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What makes it all worthwhile?

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Oh what a doll! That would do it for me =)


Gosh, I haven't thought about what makes it worthwhile, for me I can't think what *wouldn't* but I'd have to say my top two reasons are:


1. the pure pleasure I get when I see that I have completed something that looks good (I hope I never loose that!)


2. hearing "Mom/Marvie, could you make me a such-and-such?" (usually followed by vague guidelines of what is desired) and then having said item be used and knowing that each time my loved one uses the item, they'll be thinking of me and knowing that I love them with all my heart.

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what makes it worthwhile for me is when i make and give something to someone i care about, that they look at it and say oh thank you. i love/like it, but mostly what makes it worthwhile for me is the charity things i can do with my art. to see a teenage mother who is scared and pregnant, open a little sweater or something for their baby, and you can see how much they love it , plus the fact that someone cares about them. thats what makes it so enjoyable for me is to be able to help others with my art.:manyheart

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Well, being able to do something that hardly anyone my age can do is pretty cool. But I think the thing that makes it the most worthwhile is being able to create things for people that I love that will last longer than the cookies I bake them. :lol

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Yep, Stephanie, that'd do it alright! Any time someone enjoys what you've made it's validation and encouragement, but pictures like that are worth a million words. Here's my "it's worthwhile" picture; the angel is my friend Emily's little Andrew:



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I guess what makes it worthwhile for me is seeing the person use it. I sent my nieces both two ponchos last year, and didn't hear if they even received them in the mail, thank you, nothing. (Until I asked if they got them?) Well when I went to Grandmas' house, and saw a picture of their family on the fridge, with the girls both wearing their ponchos, I knew they liked them, and that made it 'worth it' for me. :manyheart ("I guess they do like them after all!"....)



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I think what means the most to me is walking into a home and seeing thread pieces I've made and given displayed right beside moms/granny's pieces with pride. Also, knowing that what I've given is cherished and will be here (with care) long after I'm gone.

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My satisfaction when completing something makes it worth it to me. I know my family and friends appreciate things I make for them. My children love anything I make them rather it’s crocheted or sewn. :manyheart

It’s just nice to see all that hard work (or sometimes not so hard work) and a ball/skein of yarn turn into something.

And happy 1000 post to me. :lol

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I can agree with all of you on this one. The looks that people give you are priceless. The best part about it all is when you make something for someone and they aren't expecting it. I've had people break down and cry because I made them an afghan as a thank you gift. I would much rather make someone something then I buy them something. They just seem to appreciate it more. There just aren't enough hours in the course of a day to complete everything that I would like to. Another part I like best is donateing things to charity.

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When my brother was still in high school, he asked me to make some hats and such for a family a his knowledge bowl or something was sponsoring. Just the fact that he asked made it worthwhile. Also, my great aunt fell and broke her hip not long ago. My grandparents were going to go see her one morning, so I whipped her up a bookmark to send along. Some of her rehab friends saw it and loved it, and they want one now. I love that feeling.

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You all have some really great stories about the appreciation and feeling of what makes it all worthwhile.


Mine is kind of selfish I guess. It's worthwhile for me because it's something that I know I can succeed at. I feel like a failure most of the time except when I make a crocheted item. That sense of pride just lifts me up.


I don't have many people who appreciate my items unfortunately so that doesn't mean much to me. it's more the feeling I get when I finish it, not how they feel.

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My in-laws live upstairs from us (we are in a top-bottom duplex). They are involved in almost everything we do and of course, whenever I sew a new outfit for my daughter, she runs upstairs to show Grandma & Grandpa.


When I first taught myself to crochet, my MIL sorta rolled her eyes...not that she didn't admire the idea, but more like "we are going to have to build you an extension onto the house if your hobby list keeps growing".:eek


My FIL heard tidbits of my new hobby and he is not really one to comment on anything.....he is not easy to buy for either....so knowing his b-day was coming up, I decided my first big project would be an afghan for him. I started practice stitches using purple yarn and after finding out purple was his favorite color (:lol he tells everyone his favorite color is plaid as a running joke)...I made that practice stitch into a 6ft x 4ft afghan for him!


After opening up DVDs he requested and hand drawn cards from my kids, I gave him this HUGE box....:think very confused, he started opening it.....the man doesn't cry but I think I caught his eyes watering.


THAT was the moment for me....to get water in the eyes of a man who is very stern, never speaks except to state a fact, barely shows emotion....he teared up knowing that even though we cross ways a lot, I still sat down & took the time to pour my heart into something handmade for him.


He keeps it on his side of the couch, even in the 90 degree heat, he curls up with it......and it has opened up our relationship greatly (bout time..it's only been 10 yrs :P )


:blush Sorry so long...but there was no other way to explain the ultimate "worthwhile" feeling this afghan gave me.

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I like crocheting because I can actually MAKE things that are useful. It is very fulfilling to be able to make something for someone, or create something that I need (like a bag or afghan).


I think our society has become so separated from the process of how things are made (i.e. where food comes from, how power is generated, how a house is built). It's easy to think things are just "instant" without appreciating what goes into the final product.


Crocheting is the best!!!




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