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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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Just wanted to update you a little on my patriotic comfortghans. Things were a little crazy with school ending and working around the clock on a rush work project. I'm still plugging away on these. I've learned the hard way to edge them as I receive them next time. I have 54 squares in total to edge and sew together. My cousin will be home for 2 weeks on leave from Afghanistan the end of Nov beginning of Dec - so i want to have them all done by then. The little girl's is totally done and the baby's is almost done. I can't thank you enough for your generosity!!


This is the one that is finished. I used the 3 squares April sent me and I made the 6 pink ones for the little girl. I thought it would be a cool patriotic but still very girlie blanket. What do you think? it's my first one.


Very pretty!!



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Just so everyone knows, I'm not going to collect That Turtle Squares anymore. I can't even get the first afghan finished, let alone a second. I'm going to make a pillow out of the ones I've gotten so far and a pillow and blanket for Annie with the last 3. I actually feel guilty getting squares when so many people are still waiting to get some. Let's finish everyone else's first before I get greedy and make a second! :)



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I think I only need 2 more - hopefully gold or both colors. I think I'm good on solid burgundy I think.


Tam thank you - either color is fine (or both). :)


you guys are the best. I'm going to edge these suckers as they arrive!

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oh i love them too...as long i don't have to drive through them...Morgan hats rain and storms...she hides!

If I'm home I'm good lol. I'm loving it. Got the windows open wind blowing in. It just smells fresh and nice lol I'm crazy I know I am.


love storms. one just went through where I live and :angry knocked out my satellite dish while i was watching tv. not happy about that. but the storm is over and tv is back on...


:eek oh no not the tv... lol

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So I'm super excited because it's a severe weather alert here!! & that's my kind of weather I love storms =-] Does anybody else like storms like me or am I just weird?


Well, you are just weird, but that nothing to do with the storms! :sofunny


I love storms too...as long as they don't have names (hurricanes)! :eek



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Well, you are just weird, but that nothing to do with the storms! :sofunny


I love storms too...as long as they don't have names (hurricanes)! :eek




Well...like Sue I like storms too, except for the named ones and tornadoes!! :eek

I got to mail out 4 stuffies today, so hopefully they will all make their destination.

Alesha, I can make you a gold square. :hug

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Hello Ladies,

Sorry I've been MIA for a while now, a lot's been going on here. I wanted to stop in and say than you to Brenda and Pat54 for the beautiful squares that you sent :). I'll be posting pics of them soon. It was especially nice to get them during a time that's been particularly difficult for me. Thank you again! :)

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Oh Hieeh x3melissa3705, I bet I know you or something lol. That is if you live in OH and often crochet with my dear sister :P. Otherwise, I'm crazy and don't mind me lol



:hug I hope your doing well!! I can't wait for your visit!! I'm so excited! & yea she's comming over this weekend... well she better... :devil so we can :crocheting

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No comment. :P


hush you!!


Well...like Sue I like storms too, except for the named ones and tornadoes!! :eek

I got to mail out 4 stuffies today, so hopefully they will all make their destination.

Alesha, I can make you a gold square. :hug


Oh thank you SO SO much!!

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Well, you are just weird, but that nothing to do with the storms! :sofunny


I love storms too...as long as they don't have names (hurricanes)! :eek





lol the only tornados I've ever seen are from a distance and never reach lol Never been through a hurricane. We've had them after they've hit like the crazy rain and insane wind. l wouldn't mind experiencing that... a mild one anyways... I know I'm nuts :D:devil:yes

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Just wanted to update you a little on my patriotic comfortghans. Things were a little crazy with school ending and working around the clock on a rush work project. I'm still plugging away on these. I've learned the hard way to edge them as I receive them next time. I have 54 squares in total to edge and sew together. My cousin will be home for 2 weeks on leave from Afghanistan the end of Nov beginning of Dec - so i want to have them all done by then. The little girl's is totally done and the baby's is almost done. I can't thank you enough for your generosity!!


This is the one that is finished. I used the 3 squares April sent me and I made the 6 pink ones for the little girl. I thought it would be a cool patriotic but still very girlie blanket. What do you think? it's my first one.


I think you did a great job! :yay

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I think I only need 2 more - hopefully gold or both colors. I think I'm good on solid burgundy I think.


Oh...ignore my pm then :lol


So I'm super excited because it's a severe weather alert here!! & that's my kind of weather I love storms =-] Does anybody else like storms like me or am I just weird?


I love a good thunderstorm...I turn off the t.v., open the winows and just listen to it come down...

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I was looking on Ravelry last night. (No school today, yay!!) I don't know if anyone has mentioned these amis, yet: Birds of a Feather, there is a "Simply a Gnome" ami in the sidebar of this blog. (It's a PDF file), Amigurumi Tea Cup Pincushion (Lionbrand yarn site), and this one I love: Stashbucks Cup And, I don't know if anyone would want to make my Ami Love Bug. The "legs" are the dc "worms" you make bookmarks with.. Just a couple more ideas.. :hook


:think Ok as long as it could be legless than Im in
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