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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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I know I said I had 5 squares to go out on Wed. But the more I look at these pictures and compare my squares to the ones that I have received, I'm embarrassed to send mine out. Mine are so plain and boring. I guess I'll frog them and start over. Hang in there ladies, squares are a comin.

Please don't frog! I agree 100% with the others! All squares are beautiful. They come from the heart and that's what counts the most. We need the plain and the fancy ones. That's what makes our ghans so special. :hug

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I know I said I had 5 squares to go out on Wed. But the more I look at these pictures and compare my squares to the ones that I have received, I'm embarrassed to send mine out. Mine are so plain and boring. I guess I'll frog them and start over. Hang in there ladies, squares are a comin.


DON'T YOU DARE FROG THEM! We love all squares equally! :hug


Hi Lilly! I too am wondering how I can join this CAL. I also have a package for you Lilly. I will prob send out tomorrow



Send me your real name/address and e-mail along with what size/type/color squares you are looking for! Welcome aboard! :cheer


I think you just send TurtleLvr (Sue) your name and address, and what color/size squares you would want. Then she adds your name/info to the first post so everyone knows what to make you. :) I put my info in my signature line, too. But that's just me. :P


Welcome to the CAL Lillibet and Penny! :hug


Yeah, what Tina said. :lol


Lilibet finished her friendshipghan and hasn't visited us in awhile. :(



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DON'T YOU DARE FROG THEM! We love all squares equally! :hug




Send me your real name/address and e-mail along with what size/type/color squares you are looking for! Welcome aboard! :cheer




Yeah, what Tina said. :lol


Lilibet finished her friendshipghan and hasn't visited us in awhile. :(





oops sorry for making it confusing, I didn't realize lillibet finished hers.

I senT you a private message & added to my siggy


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Hi all, happy hot day, again! Hope everyone is staying half way cool, and keeping hydrated! I have been busy reorganizing a few things, and out with the old, in with the new, moved a old dresser that holds my stash of fancy fur, and specialty yarns in it, and moved in a new one, with more space! Im working on 10 and 12 inchers, for the time being, they are portable, and don't add much heat to my lap, like some of the bigger things I still have to finish! lol Well ladies, and correct me if Im wrong, but I don't see any men in this cal, hummm. anyways, keep cool, and keep on hookin'!!

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I know I said I had 5 squares to go out on Wed. But the more I look at these pictures and compare my squares to the ones that I have received, I'm embarrassed to send mine out. Mine are so plain and boring. I guess I'll frog them and start over. Hang in there ladies, squares are a comin.


Nooooo!!!!! Don't frog them! All squares are loved here. They are for friendshipghans, not fancyghans. As long as you put love into the stitches, your squares are perfect.

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I know I said I had 5 squares to go out on Wed. But the more I look at these pictures and compare my squares to the ones that I have received, I'm embarrassed to send mine out. Mine are so plain and boring. I guess I'll frog them and start over. Hang in there ladies, squares are a comin.


:eek OK! OK! I won't frog them. But in the future my squares are going to be a little fancier. :manyheart

whew.....thank you, it's good to know we saved a few sqaures today! I feel fulfilled and happy now! ANd your sqaures will live in our ghans, yay!! :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:clap:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer

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I know I said I had 5 squares to go out on Wed. But the more I look at these pictures and compare my squares to the ones that I have received, I'm embarrassed to send mine out. Mine are so plain and boring. I guess I'll frog them and start over. STOP.... step away from the squares and no one will get hurt! Do NOT frog those squares!!!! Hang in there ladies, squares are a comin.


:eek OK! OK! I won't frog them. :whew....... so glad you listened!!! But in the future my squares are going to be a little fancier. :manyheart








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:hi Hey, everybody!! ( I know-I sound like Mickey Mouse! too much watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with my grandson! :lol)

:welcome p.s.warrington!!! You will :manyheart it here!!

No, I did not get through with housework!! Who ever does?!? But I did ride with DH to the Dr.'s appointment this morning and got 2 squares made!! :cheerI'm coming out of my slump!!! I have been catching up on reading some of the forums here, and , well....Darned!! :oops Too late to join the purse tote CAL!! But it does feel so good to be back!! At least the rain has stopped here for a bit. The humidity is still so high and it's only been 95 every day, but feels 105!! GOT to get that pool cleaned today!!! :angry

Shelscat-- so glad you're not gonna frog those squares!!:rofl Don't remember who said it : but I'm going to have to remember that line. I like it!! ALL SQUARES ARE GOOD SQUARES!!!!

Well, hope everyone has a wonderful :crocheting day. I am looking forward to finishing some more work and possibly doing another square or 2 tonite. Then, I think I want to make me a purse!! :D

:hug to all!!!

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:yayGOOD NEWS!!! I only have a hole in my heart!!! It's not the biggest or the smallest she's seen and have to get it fixed within the next few months but oh so much better then what was originally thought!!! I'm soo happy!!!
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Sue- did you remember to mark me down on the list as having enough squares? I could also use an updated list and then I'm going to try "the system" :lol


(guess I'm lucky cause I wanted 12 inchers and they seem to be the least favorite squares to make:lol)


My favorite to make are 8 then 12, I don't like 6, guess I'm strange.

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I'm glad you like them! I saw an afghan of those squares in a pic online so I decided to try to figure out how to make one. Your color choices were perfect for the pattern so I just HAD to make you two :P. The hardest part was carrying the yarn over behind the work. I kept forgetting to so I would have to redo those half rounds.




I'm so glad you love it! I bought a skein of RHSS Earth and Sky and just HAD to make something with it. I riffled through my pattern books and found that square and knew it was perfect. I picked you because I hadn't noticed you over here since I joined and I thought you could use a little love :manyheart



Thank you, you are very sweet. I just have so busy at work that by the time I get home, I'm beat and just too tired to play very much on the computer. Then I went into a crochet slump but it's picking up again and I've been making squares so thank you for caring.

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I know I said I had 5 squares to go out on Wed. But the more I look at these pictures and compare my squares to the ones that I have received, I'm embarrassed to send mine out. Mine are so plain and boring. I guess I'll frog them and start over. Hang in there ladies, squares are a comin.



You squares will be just fine, so send them. I have received plain ones, fancy ones, all types and every one of them is special to me because someone made it just for me.

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:yayGOOD NEWS!!! I only have a hole in my heart!!! It's not the biggest or the smallest she's seen and have to get it fixed within the next few months but oh so much better then what was originally thought!!! I'm soo happy!!!

It's so wonderful to get good news from the drs! I'm very happy for you! :hug

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I am so HOT! The heat index is 115 deg right now. We had another power outage today at midday (while I was mopping!) and the a/c unit breaker popped, unbeknownst to us. DH just reset the breaker but it is now 80 deg in our house. I'm jealous of the baby; she is in nothing but a diaper!


It is too hot to do much house work so I guess I will whip out a square :hook

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:yayGOOD NEWS!!! I only have a hole in my heart!!! It's not the biggest or the smallest she's seen and have to get it fixed within the next few months but oh so much better then what was originally thought!!! I'm soo happy!!!


That is wonderful news!!! :cheer:hug


My favorite to make are 8 then 12, I don't like 6, guess I'm strange.


Yes, you are strange...what was the question?? :lol Tell Nick to watch the mail, sent him a little something today I thought he might like. :)



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:clap :clap :hug :hug :hug Congratulations. They can do amazing things nowadays (non-invasive, even). :manyheart


:yayGOOD NEWS!!! I only have a hole in my heart!!! It's not the biggest or the smallest she's seen and have to get it fixed within the next few months but oh so much better then what was originally thought!!! I'm soo happy!!!
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Sheesh! That sounds like the (normal) weather, here. Except we don't have the humidity you probably have there. Last summer it was like that (temperature wise), here; and our air went out, too. (AC guys came out at least six times and it still doesn't work right... :blush) This summer is way below normal for the heat here. It's in the triple digits, but not 117 or 112... Today it's 103. (I can handle that.) Hope your ac starts working good again...


I am so HOT! The heat index is 115 deg right now. We had another power outage today at midday (while I was mopping!) and the a/c unit breaker popped, unbeknownst to us. DH just reset the breaker but it is now 80 deg in our house. I'm jealous of the baby; she is in nothing but a diaper!


It is too hot to do much house work so I guess I will whip out a square :hook

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That wasn't what I was confused about. (Or were you asking?) Usually each person decides for themselves. And when they got enough, they post here. Then Sue will update it by your name on the first post. HTH. :)


Approximately how many squares do we need for a friendshipghan?


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Im so happy for you




:yayGOOD NEWS!!! I only have a hole in my heart!!! It's not the biggest or the smallest she's seen and have to get it fixed within the next few months but oh so much better then what was originally thought!!! I'm soo happy!!!
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