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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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lol :lol So glad you like your package, Tina.

Yes, Lil_hippie is my dd. She'll be 21 in October so all grown up now. :U
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Look at the two squares I got today!! In a HIJ package, from sopo and lil-hippie!! :manyheart I kept pulling things out of the puffy, going "Wow!"... I noticed there was two squares and two cards that said "Tina" on them. :think I finally figured out it was from two different people. :lol (Mom and daughter?) It was chaos, trying to open my package. My kids were acting like it was Christmas; and the puppy was going crazy, trying to smell everything I took out of the puffy.. :lol


Thank you both, again. I posted in the HIJ section. But since there were squares, too; I'm posting it here. It was weird; because I had almost (but I ran out of yarn) finished edging and joining all the squares I had, just yesterday; and was getting a little bummed- thinking, "I wonder if I will get more squares"... And I DID!!! :yay Thank you. :manyheart


P.S. I LOVE the way the hemp keychain smells! (I will be able to find my keys a lot easier now, with this!) And the owl smells nice, too. (Maybe from the hemp?)


Look at that owl! Adorable :D

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(¯` * •. ¸ ¸ • * '¯) ♥ Good Morning ♥ (¯` * •. ¸ ¸ • * '¯)


How is everyone this fine Saturday morning?

I’m doin’ pretty good… back is better… just back to feeling its normal getting old. LOL

I do have a headache this morning that is more than its normal dullness… but so is life.. .if its not one thing its another! I wont give satan the satisfaction of getting me down. I’m plowing through and am going to have a good productive day!

Yesterday was busy… got my boys up early so we could go get my mom from the mechanic and take her to her eye appointment… she then treated us to breakfast at IHOP. Boys loved it!!!! Well I did too. J We dropped her off at her car… headed home for a little rest… then off to a Omaha Stormchasers Baseball game! Oh.. how we love baseball….. our Chasers lost… but it was a good game!

Today… I’m going to crochet crochet crochet. I was kinda wanting to work on getting my craft room back in order… but we’ll see if that falls into the day. We’ve been so good lately about getting our house back one room a time… I don’t want to stop… but I feel like all I did this last week was run.

Anyway……… life is good!


Well… need a coffee refill

God Bless you ladies………… have a wonderful weekend!



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Received this square from Nicolep today!

Very nice!


Look at the two squares I got today!! In a HIJ package, from sopo and lil-hippie!! :manyheart I kept pulling things out of the puffy, going "Wow!"... I noticed there was two squares and two cards that said "Tina" on them. :think I finally figured out it was from two different people. :lol (Mom and daughter?) It was chaos, trying to open my package. My kids were acting like it was Christmas; and the puppy was going crazy, trying to smell everything I took out of the puffy.. :lol


Thank you both, again. I posted in the HIJ section. But since there were squares, too; I'm posting it here. It was weird; because I had almost (but I ran out of yarn) finished edging and joining all the squares I had, just yesterday; and was getting a little bummed- thinking, "I wonder if I will get more squares"... And I DID!!! :yay Thank you. :manyheart


P.S. I LOVE the way the hemp keychain smells! (I will be able to find my keys a lot easier now, with this!) And the owl smells nice, too. (Maybe from the hemp?)

Oh, very nice squares! Cute owl and love the bag too! :clap


Thank you Krazy Crocheter for the beautiful squares. The dark squares are really a pretty purple, the lighting was bad. :clap



Wow, very nice!!! :yay

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(¯` * •. ¸ ¸ • * '¯) ♥ Good Morning ♥ (¯` * •. ¸ ¸ • * '¯)


How is everyone this fine Saturday morning?

I’m doin’ pretty good… back is better… just back to feeling its normal getting old. LOL

I do have a headache this morning that is more than its normal dullness… but so is life.. .if its not one thing its another! I wont give satan the satisfaction of getting me down. I’m plowing through and am going to have a good productive day!

Yesterday was busy… got my boys up early so we could go get my mom from the mechanic and take her to her eye appointment… she then treated us to breakfast at IHOP. Boys loved it!!!! Well I did too. J We dropped her off at her car… headed home for a little rest… then off to a Omaha Stormchasers Baseball game! Oh.. how we love baseball….. our Chasers lost… but it was a good game!

Today… I’m going to crochet crochet crochet. I was kinda wanting to work on getting my craft room back in order… but we’ll see if that falls into the day. We’ve been so good lately about getting our house back one room a time… I don’t want to stop… but I feel like all I did this last week was run.

Anyway……… life is good!


Well… need a coffee refill

God Bless you ladies………… have a wonderful weekend!



Morning Tam! Glad your back is feeling better and sure hope that headache goes away! Enjoy your day :crocheting! :hug

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Morning Tam! Glad your back is feeling better and sure hope that headache goes away! Enjoy your day :crocheting! :hug

Hey darin' how are ya? :hug

whatcha doin' today? Are you gonna get any crochet time in?







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:c9 My oldest is 19 (I have all boys)... I loved the package, you both made my day. :hug


lol :lol So glad you like your package, Tina.


Yes, Lil_hippie is my dd. She'll be 21 in October so all grown up now. :U


Michele, I like your squares! :clap I need to get busy making some more. I have three ready to go out, but I need puffies to mail them.


Thank you Krazy Crocheter for the beautiful squares. The dark squares are really a pretty purple, the lighting was bad. :clap




I went to Walmart yesterday to get more black yarn. I swear this Walmart hates me. The last couple of times I've gone in there to get yarn, they didn't have the color I needed. I thought for sure they would have black yarn? Anyway... my husband said, "Do you want me to stop and get you some on the way home from work tomorrow?" :eek (He works an hour away from here.) He must really love me!! :lol

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Hey darin' how are ya? :hug

whatcha doin' today? Are you gonna get any crochet time in?







I'm doing ok today. The nauseau has been pretty bad again lately but I'm dealing with it. Not much else I can do. I told DH that I'd go to the dump with him then hopefully we'll make it to the PO before they close! After that the day is mine to crochet away! :hook


I went to Walmart yesterday to get more black yarn. I swear this Walmart hates me. The last couple of times I've gone in there to get yarn, they didn't have the color I needed. I thought for sure they would have black yarn? Anyway... my husband said, "Do you want me to stop and get you some on the way home from work tomorrow?" :eek (He works an hour away from here.) He must really love me!! :lol

What a sweetie pie!

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I'm doing ok today. The nauseau has been pretty bad again lately but I'm dealing with it. Not much else I can do. I told DH that I'd go to the dump with him then hopefully we'll make it to the PO before they close! After that the day is mine to crochet away! :hook

well... darn it! I dont like that you dont feel good! :( I just wish there was something I could do! :hug

Dont over due it... but do have fun getting out and spending time with hubby! Then yes... get home ..sit.. relax ... take it easy... and crochet!

Do you need a nice cool cloth for your head? would that relax you? got somethin' to put your feet up with? Just take care!!!! :hug







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I went to Walmart yesterday to get more black yarn. I swear this Walmart hates me. The last couple of times I've gone in there to get yarn, they didn't have the color I needed. I thought for sure they would have black yarn? Anyway... my husband said, "Do you want me to stop and get you some on the way home from work tomorrow?" :eek (He works an hour away from here.) He must really love me!! :lolawww... he must! how sweet!!! I sure hope he finds the yarn you need! :hook






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:hug Take it easy today. :manyheart:hug


I'm doing ok today. The nauseau has been pretty bad again lately but I'm dealing with it. Not much else I can do. I told DH that I'd go to the dump with him then hopefully we'll make it to the PO before they close! After that the day is mine to crochet away! :hook



What a sweetie pie!


Tam, knowing my husband, he might come home with dishcloth cotton~ or Fun Fur... :blush:rofl Gotta love him though; he tries.. I remember when we first got married, he was going to the store. I asked him to get me some peanuts. I said "Dry Roasted. Salted". He came home with spanish peanuts. :( Yuck! :lol He tries, though. :manyheart

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:hug Take it easy today. :manyheart:hug




Tam, knowing my husband, he might come home with dishcloth cotton~ or Fun Fur... :blush:rofl Gotta love him though; he tries.. I remember when we first got married, he was going to the store. I asked him to get me some peanuts. I said "Dry Roasted. Salted". He came home with spanish peanuts. :( Yuck! :lol He tries, though. :manyheart

:rofl...........OMGosh..............too funny! LOVE IT!!!

Well... here's to hoping it gets it right this time! LOL Omy... makes me giggle! I too have to be real specific when sending hubby for certain things!! He's such a "guy" :lol






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Thanks Tam! :hug We're back from our errands, DH is now sleeping for the day and I have a cup of tea, will try to catch up on here a bit and settle in with my :crocheting! I think a nap is in order soon too. I have some meds for the nausea, but they don't don't do much good. I just try to put it out of my mind, get in a crochet zone, so to speak! :lol


:hug Take it easy today. :manyheart:hug


Thanks, :hug


Tam, knowing my husband, he might come home with dishcloth cotton~ or Fun Fur... :blush:rofl Gotta love him though; he tries.. I remember when we first got married, he was going to the store. I asked him to get me some peanuts. I said "Dry Roasted. Salted". He came home with spanish peanuts. :( Yuck! :lol He tries, though. :manyheart

Too funny! My hubby would probably do the same thing! :lol At least they try!

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Thank you Krazy Crocheter for the beautiful squares. The dark squares are really a pretty purple, the lighting was bad. :clap





Glad you like them. Would like to see a picture of the comfortghan when you get it finished. If you don't mind.


The purple that I did I had just a little bit left. Well I started :crocheting another square and was able to do 6rounds of a granny square with it. I was in bedroom and :cat was with me. I went out to get something to drink and a snack. I was out for a while. I didn't realize it but I shut the door leaving the :cat locked up.:oops His litter box is in our other bathroom. When I went back in there I find that he has peed on the bed and all over my newly crocheted square.:2nono:sigh Made me so upset.:angry:thair:bang:sigh I'm such a doof sometimes. :loco

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Thanks for the welcome y'all! :D


Nira: Let me know if you find the book! It's a toughie to find (cheap, anyway) but so worth it!


Glad you're feeling better lil hippie and Pat54!


Couldn't find that book but I did manage to pick up 101 Granny Squares. Yay!

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Oh no!!! That would make me mad, too... :hug I let a stray cat into our house once, feeling sorry for it. It peed on our bed, on our couch... who knows where else. :angry I shouldn't have done that. Should have just fed it outside or something. :blush Had to get a new mattress, comforter... Threw the couch out (luckily it was an old couch anyway, but..)


Glad you like them. Would like to see a picture of the comfortghan when you get it finished. If you don't mind.


The purple that I did I had just a little bit left. Well I started :crocheting another square and was able to do 6rounds of a granny square with it. I was in bedroom and :cat was with me. I went out to get something to drink and a snack. I was out for a while. I didn't realize it but I shut the door leaving the :cat locked up.:oops His litter box is in our other bathroom. When I went back in there I find that he has peed on the bed and all over my newly crocheted square.:2nono:sigh Made me so upset.:angry:thair:bang:sigh I'm such a doof sometimes. :loco

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Believe it or not, I managed to send out 7 packages today, so if you haven't already received a square from me, it could be you. :yes It felt very good to get those out.


Hope you are all feeling better. Me, well now my knee is all swollen. Lately, it seems to just me one thing after another. Oh well, it's getting late but I am hoping to finally sit down and crochet. My son's birthday is Monday so we've been running around trying to pick up a few things for him. Wishing everyone a great evening.

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Believe it or not, I managed to send out 7 packages today, so if you haven't already received a square from me, it could be you. :yes It felt very good to get those out.


Hope you are all feeling better. Me, well now my knee is all swollen. Lately, it seems to just me one thing after another. Oh well, it's getting late but I am hoping to finally sit down and crochet. My son's birthday is Monday so we've been running around trying to pick up a few things for him. Wishing everyone a great evening.

Hope you get to rest tonight and get some crochet time in. I hope your knee feels better soon. :hug Happy Birthday too Nick!

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Thank you so much teakaycee for this BEAUTIFUL square!! My entire family was fascinated by it.

My husband said you should be my crochet guru LOL

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Thank you so much teakaycee for this BEAUTIFUL square!! My entire family was fascinated by it.

My husband said you should be my crochet guru LOL



aww.. shucks... thanks for the compliment!:blush

I'm glad the square made it and you like it! :hook



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