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Crochet 2010 Calendar


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I just bought this box calendar today at Joanne. Obviously it's not called Crochet Pattern A Day Calendar. Same publisher (Accord Publishing) and same complier (Susan Ripley) as for the 2009 Crochet Pattern A Day Calendar. 117 patterns included in the 2010 calendar. I found a lot of quick-to-make projects in there I'll be doing.

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new title, same basic calendar...fewer patterns (obviously) but on much sturdier paper.

It is what used to be referred to as CPAD here on the ville.


I have my copy too...I'm in it 3 times-- :D happydance-- twice in April, once in Dec. I am very happy with what I see in this calendar.

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  • 2 months later...

Only 117 patterns? :P

On the site accordpublishing.com, it shows the cover which says 105 patterns.

Maybe if I got a real good deal.

Anyone know if there's a listing of the patterns in this? I know previous years they published it as a pdf, but I can't find it.

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  • 1 month later...

I ended up getthing this. It says 105 patterns, but there's a bonus pattern for each month = 117 patterns. It's not bad, but so-so. If you can get it on sale or with a coupon, that's the way to go. Or if you collect these or like them, then it's worth it to you, get it.


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I got it at Borders today at 50% off. I dont actually use it..I just go through and take out all the patterns I like, then trash the rest. LOL. Isnt that terrible? But I know there are some things that I will NEVER make.


Oh, and I love My Irresponsible Purse... I saved that one for sure!

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