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Our House [Archive 2]


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Good morning Linda :hug I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better. Was getting mighty concerned when you didn't seem to be improving. Sometimes just takes awhile for the ol' body to recouperate :hug

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Well, today didn't go as planned, but that's okay. I'm crocheting squares for the LotL ghan. I've got about 2/3 of the squares for the next block to go. Then I'll have three blocks worth of squares that I can put together and attach. If I counted right that will leave 11 blocks of 25 squares to go. Somehow I don't think Mr. Rooster is going to make it done by Christmas. Maybe Valentine's Day instead.:D

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My day didn't go as planned, either. :lol Nothing bad, I just had to run some unexpected errands for family and didn't get much else done. I'm going to ignore everything and crochet the rest of the evening. :hook


Linda, I'm so glad you're feeling much better. :hug

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Must've just been one of those days :lol I crocheted a lot today and what do I have to show for it? One 8" square that's what :lol I need exactly 8" squares and I crochet loose so I had a hard time finding one that'd come out to 8" but I have it now :hook

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Linda Im glad your feeling better now. Still, take it easy for awhile.


Mary wow your on the border, way to go.


Cara Im glad you found a pattern for a square that is working out for you.


I have been busy with my 3 ripple ghans that I now have going. Just having lunch at work and might make another square before lunch ends.

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I really need to go to bed...about 1/2 way through with the border and decided to play with the crow's feet. :eek DH asked about leaf stems and I just can't decide on that. There is so much else going on in the ghan that I'm not sure if I'll add the stems. :think


See you all tomorrow. :manyheart

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Just checking in after returning from work. Linda, I'm glad you're feeling better and thanks, my day was very productive. Cara, I'm counting down the day my vacation begins. Will check in again before leaving today. Gotta close again tonight. DM & RM are visiting on Wednesday. Good night/morning all.

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Morning everyone. I've spent my morning so far playing with my yarn. I think I have the colors picked out for the ladybug quilt. Here is the link to the quilt Cara made http://happyyellowhouse.com/ladycuddle4.jpg


And here are the colors I picked.



I already changed the red to cherry red. What do you all think of the colors? The light purple is orchid. It's the only light purple I had that I can go easily get the same color.

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Hi ladies

Forgive me for re-posting this again ,but some of you that sent me things are in this group and might not see the thank you if you don't go in the other thread area ---


Waiting for PeeWee to bring my Gas Bill

And what did I hear coming up the hill ?


The crunch of gravel on our driveway rocks

Hey ,there’s PeeWee, carrying a huge box !


It sure caught me totally off guard ,you see

The box looked big enough to hold a TV……………


I looked at the address and saw it was from Waco ,

It must be from Cara, she’s the only Waco resident I know !


I carried it into the house to see

Such a big box, what could it be ?


I opened it up and saw several parcels inside

Which one to start with ? I couldn’t decide .


So I picked the one on top and opened it with care

What do you think I found in there ?


Well, I will list all the contents I found

I am the luckiest one in the whole town !


I found beautiful yarn of peach and blue

And baby dolls, a little and a big one, too .


There were things for my desk,like pens and notecards

Paper,journals and bookmarks …..


There were things to keep me warm like slippers, socks and cocoa mix

Patterns, books, and stickers to stick .


Puzzles, songs and cards for Cam

And the most beautiful pink baby charity ghan .


Teddy bears of many colors to catch my eye ,

A green one, a white, multi-colored and a blue one like the sky .


Small things for my purse like key chains, gum and a change purse for my nickels and dimes

Fridgies ,and a photo album to record some good times .


A Blue Ribbon awarded for leading such a fine group of friends

Are we done yet ,you say ? Not quite, a couple more to open .


I saved a couple more things to fit in at the end ,

A beautiful doily that will sit next to my bed ….


I got some items that made Sam perk right up

Spaghettios and some TAPE to reinforce my DUCTS .


2 Red thongs, one little, one big

And to finish the ensemble, Trixie Tassels which will make me a new outfit for my next GIG .


Sam told me to model them and he’d take a photo of me

To share with all of you , so you could see……………:D


I’d do it if not for one little thing

I don’t have the CASH for the lawsuit it’d bring . :no


A photo of me with thong and tassels in place

This G- Rated message board would become racier than MySpace .:eek


A huge thank you to all of the following , for everyone to see .

More personal thank yous will be in the mail, to you from me . :c9


Thank you :

Cara, Tammy,Barb, Heather, NiYa, Pauline, Amy, Mary, Linda ,Judy ,Betty, Theresa ,Tracy, Denise, Tab, Wendy and Rox .


You guys are the best …………………:manyheart


( I found the package Saturday night ,been working on the poem since then, so sorry for the short delay in the thank you message ~~~~~ )

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Oh, you had to remind me about Cara's ladybug pattern!! Now I have 3 to pick from for my friend's comfortghan...


I'm wondering which will fo faster:






or this graph ghan:


Lady Bugs in Love

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Morning, everyone. I'm up, but that's about it so far. John played softball last night. I guess I should say he coached softball, because he didn't actually have to play. They were invited to play in a tournament of the year's winning leagues. They lost by one run. His verdict: the bad news is we lost and the good news is we don't have to play Wednesday night.

I don't know which project I'll work on today. I gave up on squares last night and started the last of the Christmas RRs. I got five rows done. Joy's request was cool colors in blues, purples, or greens. It will be in 2 shades of purple and 3 shades of blue. I'm planning on making it a bit bigger than usual because Joe is 6'6".

Have a good day everyone.:manyheart

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Sorry Judy. LOL I've been trying to decide between that one and this one http://www.maggiescrochet.com/pages/Leaflets/Leisure_Arts/LA_3847_dragonflies_butterflies_main.htm for over a month now. And then you bring up the other one at Maggies' LOL I might have to do all three and then decide :lol No that won't work either.


Okay I will start on the cuddle today after I finish the handle of my tote. :yes Like I need to start another project :lol

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Sorry I'm late answering about the colors on that block. I'm using the "I love this yarn" Med. blue, dk country blue, pink, dk raspberry and forest green.


Wendy Like I've said before that Amish is just wonderfull!!

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Julie, your poem is wonderful. :) Thank you. :manyheart


Donna, I have the Ladybug pattern saved, too. Your colors look great. :yes


Hi to everyone else, too. Hope you have a great morning. I must get to work around here so I can finish my Fall ghan later. :hook

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Good morning ladies :flower


Wanna know something sad? Until Donna asked me a yarn count question yesterday, I forgot about the ladybug cuddle too :blush


Valerie - Just keep telling yourself it's just one day closer to vacation!


Donna - Yep, I like those colors for the ladybug. And your photo reminds me that Light Orchid will be perfect for the ghan my niece wants.


Linda - Morning hon! Gotta love John's attitude. Finding a silver lining in the loss :lol


Heather - Oh now it will be very interesting to see a whole project worked in the I Love This Yarn! I'm too cowardly to invest in it to test it. Guess I could've tried one block, but if you're already doing it I'll wait :hook


Mary - Tell the truth. How long did you stay up last night working on that border? :lol I know the feeling. I stayed up til 4 am once just to finish one :lol


Julie - I'm glad the package got there. Just a little something to let you know we're thinking of you :manyheart


Tabby - G'morning Sweetie :manyheart


All day yesterday I felt so lost :( I had no WIP :eek Didn't really know what I wanted to do. So I started two WIPs and I'll probably add several today. I don't like running around WIPless. Makes me feel nekkid! :lol


Have a wonderful day y'all :manyheart

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