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Our House [Archive 2]


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Back from the shops and I'm broke :lol Well, almost :D


30 skeins of Vanna's choice in lovely pumpkin, green, linen and brown....sounds awful but they're gorgeous together :manyheart


No real good deals at the Goodwills but more baby clothes for soon to be born grand nephew.


Fabric and notions from JoAnns....also for goodies for Peyton (that'll be the baby's name btw).


Gonna be nice and busy for a while! :jumpyay


So. What have y'all been doing today?

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I'd be jealous if I wasn't so happy for you guys when you get new supplies! I always get excited with ya and can't wait to see what you make up!


I just got home from sitting with my brother-in-law at the hospital for a while, and now I have to think about dinner... ugh.

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Denise, your poncho is beautiful! Great job. And congratulations on your blog site. That's great, too.

I've been sick today, so Kim is taking care of me. Patting my hand and lots of smiling concern. I've been in bed and not having much luck getting anything down. So far a little gingerale is about it. Might try some chicken noodle soup in a while. You know I'm not feeling good when I just watch TV and/or snooze and that's been it for today. Haven't touched my crocheting except to move it from Kim's chair, so she could sit there.:fever

Sounds like you made a great haul on yarn, Cara. Good for you.

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Oh Linda, I'm so sorry you're not well. Feel better soon. :hug


Hi Angel! I hope your BIL is much better and that you aren't overdoing it :)


Cara~Wow! Great yarn shopping day. :yarn Our Michaels was completely out of Vanna's Choice except for 2 skeins of white. :(

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Linda - Oh you poor thing :hug Bet it's odd having Kim nurse you for a change :manyheart Hope you feel better real soon :hug


Mary - Oh no! They didn't have the colors I had in mind at first so I had to make a second choice but I'm still happy :yes


Denise - Love the poncho! Your granddaughter is lovely :manyheart

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awww Linda, I hope you feel better soon!!


Believe it or not, I have yet to buy a single skein of Vanna yarns... You guys are loving them?



Oh yes I love the Vanna yarn :yes It's just so expensive regularly. Cheapest I've seen is $2.99 a skein but Michael's has 'em on sale this week for just 2 bucks so I took all my money for the month and blew it on yarn :devil

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Morning everyone,


Denise have a great time with Tracy. Grent poncho by the way and your blog looks great. Thanks for sharing your family photos. One of these days Im going to start my own blog.


Cara well done on your haul there. The colors sound fantastic. What are you going to make with it.


Linda sorry your not feeling well, take it easy and rest.:hug


Lady hope your BIL is ok.:hug


Its my day off today so Im going to spend it at home and do some cleaning but hopefully lots of crocheting.

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Angel - glad you are feeling better and hopefully I can get past the first row of the homespun then I think I should be alright.


Cara- 30 skeins oh my goodness of course I cant blame you since it was on sale. I cant see spending all that money for yarn that doesnt have a lot of ooz. Glad that you are using it to make something for yourself. I did that with the praire star I loved how it turned out so much that I decided to keep it for myself.


Linda - I hope you are feeling better soon, I had that nasty flu bug a few weeks ago and it want any fun.

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Believe it or not, I have yet to buy a single skein of Vanna yarns... You guys are loving them?


Yes, it's soft, but not too soft and wonderful to work with. So far, I've just made 2 scarves with it, but love it!:hook

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Hi Wendy~Enjoy your day off. :yes


I should be getting ready for our trip, but still have two days. DH had a meeting in Dallas tonight, so I have almost completed the 6th block (of 9) on my Fall Ghan. :autumn

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Sorry to hear about the flu, that stuff is nasty. Hope you are feeling better today. It was nice of Kim to come sit with you while you were ill .


Cara- good for you, buying all that nice yarn. I have seen the Vanna's but haven't bought any, because of the price . I may just have to get me some one of these days though since it sounds like you all like it so much .


Do you have an idea for a pattern yet or haven't you decided ?


Denise- thanks for showing the photos-- the poncho is very pretty and it looks like you have a nice family- I like the picture of the last little boy-- he looks ornery, which is how little boys should be ! :lol


Mary- we will sure miss you when you're gone, but you guys have a good time and tell us all about it when you get home !

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Good morning ladies :flower


Denise - Good for Tracy spoiling her mama :manyheart Enjoy every minute of it :yes


Tracy - Good for you for spoiling your mama :lol Guess you were raised right, weren't you :hug Vanna's Choice is just a regular old worsted weight which is heavier than DK and it's super soft and cushy :c9


Julie - Actually I'm thinking of using the Navajo method. Don't know if I'll use the same actual pattern or not. That stitch just makes a nice not too heavy and squooshy afghan :yes


But today I may not do much of anything. I've been bad again and pushed all week when I shouldn't have and now my hands look like inflated surgical gloves :( I hate when this happens. Oh well, in a day or two I'll be right back at it :hook


Have a happy day y'all :manyheart

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Howdy there Tracy

How are things in jolly old England today ? What is your weather doing ?


It definitely looks like a fall day here today- grey skies , wet and kinda cold out. Lots of leaves down on our tree out front .


You can tell winter is around the bend .

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Well laid back down for a couple of hours after that last post and I feel much better now. Coupla pain pills and it's Methotrexate day. That stuff helps quite a bit. Wish they'd put me on it years ago when we asked :P Oh well, better late than never. Still gonna be taking it easy though :yes

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Morning, everyone. Thanks for the well wishes. I am definately feeling better today. Not what you'd call great, but a lot better than yesterday. It's chilly and grey here today. John called about 10:00 and said he was on the way to the airport. Will be nice for both Kim and I to have him home again. Plan to lay low once he gets in and really rest up this weekend. Hope you all have a good day.

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Hi everyone - I just caught up on reading posts and am taking a break from laundry, the desk, etc. :)


Linda, I'm so glad you're feeling better. Don't overdo it...we want you well! :hug


Denise~You deserve to be spoiled. :yes You and Tracy sound really close and that is so special. :manyheart


Cara, speaking of overdoing it...am I going to have to drive to Waco to make you slow down once in a while? :lol I hope the meds work and your hands are better soon.

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