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Captain Hook & the Yarn Pirates


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Finished my last square!:cheer Now I just need to figure out how to outline them all in black, sew them together, and put a boarder around the whole thing.


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Whew…………….. Good Morning all………….

Wow have I been busy! 3 boys in sports sure keeps me going!

How is everyone?

I’m still hangin’ on to hope that I will be able to get back to my afghan! LOL

After the “Games” I’ll be able to get back to my squares!

Linda………….. that is just to cute! Looks just like our Captain. LOL



team original design

team flannel’ghan

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Debbie & Tam --


It's ok, we'll be here whenever you can complete them. I know there are other things going on that have deadlines so it's fine if you need to get them done first .


We'll still check in on you all daily,and we may have some new people in from time to time also ,so you will have company .

This really is a pretty quick to whip up project once you concentrate on it ,because there are no hard stitches or anything to do .


Grace, good luck on the edgings-- we are waiting to see your finished item !

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Finished my last square!:cheer Now I just need to figure out how to outline them all in black, sew them together, and put a boarder around the whole thing.


Woo Hoo...you go girl.

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WOW ---


Hope you aren't using a plastic hook, it'll MELT .


Hope you aren't using a wooden one-- it'll catch fire !!!


Are you joining as you go ?


I just wondered how big it was getting if you were ?

I've decided to border the squares in black so I can begin joining them NOW. With the border it won't matter what color is next to it.

And I am using a wooden hook:lol

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Didn't work on squares yesterday...I'm fairly close to being done with the Mayflower babyghan though...


Hope you all have a good day.

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Morning LeAnna

Thanks for stopping in, and continued success on your mayflower. I need to check that out when I get the time ..


I get mind-boggled and forget to do stuff sometimes .. sorry !


No worries Juliekay...no worries...I get forgetful too, which is why my to do list is usually very long and I have post its all over the place...lol

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The sewing together is going...not my favorite way to join squares, and since these don't have a border not the easiest joining I've ever done. Goal is to have it by Friday, since there is a baby shower this weekend for the little one it's intended for.

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well, today might be nice day.. my neighbor who is 74 on thursday had the fire dept over he couldnt move too much pain in his leg so off he went to he hospital then they sent him home.. on friday he fell upstairs and we couldnt get in the house to get him since we both kept forgetting to get keys made so we had to call the fire dept to come get in well they had to break the window to get in. thank god he didnt get hurt.. so he stayed home.. then saturday came and he fell again but this time he couldnt get back up because his legs couldnt support him so this time we had the key!:cheer the ambulance took him to hospital and now he is in rehab getting some therapy.All this pain in his leg because someone stole his favorite chair when they robbed him and his new one pinch some nerve.So I been running to the rehab taking him stuff that he needs and errands like the bank and such.

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Sheila, you're a good neighbor, watching over the guy...and whoever stole his chair...well...we ARE PG rated here, so I can't say what I would like to see done to him!:angry


Didn't work on squares yesterday...I'm fairly close to being done with the Mayflower babyghan though...


Hope you all have a good day.

Looking forward to a picture!!

...and its rainy and dreary here...and the snow is melting, so our yard is becoming a swimming pool:P

The sewing together is going...not my favorite way to join squares, and since these don't have a border not the easiest joining I've ever done. Goal is to have it by Friday, since there is a baby shower this weekend for the little one it's intended for.

Don't forget to take a pic, Kathy!

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Hi Ladies!

Evelyn, I haven't started this one yet, but it is one I want to make so you will find me here to.

I can't seem to kick this sinus/cold yet. I have one day I feel like it is finally going and the next couple feel like crap. I hope it leaves soon. I hate not feeling well and it is rare that I get sick so I'm not very patient with it either.

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Evelyn and Marlene ,

I'm glad you folks will be in here together with Judy & any others who may still be out there. You are all real nice ladies and will get along well and keep each other good company !


Dee- great work ! Got any pictures to share ? Wanna come over to 63 and hang out now ?

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