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Our House [Archive 2]


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Time to rake some leaves. It's going to be in the 80s today, so it sure doesn't feel like November.


No it sure doesn't :no I have the A/C on and there were still bees out yesterday :P


I'm having motivational problems this morning :blush Need to do the Fly Lady thing. Even if I don't stick to it it usually gets my rear in gear :D

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Oh my Krystal, I don't think I'd be doing much besides crocheting if it were that cold. Sounds like a perfect day to settle in and snuggle with the yarn stash.


Can you believe dh is trying to convince my North Dakota is a great place to move to. All I can think of when I hear ND is how cold it is. Although it will only be a few hours from Mall of America. I suppose that's one positive :lol


Cara, I have days like that where I am not motivated at all. I hope you are able to get what needs to be done taken care of.


Thanks for all the compliments on the ghans. I have block 10 finally attached and have started squares for block 11. I was going to work on my tree skirt but the project of the day over at the Sky is blocks so of course I kept the blocks out :lol

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So Cara- do you guys actually SEE seasons down there or does it look the same all year long ? Do your trees shed their leaves, do you ever get snow ?


My mom said Florida- it looks pretty much the same every day of the year .

I'd have a hard time getting used to that, I kinda like seeing the seasons change .


New scenery, you know ?

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Yeah the leaves fall off the trees. But that's about it. I still see flowers bloom in the "winter". We got about 1/4" snow one day last January. Lasted all of about an hour :lol


Best ad for Texas tourism I ever saw was a print ad that said, "Sure we have Winter. Last year it was on a Tuesday." :lol

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Ours would say , sure we have good weather . 5 days a year .


Always either too hot, too dry, too rainy, too cold, too windy ,too stormy ................


Our saying says if you don't like Ohio weather, wait 10 minutes .


That's what it's like here, no happy medium. :no I'm so ready to move to Texas, now to talk Doa into that. :D

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That's what it's like here, no happy medium. :no I'm so ready to move to Texas, now to talk Doa into that. :D


Well, Texas is at least consistent. It's either hot or hotter :lol

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Cara~I told Doa I want ot move to Texas where it's warmer & he said no way. He said he likes the seasons & loves snow, he wants to move to Alaska. :eek I would die first, I am not a cold kinda person. It is only 30 something here now & I think the highest today was 43. UGHHH!!! :(



Andrea~Your welcome. :manyheart

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Tabby, I wish you would move to Texas...we could have so much fun! :yes


I raked leaves for over 2 hours in shorts and tee shirt - and now have the ac on. :( I've crocheted a little this evening and DH won't be home til about 9, so I may get some more done. :hook

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Hi, everyone. Our internet connection has been on the fritz all day. Just finally got it going again and it took two service people to get the job done.

Donna, your ghans are gorgeous.:cheer:yay:cheer

John went deer hunting again today, but will be back tomorrow. Kim and I are staying put this weekend. Nobody got anything tonight.

I've been working on my ME RR today. I think I have 1 1/2 rows left to go. Although I might go two beyond that. I'll see how it looks and then decide. It's going to be a bit bigger than I usually make them just because of the color combinations I'm using. I'm on the last color, so it's just a matter of how many rows.:devil

Kim's aunt has wanted to have the bedspread repaired for some time. When she asked me if I'd do it, she said, "I'm hiring you. I need someone I can trust to do a good job of it." :blush

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Julie, I just went to the SKY CAL and your projects are great! I really like the way the flower ghan is turning out. What a keepsake that is going to be. :yay:cheer:yay

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Cara~I told Doa I want ot move to Texas where it's warmer & he said no way. He said he likes the seasons & loves snow, he wants to move to Alaska. :eek I would die first, I am not a cold kinda person. It is only 30 something here now & I think the highest today was 43. UGHHH!!! :(



Andrea~Your welcome. :manyheart

Tabby our hubby's are alike in that. Mike is the same way. He loves cold. The colder the better. Mike would prefer northern MN again. He says it's much colder and more snow than Alaska. But that's because we lived in Anchorage and it was milder than the rest because of the ocean.:yes

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Cara~I told Doa I want ot move to Texas where it's warmer & he said no way. He said he likes the seasons & loves snow, he wants to move to Alaska. :eek


You know, you really should get that boy some professional help :yes

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We have pretty mild weather here we were in the 60's today but have already had a night or 2 in the high 20's low 30's :lol


Here is my Patches quilt so far. I have one side of the rows attached




It's also my fall ghan all rolled into one :hook

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Tabby our hubby's are alike in that. Mike is the same way. He loves cold. The colder the better. Mike would prefer northern MN again. He says it's much colder and more snow than Alaska. But that's because we lived in Anchorage and it was milder than the rest because of the ocean.:yes


Isn't it insane? I really hate the cold. Doa's use to the cold because he works in a freezer all day, I coudn't do it. :no


You know, you really should get that boy some professional help :yes


I did but there's just no help for him. :no

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Heather that is turning out really pretty.


I just got back from the craft store (like I really needed to go there) Anyhow I decided to make my 3 nieces all ghans for xmas since they are older and I never know what to get them anyhow and since I made the nephews one. I bought lots of varigated for each of them with a solid color, so now just to decide how many rows of each to do and I should be all set to start. I was gonna do blended ghans for them since I am doing one for a nephew but I dont think im doing something right with it as it is even though Linda,Julie and Judy saw a pic and said I am lol. So I am gonna finish that one then I will try another blended in browns for my future BIL maybe I will like those colors better together. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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Isn't it insane? I really hate the cold. Doa's use to the cold because he works in a freezer all day, I coudn't do it. :no




I did but there's just no help for him. :no


:rofl :rofl :rofl

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