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Thanks Jude and Shay

I think it'll make things easier for everyone ,that way we'll remember it easier that it is the goal day, so if you have something you want to show ,then to try to have it ready by then .

Easier for me and everyone else !

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Hi! Hope everyone had a good weekend. It was gorgeous here so we worked out both days. so nice after the cold winter without hardly any nice weekends. I finished 6.5 squares this weekend, I felt like I was kicking butt! Most of the ones I had to adjust a tad, I just couldn't get them small enough, I never realized how much bigger I must crochet then other people! H was the smallest hook I used, I must say they looked pretty good. I have to see when my daughter comes over if she can take a picture of them so you can see them. I think I am addicted to these two books so it won't be a hardship to finish the project, you know how some projects seem to go on forever! I am using the tighter squares as I go, no rhyme or reason, just what I can get a pattern in a square my size. I am so glad you started this project! thanks for the motivation! di

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Arkie, you sound like you're doing great!! Looking forward to pics, too.:cheer

The size isn't important...as long as all the squares are close in size so you don't have a problem joining them, that's the only thing that's important.:hook

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Hello everyone!! I have not fallen off the face of the earth, although somedays I wish I had. :lol I FINALLY bought my yarn and ordered my book today. :cheer :cheer So, in 7-10 days I will be able to join you all. :clap I bought a clover bamboo hook too and hope it is worth the 5 bucks. I only like boye hooks, but boye does not make wooden hooks. Anywhoo, enough rambling......I cannot wait to join along. :hook


I also bought yarn for a peapod baby cocoon for my brothers baby so maybe i'll start that while I wait. :yes Here's the link if you have no idea what that is. http://www.anniesattic.com/detail.html?prod_id=76228

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Tabby, that is cute pattern.


I worked a couple of extra hours today, so I haven't been home long. I'm tired, so I doubt I will do much crocheting tonight. I will probably read a book for a while and go to bed early. I have to work again tomorrow.

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DI -

Wow, you are doing absolutely fantastic ! Great work to get that many squares done in a weekend -- you are on a roll .


I'm glad your weather is getting better out that way. It must feel so good to be outside again after the long winter. I cannot WAIT !


We still have snow to my kneecaps here .


If you can get your girl to take some pictures we'd love to see them !

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If it aint my old Calamity back from the trail . Glad you got all your equipment ordered and will be ready to get a good start on these when your stuff arrives .


The little peapod is cute . I thought you were going to say YOU were going to have another PEA for your POD .

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The little peapod is cute . I thought you were going to say YOU were going to have another PEA for your POD .



I would not be in here chatting. :no I would have jumped off the highest bridge around. :box



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No, it doesn't and I think they said we got around 16 inches of snow last week. They are driving me crazy!! One of the twins landed on his ankle skateboarding this weekend so today I was stuck at the Dr.'s office and then the hospital for xrays. It was horrible and all just to find out that it is not broken, just twisted and bruised. His pinky toe is still numb though, kids!

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Evening everyone, I received "63 Sampler Stitches to Crochet" book today. It was my intention today to try to finish up my square but I'm having a RA flare up in my hand so I have to wait until the pain and the swelling go down. Instead I will glance through my new book and dream about all the squares I want to make. I hate going through this but I have had RA most of my life. Oh well The Bachelor comes on tonite. Have a great evening and hopefully I'll be back crocheting tomorrow. :hook

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Cheeria, I hope you have a better day tomorrow:hug:hug


It's good seeing you again, Tab...I know how crazy life can get for you.:hug

I have a few bamboo hooks...I LOVE using them.:c9

I just don't use them for cotton.

And that pattern is too cute!:hook


I hope you have a good night, Cindy:hug

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Sorry you had a rough night last night. I hope it eases up some today .


Tab- yep,some days get pretty difficult to get through,but just hang in there and you'll make it . We're all here pulling for you. You are one tough cookie so you can do it .


Morning Chickadee ! How's it going in your world today ? Still cold or warming up any ?

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Hey, Jules...

It got into the 40's yesterday and melted lots of snow...today will be the same...before a snow/slush mix comes tnight.

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Jules, we had so much sun the glare on the snow had me closing the kitchen blinds! I don't do bright sunlight well...I DO however have cat-like night vision:)


Tab, good to see you this morning!


I still haven't done the square again - after frogging it.:P

The Jackson Ghan (my super-sized version) is coming along and I find it hard to stop working on it - even to knot!

Time to take the pups out - CU all later!:hug:manyheart

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Morning everyone. Yipee I am feeling better and will crochet a bit today. Tabitha - I love that peapod baby cacoon. Hmmmm that is a nice idea for my soon to be born grandbaby. I'll give it some thought. I never tried bamboo hooks it must feel light in the hands. The new book I receive has a lot of beautiful squares in it. I can't wait to finish the square I'm crocheting to start on one from that book. Yes, it was beautiful weather yesterday in New Jersey and there is promise for very nice weather this week-end - Come On Spring. This project is continously on my mind and I can't wait to have a bunch of different squares. Have a great day everyone. Talk to you all later. :hug

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Linda invented a quilt-ghan pattern for Cam that is a castle since he loves castles and dragons and things like that, so I am making saltines again . I am making one block of it at a time(16 squares in a block) ,and am now putting block 2 together .


It is gonna be so cool. She also made me a pirate one too. We'll see how long my saltine-making powers hold out after the castle is complete as to whether I tackle that now or later .





Cheeria -- we'll be excited to see some of your squares when you are able to get a good start on them. I'm gonna try to get my 3rd one started today sometime after my castle squares are done for today .

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