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That crazy hook!

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I was working on a hat last night, sitting on my bed. I was wearing a robe, and all of a sudden, I started having a hot flash. So I put down my crochet, and took off the robe. Normal things. I picked up my crochet again and the hook was gone. I have no idea where this thing is. It's driving me nuts. I've looked through the blankets, on the floor, etc. I think it just got up and walked away!


And I only have one of this size, so I have to find it so I can continue.


Goofiest thing ever!


Have you lost a hook in a weird way?



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Gone in a flash, eh Linda? LOL Been there! It seems like hooks have some kind of warped sense of humor, if you ask me. Even when I tuck my hook behind my ear I lose track of it, though, but then I often find my lost glasses atop my head, so it's all par for the course with me. :lol


The other day, while finishing up a pair of slippers, I dropped my darning needle. After checking my lap, blindly searching down each side of my recliner, standing up and checking the seat and the floor in front of me, and even going as far as wrestling the overstuffed monster from it's spot to check underneath, I ended up finding my needle...down inside the slipper!....Have you checked the pocket of your robe?!


Good luck in your search, kiddo!

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There's a black hole right beside my computer desk. It's swallowed two hooks just this year. I have some files next to the desk, but I've looked absolutely everywhere - and no hooks. I set down my crochet, hear a ping, and the hook is gone without a trace.

I'm not sure how many hooks I've lost to the thing, but I know two have gone missing since January 1st.

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The recliner section of my couch likes to eat hooks too.


Also lost a hook while on a trip, but didn't realize it until we got home. It's maddening because I don't know if it's somewhere in my car or if some giant bug in Florida has it.

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I used to be in a youth group a few years ago.

In our meeting room, there was an old couch that could have won every ugly couch contest it was ever entered in.

I lost a size K hook and ONE of my size 6 knitting needles down that thing!

What's worse is that it ate one of my mother's crochetknit hooks!!!

When the diocese sold our house (it used to be the convent when my town had lots of nuns) the couch was donated to Salvation Army and none of the stuff fell out when it was moved. It was the strangest thing in the world!

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I lost one in a hospital waiting room. We heard it ping when it hit the floor and I started looking. We were all down on our hands and knees looking for it. We just couldn't believe that it disappeared. Fortunately I had another one of the same size and could keep on crocheting.

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It was on the floor, under the drapes, way over by the wall. I just happened to pick up the drape bottom and there it was, laughing at me!:lol


Just don't trust those hooks to be where they say they will be.



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Glad to hear you found it! I lose hooks constantly. Thankfully, over the years I have amassed a collection of aluminum hooks in all sizes from C to N that literally weighs 5 pounds, and I have them all separated out into little zippy bags according to size. So when one goes missing, I just get another one in that size. USUALLY within a day or two I find the missing one, but sometimes they go missing for months before they turn up in the strangest places!


I tend to fall asleep crocheting, and when that happens, sometimes I end up dropping the hook. My couch is made from an uncomfortable material to sleep on (I LOVE sleeping on the couch!) so I have it covered with two (matching) king-sized bedspreads in a soft cotton to make it comfy. Then I have my pillows, four of them, that I put behind me and under my knees when I sit long-wise on the couch, and my comforter and two afghans that I use as covers when I nap or cuddle up in to watch television. So when a hook is dropped, there is no end to the places on the couch where it could hide! I have never permanently lost a hook, though, which is good, because I could never give up my blankets and pillows just to save hooks! And the Jimbo hooks get put in the boxes they came in when I stop using them, even if it's only to use the bathroom. I don't take any chances with my Jimbo hooks!

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I had a job where I worked 1 PM - 7 PM, sometimes I'd :crocheting before work. I got home one night and could not find my hook anywhere :think. The next day, I went to get breakfast and there it was in the refrigerator :eek! It must have wanted to do lunch with me :lol.

Ellie 13

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I had a job where I worked 1 PM - 7 PM, sometimes I'd :crocheting before work. I got home one night and could not find my hook anywhere :think. The next day, I went to get breakfast and there it was in the refrigerator :eek! It must have wanted to do lunch with me :lol.

Ellie 13



I swear they sprout legs and walk to weird places. I'm just lucky it wasn't on the floor where my dh could step on it. He's not particularly fond of crochet implements on the floor. (Or any place else)



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And then you buy a new hook, and forget all about it.

Then you have that big spring cleaning.....


I've found hooks, beads and other stuff behind cupboards, among the springs under the bed and even behind the stove. :lol

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And then you buy a new hook, and forget all about it.

Then you have that big spring cleaning.....


I've found hooks, beads and other stuff behind cupboards, among the springs under the bed and even behind the stove. :lol



It's just amazing what those little things can do!



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