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scarves and hats for kids


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Hello ladies!


I just recently went to a place here called the Beverly House. It is a place were families of young kids or expecting a baby can go to get help. They were/are able to help me alot right now! So I asked if there was anyway I could help them back. The gal asked very exitedly if I could get a bunch of small scarves and hats together for kids ages 5-8 or so. They get alot of coats but no hats and scarves. I was also thinking we could add mittens to that group. She said any color and refered to the hats as "skull cap" style to cover their ears. I'm thinking any style as long as they would cover the ears.


If any of you would be willing to help out I would be forever grateful. I really want to "pay" them back for all the help they have given me and are able to give other moms in need.


This is the first time I've tried to round up a charity request so please ask any questions I didn't answer. I would want these by september or so. That way they would have them in time to give out with the coats. I'm also sure they would take anything for infants and children.

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Thank you cherri!


Ann I sent you a pm.


I will look for and add some links for hats as I get some time. Please don't forget some short scarves for them also. :)

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my hat skills are seriously lacking,but I'd be happy to make some scaves

Thank you! Let me know when you need my addy. I'm wondering, how long and wide are you going to make them? Are you going to make them smaller than you would for an adult?

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No idea how long they should be. I made one for my son but never measured it. Just sized it on him. Shorter probably would be better hu? or maybe some of both lengths?

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the ones I make,usually are 5 or 6 inches across,I could make them 45 inches long instead of 60 or 65 inches,that okay?


That sounds about right. I have several kids in this age range, and that sounds just right.


Keep in mind that these ARE kids, so cute/cool is good - a lot of kids might not wear a hat they don't like...

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Hey Krystal! Yep we got a couple of months to make some. The gal said that her experiance with it is that the kids pick out the one you think won't go at all. :lol ie. the brightest or the craziest color. But you are right they need to be something kids will like.

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