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crochet/yarn fairy???

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I am looking high and low, searching....for what you ask, a crochet/yarn fairy..... I want to believe she exists somewhere, do you think if I leave some of my stash out it will draw her attention.... I really need the crochet fairy to come an weave in the ends on this round ripple, I just don't want to do it myself. :devil:devil


hmmm, putting a tooth under the pillow works for the tooth fairy, maybe I should try putting the rr there.:D


With my luck, she is probably in the middle of a huge scrap granny somewhere, and I will have to do it myslf.

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:lol :lol :lol

When your "crochet/yarn" fairy gets done weaving the ends to your RR, send her over my way. I have 2 RR that I crocheted around 2 yrs. ago, that still have their tails!! :blush :blush

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It just occurred to me that I may be looking in vain. The tooth fairy doesn't exactly do the work of getting the tooth out of your mouth, so maybe the yarn/crochet fairy won't work those ends for me either."


No I am not gonna doubt, she will come if I just have a little faith!:devil

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:lol :lol :lol

When your "crochet/yarn" fairy gets done weaving the ends to your RR, send her over my way. I have 2 RR that I crocheted around 2 yrs. ago, that still have their tails!! :blush :blush


This I totally understand....I have a few wips that should have been finished long ago. I think she is just busy with everyone else, that plus I didn't put it under the pillow, just in walmart bags in the closet. She just didn't know I needed help, lol.

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The russian join looks interesting, I may give that a try in the future. Join as you go is something I have yet to master, or even totally understand. I will try it in the future. I have only made three afghan where I had to join squares and two of those were baby ghans so not nearly as many ends to weave in. I usually weave as I go along, but got lazy this time, which is not a problem when using a lot of one color, but I changed color every 5 rows. Still not an excessive amount of ends, I just don't like weaving them in.:blush

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I always thought the yarn fairy was the one who made the random skeins of yarn show up on my bed:think, or who sat on DBF's shoulder and pointed out the yarn he should get me:lol. It worked when he got me the most amazing colour purple yarn I've ever seen:manyheart.

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The Russian Join is amazing. I just keep forgetting about it.


Hey - if she ever shows up - make sure you catch her with a butterfly net and send her over my way.


I'll keep a net with me just in case, lol:)

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I'm a weave as you go kinda person. However, I still don't like it. I'm making an afghan for my sister with 176 4" squares that get sewn together. With two colors. Just with those squares, that's 704 ends. That's not including sewing each square into a row and then sewing the rows together. haha. Self induced torture.

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the missing fairy is why i will not make anyone a blanket out of squares...i am not fond of weaving in ends...my new solution...Russian join and weave as you go. it was a huge help while i am making DD's round ripple

wow i have never seed this before i love it thank you for sharing it with us another the method i use is whenever possible hiding the tails from the previous color when starting the new color or row it helps alot and then theres alot less ends to weave in

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I cheat when I have ends. I'll leave a long (7" at least) tail and crochet over half of it and leave it for later. Then when I know I won't be frogging or at the end of the piece - I'll go back and weave it thru the opposite way.

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I can't imagine anyone actually enjoying the weaving in of ends. I made one afghan and one shawl where I left the weaving until the end. NEVER AGAIN!!:eek I did finish the afghan, but still never finished the shawl. Now I weave at intervals during the project. That works out so much better for me and then when you're done with the crocheting you're really done.

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