatch or piece of a project, take it apart and measure it!

You're in wonderful company, IMO!



Cara, that gauge - for the saltine squares, right?

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Good Morning Ladies!

I have an off day today. I didn't go to bed until 4am working on my "ME" ghan. Just dropped my niece off at the bus stop. Going back to bed for a couple of hours and then I'll crochet all day long. I have 2 more rounds of edging to put on the "ME" ghan and it's done. See your guys later.

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Donna - my oldest is 10, nearly 11. My kids STILL do not sleep in, though I think it might be around the corner for him (oldest). I now have to actually wake him in the morning, but I think that's because he's trying to read too late (in the dark, I think!).


Just about to start my 15 minutes day. Set the time and clean in one room for 15 minutes, then move to the next room for 15. I'm going to work 3 fifteen minutes and then :hook for 15. I've got too much to clean to do 15 on/ 15 off. :lol


First things first: scrub the 4YO! :lol :lol

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Wendy I'm worse than that. When I stay up past 11:30 I feel yucky the next day. But then there is no such thing as sleeping in for me here. These girls haven't learned the meaning of sleeping in yet :no:lol

By the time the girls want to sleep in you won't be wanting to - don't seem to need as much sleep as you get older:(

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Morning, everyone. I'm up and today I'm planning on focusing on the bedspread repair project. It turns out that we will be seeing Kim's family after all on Thanksgiving so I'll be able to deliver it in person instead of having to mail it and worry about it getting lost on the way. :D Then it will have to be my DDs RR, which is that last one to finish before mailing things north.

I got a ton of squares done on Mr. Rooster yesterday. I have tails hidden on the head but nothing is sewn together yet. I'll probably regret that when the time comes to put him together. Oh, well. It felt good just to crank out squares and see the pile grow. :lol I have all the light green ones done, the head done, most of the feet done, all the light brown ones done, and some of the dark brown and dark green ones done. Oh, and I've done a whole skein of the buff and just started the second skein.:yarn

Valerie, have a nice day off. You deserve one after the hours you've been putting in. :yes

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Hi, K - I'm off to do the 15 min FlyLady thing, too - so I can sit and :hook!


Linda...uh-oh - you're going have sooooo many squares to join! Do you switch yarn colors for each section?

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Good Morning, all. I've been up for hours and am just now reading posts.


Bean, I'm glad you figured out how much yarn you need. :yes I hate to run out with so little left to finish.


Linda, good luck with completing the bedspread repairs. It sounds like a beautiful piece.


I know I've missed some of you, but will be back this afternoon. We've had to "divide" the family this year, because of elderly parents not traveling well, so I'm only cooking for 5 instead of the regular 12 to 15. I don't know how to cook a holiday meal for that few!:lol I'm doing all my shopping today to hopefully avoid crowds. :yes


Julie, we miss you. I hope you're doing okay. :manyheart

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Krystal, my oldest used to sleep in good but that stopped when we had Meaghan and I went back to work. It sure was nice while it lasted. I don't anticipate them ever sleeping in. I just wish they'd entertain themselves until at least 8 am so that I can feel a little rested. Although I don't think it would be so bad if they'd sleep through the night. They both still wake up in the early hours for water. Of course they need mom to take them to the kitchen where the cups are already waiting for them. For me a good nights sleep is usually where I get at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I never feel fully rested when I wake up in the middle of the night.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Judy - Yep, gauge for the saltines. The gauge is 1 saltine = 2.5" but 1/4 of an inch one way or the other doesn't really seem to make a difference.


Valerie - Woo hoo!!! A day off!! I'm betting you won't know what to do with yourself :D Enjoy it. You definitely deserve it :yes


Krystal - Have fun being a Fly Lady today! I find that really works out well :yes


Judy - Yep, older I get the less sleep I need. Of course, I'm now in the "Get up at least once in the middle of the night to pee" age bracket :lol Then the cats think it's time to get up so I have to wait until they get the message before I can truly go back to sleep :lol


Donna - Wait til they're teenagers. You'll never get them out of bed :no Seems once a kid hits 15 all they want to do is sleep. And right when they're finally old enough to be some kind of help :rolleyes


Monday is usually tidy the house day but I think I'm gonna let it pass til tomorrow. I had high hopes for today. Was hoping to clean out my craft room but that's is not gonna happen. The house isn't to bad, just not as clean as I like but I can live with it and DH has that Unable to Detect a Mess vision that I love so much...sometimes :lol Think I am just gonna take it easy today. A bit more sore than usual and I don't wanna miss Thanksgiving. A holiday devoted to food is my favorite kind of holiday :D


Have a great day y'all :manyheart

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