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Wow yarn must be free did I miss that memo?!!

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I have been really busy with trying to get holiday gifts done, and making items for people who paid me for yarn to make stuff for them.


Now I have had people emailing me asking me to make stuff for them, I say I will do that but when I tell them they have to pay me for the materials and allow me the time to get the items done they get upset. I'm sorry but I won't be able to get a blanket done by tommorrow! Some people.

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Ack! That's not good. Something similar happened to me. My friend is pregnant with her fifth daughter. I love making stuff for her girls but you know, I make FIVE things and send them to her at once. She registered for baby gifts at a store and sent me an email with a link to the store and her registery! That really upset me because I bought stuff for her baby and made her stuff. I couldn't believe she did that. My feelings were hurt.

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Sorry to say, but there are people like that!! I used to bake and decorate cakes "centuries" ago!! :lol :lol There was a favorite one that the "towns people" liked(I come from a very small community). It was a 3-dimensional teddy bear cake. It sat upright. I think Wilton still has it. Anyway, mom's would call me the "NIGHT" before and want me to make that cake for them for their child's birthday party the next day. There were other incidences like that, so I finally just quit doing cakes!! When I would tell them sorry, can't do it. They would get upset!! So yes, there are people like that!!

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What?!? You don't use Professor Harold Hill's "Think System" to get your projects done? And yarn doesn't grow on trees in your backyard? Time to visit Plant Kingdom and get some yarn trees going right away. If you hurry, you might have time to get them planted before the first freeze. If you want to play with wool, here's a chance to grow your own pettable wool:

http://www.fiberfarm.com/2009/09/a-mighty-big-giveaway . Ask these people if they're willing to pay for your services with 'sweat equity' if you win this contest. (Aren't these little kids cute?)

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Ack! That's not good. Something similar happened to me. My friend is pregnant with her fifth daughter. I love making stuff for her girls but you know, I make FIVE things and send them to her at once. She registered for baby gifts at a store and sent me an email with a link to the store and her registery! That really upset me because I bought stuff for her baby and made her stuff. I couldn't believe she did that. My feelings were hurt.



I have very mixed feelings about gift registries anyway..particularly for baby stuff. Don't get me started! If this were ravelry, I'd get lots of disagrees with my feelings on this score...:P

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What?!? You don't use Professor Harold Hill's "Think System" to get your projects done? And yarn doesn't grow on trees in your backyard? Time to visit Plant Kingdom and get some yarn trees going right away. If you hurry, you might have time to get them planted before the first freeze. If you want to play with wool, here's a chance to grow your own pettable wool:

http://www.fiberfarm.com/2009/09/a-mighty-big-giveaway . Ask these people if they're willing to pay for your services with 'sweat equity' if you win this contest. (Aren't these little kids cute?)



That made me giggle ! Cute!


When my causin had her baby shower back in may I made a blanket and some pillows for her. She didn't ask for anything, neither did her mother. We just wanted to celebrate the baby boy ( long story short she had a really difficult pregnancy where he almost died) But the point being is that was a gift from me.

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I had the opposite happen once. A friends asked me to make a gift for her to give a family.


No problem, I had plenty of yarn left over from already making the item once. I brought the finished gift and the modest receipt from the craft store.


She gave me more than the money I spent. I tried to refuse but she insisted on paying for my time as well.

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Ack! That's not good. Something similar happened to me. My friend is pregnant with her fifth daughter. I love making stuff for her girls but you know, I make FIVE things and send them to her at once. She registered for baby gifts at a store and sent me an email with a link to the store and her registery! That really upset me because I bought stuff for her baby and made her stuff. I couldn't believe she did that. My feelings were hurt.


Okay, I must be missing something here - why were your feelings hurt? I want to know the registry info ASAP for any baby or wedding for my friends so I can check out colors and styles and therefore figure out what to make. Information is always valuable - someone might ask me if I know what they need or want and voila - I just happen to have the registry info I can send.

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You know I have an odd philosophy on this. So very many people have just given me yarn that when someone asks me to make something for them I just do it. I ask them to pay if forward or frequently they will give me a gift card to starbucks or craft store. I don't have them calling 5 minutes before they need it however!!! LOL I have had a few people ask me if they buy the yarn will I make something they want and I'm always happy to do so but they always have given me plenty of time to do it. It is obvious the ones who want it like the next day have never done a craft project in their life and then to have the nerve to get upset - good grief!! Then there are the ones who call and say "do you have such and such ON HAND that I could get as a gift!!" That's when you want to tell them sorry your psychic network membership has expired! LOL

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Sorry to say, but there are people like that!! I used to bake and decorate cakes "centuries" ago!! :lol :lol There was a favorite one that the "towns people" liked(I come from a very small community). It was a 3-dimensional teddy bear cake. It sat upright. I think Wilton still has it. Anyway, mom's would call me the "NIGHT" before and want me to make that cake for them for their child's birthday party the next day. There were other incidences like that, so I finally just quit doing cakes!! When I would tell them sorry, can't do it. They would get upset!! So yes, there are people like that!!


Wilton definitely still makes it. I made one last year at the request of my SIL.


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yea.. Hubby is like that.. He is like "when u going to make up a bunch of blankets and go to the flea market to sell them".. I said Well When are you going to allow me a budget for yarn To do iT.. he said "we dont have the money" My replie is well Yrn don't grow on trees.. sooooo If you want me to make them You better be prepared to pay for the suplies.


I only make blankets for my Family and not charge. If someone wants me to make one. I ask for at least the cost of yarn plus mabey a little bit for my time... to mabey go out and buy myself some yarn for my projects that will be for me or my kdis

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Okay, I must be missing something here - why were your feelings hurt? I want to know the registry info ASAP for any baby or wedding for my friends so I can check out colors and styles and therefore figure out what to make. Information is always valuable - someone might ask me if I know what they need or want and voila - I just happen to have the registry info I can send.

Because I am always sending stuff to her and I had already bought a bunch of stuff for the baby. I don't think that was nice of her to try and get me to buy even more for her. Maybe it's just me but I don't think that was good. I wouldn't do that. I don't know if I meant to say my feelings were hurt exactly, but I was slightly offended. Maybe it's because I have sent so much stuff to her. Which, really, is MY fault not hers. Upon further thinking it's obvious to me that I am the one who makes her stuff. I'm just saying if someone was sending me lots of things for all my kids I wouldn't suggest that they buy me anything else.

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This is exactly why I don't like making things for people that have no appreciation for the time and cost involved with any craft. I love to make things for fellow crafters because they understand the time involved to appreciate it.

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Last year I made 16 scarves for the girls I work with. One woman saw me making them and informed me that I had to make 8 sets of hats and mittens for her grandkids. I told her I don't do hats or mittens, she said "You have to make them, I can't afford to buy them." Once I told her it was $40.00 a set, she left me alone

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yea.. Hubby is like that.. He is like "when u going to make up a bunch of blankets and go to the flea market to sell them".. I said Well When are you going to allow me a budget for yarn To do iT.. he said "we dont have the money" My replie is well Yrn don't grow on trees.. sooooo If you want me to make them You better be prepared to pay for the suplies.


I only make blankets for my Family and not charge. If someone wants me to make one. I ask for at least the cost of yarn plus mabey a little bit for my time... to mabey go out and buy myself some yarn for my projects that will be for me or my kdis



Yes I do the same thing I only make things for family if your not family then I charge you for making things or you buy me the yarn because I agree yarn doesn't grow on trees and the person who said about the Professor Harold Hill from The Music Man that also was funny because yeah you can't think yarn and believe that it will appear right in your lap

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exzactly!. My kids seem to think when they are hungry if they Say mommy i want ice cream and we do not have any I can some how produce it out of thin air. (lol now tht we drive a ice cream truck They'll proly say go outside and get some ****). but I tell them all the time> You have to have money to buy things... and their response "go get some money the mom"

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