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Christmas 2010 - 12 months of Crochet Christmas Caroling


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Well, I finished my second sweater. :cheer This one fits better, but I'm still unhappy with the fit. I guess I'll have to frog both and try again. :lol

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Well, I finished my second sweater. :cheer This one fits better, but I'm still unhappy with the fit. I guess I'll have to frog both and try again. :lol


Oh dear :( Well I'm glad to see you're laughing! Any pics of this one? What colour did you use?

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I just looked at May's song- and only 220 days till Christmas!!!:eek So many afghans to make- so little time:lol


I had never heard of this song- so I learned something new today!!!:yes Colleen is right- for us northerners May is a wonderful time of longer days, green lawns, green trees, flowers budding. When I think of Hawaii, I think of beautiful water, tropical breezes, and lush surroundings.


:think Now to think of what I want to make!

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:heehee I think I know what I'm making. It's several levels of separation from the song, but that's what makes it fun!

I'm making my sister's Christmas gift -- a Pittsburgh Steeler's pillow.


The song is about Hawaii. The 2011 NFL Pro Bowl will be in Honolulu, Hawaii. My sister loves football, and is a huge Pittsburgh Steeler's fan, and there are bound to be a couple Steelers at the pro bowl, SO.....


It's perfectly logical, don't you think?:think

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Beth- Your logic is wonderful!!!! Makes such total sense to me!!!! Why didn't I think to relate football to the song?:lol:lol Love how your mind works!!!!


Still haven't figured out what I'm making yet- but hey, it's not even May yet, so I have time!!!:hook

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I'm thinking pineapples on this one. But first I have some catch up to do ;):rud:santa


:devil pineapples for me too- green i think,

it's a mam that i have had as a wim for--- ever :blush

actually have all the yarn in a bag ready to go, it seems that something else always pops up when i try to start it- not this time:hook

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:devil pineapples for me too- green i think,

it's a mam that i have had as a wim for--- ever :blush

actually have all the yarn in a bag ready to go, it seems that something else always pops up when i try to start it- not this time:hook


Sorry if I'm a dunderhead, but what's a mam?

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I'm thinking about a beach bag or beach cover up..something in green to go with the song lyrics:yes



That sounds like a fun project! Can't wait to see it Michelle!


:devil pineapples for me too- green i think,

it's a mam that i have had as a wim for--- ever :blush

actually have all the yarn in a bag ready to go, it seems that something else always pops up when i try to start it- not this time:hook


Ohhh, a MAM with pineapples :drool I can't wait to see that Lynn! Have fun!

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I didn't get to what I wanted to make for April's song project, - end of tax season, relative with medical issues.....but I did finish a couple cardigans for myself so I guess I gifted myself. Anyway, I was going through old patterns that have accumulated on me. Down at the bottom of the pile was the perfect pattern - and I know exactly who I'd make it for. I found a pattern for a can cozy that looks like a hula skirt. We have some friends that are Buffet fans & run a small restaurant with a casual, beach theme menu. Now I just have to get some size 10 green thread. ****, it looks like I'll have to make a special trip to the craft store. :lol

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This is one of my FAVORITE Christmas songs! Especially the Bing Crosby version!:manyheart


Last week I decided that I would make my cousin a baby blanket. Her baby is due this summer. So when I saw this song, I thought it fit perfect, because I picked out some bright, tropical colors. It wasn't until a few days later that I realized that it really IS the perfect project, because my cousin's husband is from Hawaii, and we all went there for their wedding two years ago! Can we say :loser??? Why did that not come to me first?!:rofl:rofl:rofl I'll be making a tropical blankie for a Hawaiian baby!!


I have already started the blanket, attic24's gorgeous ripple pattern! I'm addicted already!:crocheting

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Well, I'm finished May's project, except for the part where I add a pillow form, and due to storage issues (or lack of storage issues) I am not going to do that until the last minute. Here are pics of the top and bottom of my sister's Pittsburgh Steeler's pillow for Christmas!



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