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Dishcloths of 2010 CAL.....


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I use my dishcloths all the time, although I rarely use them to do dishes. I use a brush or the dishwasher for that. I use them as facecloths and for cleaning.


I've never done a round robin but it sounds like fun.

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:sun............ Good Morning all..............

hey... if you all want to do a round robin... I can certainly start a round robin. just let me know. Or Nicole... if you want to start it.... thats fine too!!!








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I'm okay with whomever wants to lead the game. Like, Jennifer, I had it in my head that each person would take a turn so we don't burn anyone out.


One idea I had was for the winner of the previous game to lead the next one.

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So, I have an idea about your next game. No hard feelings if no one is interested, but I've always wanted to do a Round Robin! :D


In case some members don't know what that is, here's a quick breakdown of how it works -


Someone makes a package with a certain number of items.

That same person mails it to the first person on the list.

Once that person receives, she can remove the items she likes as long as she replaces those items with new items (thus keeping the package the same size).

Then, she sends it on to the next person to repeat the step above.


I would like to do it with dishcloth related items (dishcloths, cotton, hooks, etc).



I love the idea! I have never done a Round Robin either but it sounds wonderful. You can take the items you really like and need then just replace it with more fun stuff. Can't wait -- Count me in! :yes

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So, I have an idea about your next game. No hard feelings if no one is interested, but I've always wanted to do a Round Robin! :D


In case some members don't know what that is, here's a quick breakdown of how it works -


Someone makes a package with a certain number of items.

That same person mails it to the first person on the list.

Once that person receives, she can remvoe the items she likes as long as she replaces those items with new items (thus keeping the package the same size).

Then, she sends it on to the next person to repeat the step above.


I would like to do it with dishcloth related items (dishcloths, cotton, hooks, etc).


Sounds like fun! I'm in! :cheer


I was so excited I forgot my turtle and heart! :lol



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I was trying to remember who asked about the star dishcloth (about it coming out like a hexagon). I forgot that when I do the first sc round (round 5) instead of skipping 2 stitches I do a scdec in them. I think it helps to shape them better.



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:cheer I'm glad you all seem to like the idea of a Round Robin. :D Once the dishcloth winner reveals herself, we can decide who wants to play and when to start. I'll be happy to put the initial package together.
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I just wanted to share some experiences I had in a round robin, not saying that it will happen in this one.. but just so everyone knows they don't always go great haha


I was in a round robin once and never did another after that. It started off so much fun and slowly got not fun, until the very end when someone did a runner with the box :( This was back on a miniature's list, for dollhouses..


We started off great with just a few rules. Whatever you took out, replace with equal amount and quality. Some people added extra but it was never required. So taking out the set of nice paints that had brushes in the kit and replacing it with one single embroidery needle stuck in a bit of cardstock was kind of not in the spirit of the game.


Also, good communication is necessary.. it was great at first because everyone did talk. When it arrived, what number of items were swapped in/out, what items you got, even posting photos of your new prizes was fun too. When it was sent out was important to tell too.


The other thing that helped was using delivery confirmation. It costs postage to mail this box around, so we all felt that the little bit extra for confirmation was well worth it. Anyone who signed up to play all agreed to these rules we had going on. DC# was mandatory for that round robin.


Then it went downhill. Someone complained that they didn't want to pay the extra postage, so we didn't know when the box was sent. They claimed it was mailed, we couldn't prove it. A month later it arrives, but at the wrong person on the list, thereby messing up the rotation and confusing everyone.. postmarked for just two days prior. Box was all there, but still put a damper on the fun because she felt the need to lie to us all about several things.


Then someone swapped higher end items out for kind of wee small trinkets, resulting in the next few people having nothing worth taking out really but feeling obligated to take something cruddy and put something nice in to make it better for the next person in line.


One person held the box for two months at the very start.. I think she was maybe the 3rd person in line, claiming they were just too busy to play. They were early on in the list too, so they knew they'd get the box right away but still tied us up. We ended up starting a second box and leaving her out of it because she had the box and admitted it but refused to mail it until she got unbusy. She got mad, pitched a tantrum quite nastily on the list and I figure that's why she held the box so long. Just to punish us.


Another person took stuff but didn't add in, so that wasn't much fun either. They took about half the box of stuff, all the good items that were finally built back up, leaving little things no one really wanted to take out.


Then the game ended abruptly when a long time member who we all really liked decided to pull a runner with the box. We knew she had it, we asked if she got it. She said no, but delivery confirm said yes. She finally admits she did get it. Said she mailed it, refused to post a DC#, finally admits she's keeping it. Leaves the group all the while laughing snarkily in our faces for stealing from us. Very sad. Kind of ruined it.


The second box we had going had same rules, someone "mailed" it, flat out refused to post the DC# to us all involved privately.. and within 3 days she too left the group. Sad. I think she did that only because she saw the first girl did it so easily.


I'm not saying any of that will happen here, nono!! I'm just sharing my experience so that we can all be prepared for some of the things that could go wrong. All of that went wrong in my one and only round robin I was in, so maybe I've used up all my bad experiences and am only left with the good experiences to have haha


Round robin-ing dishcloths and dishcloth supplies sounds fun :) I think I might join.. but I'm not sure yet :)

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Round robin?! I'm in!!!


Meowy...sorry about your experience with the miniatures...I have never been in a round robin before, but based on my experience with the other ladies here in this CAL, and Crochetville in general, I don't see that happening here, so I hope you join in!


I was trying to remember who asked about the star dishcloth (about it coming out like a hexagon). I forgot that when I do the first sc round (round 5) instead of skipping 2 stitches I do a scdec in them. I think it helps to shape them better


Nice tip - I've been wanting to make one of those...they are so pretty!

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Meowy, I didn't post a reply to the round robin suggestion for 2 reasons: the postage involved, as well as a bad experience I had with some people on CV. It involved a project we were all supposed to do a little work on, then forward the piece on to the next person. THAT project disappeared.:(


So, even though I won't participate in it, I'm confident that this is such a great group of ladies here on this thread that you'll be able to do it well, and most imprtantly, have fun with it.:hug

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We could do it online then. The person running it sets up an email sort of thing that will hold pictures of what is being offered. The person recieving will get to choose what they want, and then give a picture of what they are offering, so on and so forth. When your picture has been chosen, then you send it to the recieving person. That way things aren't getting lost. Yes, there is still a chance that someone doesn't follow the rules, but maybe that will cut back on hurt feelings, ya know?


For those that don't like the round robin idea, thank you for speaking up. I hadn't thought of some of the issues that may happen.

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Hummm, I hadn't thought about there being problems and rules broken. We would need to be careful to have a good understanding and good communications to keep the round robin running smoothly and fairly. Maybe just keep it at dishcloths only or maybe dishcloths and cotton yarn balls like sugar and cream.

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I can vouch for Nicole, Heather, Glenda and Tammy (I'm just mentioning them since they said they like the round robin idea). We send eachother stuff ALL the time. I know they would vouch for me! Plus I know where they all live! :rofl



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I can vouch for Nicole, Heather, Glenda and Tammy (I'm just mentioning them since they said they like the round robin idea). We send eachother stuff ALL the time. I know they would vouch for me! Plus I know where they all live! :rofl




:rofl She's right...we can all vouch for each other...besides Sue could google me & hunt me down :drive - I'm really not that far away, and she's ornery enough that I wouldn't put it past her! :rofl

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Evening all............

Been one busy day!

started off with hubby taking me to get a manicure! oh how nice.

then off to my chiropractor to get my neck adjusted... and pick up my brace..... then over to get Patrick his sports physical........ down to the post office to mail off 12 packages. :whew.......... then on to late lunch at my daddy's favorite keno parlor where he went every Thursdays with his favorite group of buddies. We went there to celebrate my daddy's birthday today! I miss him so much I cant stand it! We played a few games of keno for him... and we won just enough to pay for lunch and the games we played. The whole lunch outting was free! We won on my daddy's numbers. It was just so perfect to know he was there.

Then home to have a piece of birthday cake to end our celebration.

We're going to go to the cemetary tomorrow to take him balloons!

I love everyones thoughts on games!!! A Round Robin would be fine with me! I have been fortunate enough to not run into any problems with the Round Robins I have been in before! One of the requirements is that a DC# is on it every time its mailed out! I am so sorry to hear of others having such problems! That just breaks my heart that people can be that way!

My thought for a game (so to say) was a game of Charity!

We could all pitch in people or places that we would love to send a box of cloths to .... pick one at a time.... they could be all sent to the person who's person or place is close to them... box them up and given.


lets say my charity was picked.... (like the assisted living in one of our local towns.) who ever wanted to play would send a cloth or two to me........ I would box them all up and deliver them to the residence. Or lets say it was someones grandma that would get the biggest kick out of having a box load of cloths... we could do that too... send to the person...they could box them up.. and give them to mom or grandma.

there are so many fun things we could do.

I have a fun BINGO game idea we could play too.


okay... off for more coffee... and finish up a candy wrapper order.. then crochet till bed time! :hook



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:rofl She's right...we can all vouch for each other...besides Sue could google me & hunt me down :drive - I'm really not that far away, and she's ornery enough that I wouldn't put it past her! :rofl


Who says I haven't already??? :devil:rofl



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