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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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I'm so behind, but Merry Christmas, happy birthday Pat, and Happy New Year's!!!!!


Man, I swear something about this year has been extra crazy. We just got home from our vacation to MI. My youngest and I both got sick with some nasty stomach bug. SO glad that we're all back to feeling well again - I had to hold off on making/sending anything out because I have a huge fear of getting others sick LOL


I hope you're all doing well!!

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Happy New Year!!


We're busy at work. We got in 8 green sea turtles in the last 4 days. So our population went from 3 to 11. I had to work this morning and glad we were there since the latest one came in this morning. Sad little critter. Glucose was so low it wouldn't register. :( If we keep getting them in at this rate it will be bye bye to my days off.


I do promise to get back to making squares this coming week though. :) I hope by mid Feb to have everyone on the list done! :cheer



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Happy New Year!!


We're busy at work. We got in 8 green sea turtles in the last 4 days. So our population went from 3 to 11. I had to work this morning and glad we were there since the latest one came in this morning. Sad little critter. Glucose was so low it wouldn't register. :( If we keep getting them in at this rate it will be bye bye to my days off.


I do promise to get back to making squares this coming week though. :) I hope by mid Feb to have everyone on the list done! :cheer




Awe poor little guy/girl. At least the turtles of the world have you on their side Sue :D!

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:bday Evelyn!! :hug


Awe poor little guy/girl. At least the turtles of the world have you on their side Sue :D!


They don't only have me, but the rest of our team! :) These people will bust a gut to save them. :turtle



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Well it's good to know that there are still people willing to fight for animals. It makes me happy to know that :). I hope everyone is doing well today and I can't wait until James and I start our jobs and get a place of our own so that I can start sending squares again :D.

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Well it's good to know that there are still people willing to fight for animals. It makes me happy to know that :). I hope everyone is doing well today and I can't wait until James and I start our jobs and get a place of our own so that I can start sending squares again :D.


Both of you got jobs??? :cheer



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Both of you got jobs??? :cheer




Yes although I don't know how well that will work out since my mom needs 24 hour care? However even if I can't take this job due to the 24 hour care she needs I am going to take a CNA course so that I can get paid to take care of her. Not that I want money compensation to take care of my mom but the extra money would help and then I could still keep her out of assisted living.

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Yes although I don't know how well that will work out since my mom needs 24 hour care? However even if I can't take this job due to the 24 hour care she needs I am going to take a CNA course so that I can get paid to take care of her. Not that I want money compensation to take care of my mom but the extra money would help and then I could still keep her out of assisted living.


That would be great if you could keep her home and get paid so you wouldn't have to worry about another job! I hope it works out for all of you!



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Afternoon all..................

how is everyone?

Kids are back to school today... Hubby is off to a client ... so I'm home getting some chores done... readinig email... OMY lots of email........ and catching up here... my blog and on my crocheting.

I hope all is well with everyone else. Hows the friendship square swapping going?

who is all still in need of squares?






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:hug Thank you, Brenda (bgs), for the 2 friendship squares...they are lovely and the colors will fit in nicely with my other squares. Also, thank you for taking the time to tag them with the names of the colors for this color challenged crocheter. :lol Also posted in RAOK thank you thread.



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Afternoon all..................

how is everyone?

Kids are back to school today... Hubby is off to a client ... so I'm home getting some chores done... readinig email... OMY lots of email........ and catching up here... my blog and on my crocheting.

I hope all is well with everyone else. Hows the friendship square swapping going?

who is all still in need of squares?







It's good to see you back!


:hug Thank you, Brenda (bgs), for the 2 friendship squares...they are lovely and the colors will fit in nicely with my other squares. Also, thank you for taking the time to tag them with the names of the colors for this color challenged crocheter. :lol Also posted in RAOK thank you thread.


You're welcome!

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Happy Belated Birthday Evelyn.


Things are crazy at work since it's end of year for us and we have books to close and inventory to do.


We almost have all the decorations put away. Still have the tree up. It's just been such a strange holiday this year. Hope everything will be cleaned up by this weekend but now I may have to work Saturday so...............


Sweetpossibilities, I hope things work out for you as planned.


Happy New Year everyone.


Sue, I need a new list, I see a couple of people I haven't done squares for.

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Sue, I need a new list, I see a couple of people I haven't done squares for.


Darah is updating the list with more MIAs. :( I'll get it out to you ASAP.



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Hi everyone ! Hope the new year is going well for you all.


I am thinking about getting an ereader soon. :) I found one I really want. Hopefully I can get it in the beginning of Feb. Its only $89 at Sears. Its a XO Vision Ematic. I cant wait to get it :D Another plus, I can put all my music and other files on it, So no needing to take my computer with me just to have my PDF crocheting files. YAY :cheer (its supposed to be my birthday gift from my mom, Im gonna try to get it early hehehe)

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Hello LADIES!!! I'm so sorry I haven't been on crochetville much at all lately. But I do miss all of you and I miss reading the forum everyday. I've been stuck in a bit of a rut lately, and just down in the dumps a lot. Hopefully this year brings better things. I hope you all had wonderfull holidays and a happy new year and look forward to seeing a lot more of the ville than I have been! :hugs

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