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Stop Smoking CAL- REVISED-Revival post #94

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I just want to say I have been quit smoking March 2 was 4 years ago, keep up the good work everyone. It isn't a easy road but you can do it. I went to a site and met alot of good friends quitting smoking. There was a quote there I typed out and put on my fridge that said "I would rather be a quitter with an occasional urge to smoke than a smoker with a constant desire to quit." Good luck everyone.

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I've been in such an incridebly painful flare up the last couple weeks. I know that the cutting down has helped. IT's just hard enough to make it to bed time- forget remembering that i'm trying to quit right now.

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good afternoon, all-


I had a second to drop by, and wanted to say :hi


RoseRed - sorry about your pain... :hugbut I am glad that you're cutting back is helping you to feel better.


Nikka - you are doing so well! I am proud of you!:hug


Recipemama & SnapDragon- :ty for sharing your stories, and JennyBunny - :ty for that link!


Lisa & Ellen - :hug:hug and a :cheer Keep going!


MissMadeline - How's it going for you?


and a big :hi, :hug, and a :cheer:cheer

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hey everyone, week 2. i've skipped up three times, but i've almost finished my purse, and i just threw away the remainers of the pack i had been squandering! yey! i'm this much closer to quitting. i hope everyone else is having such a good day!

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:clapNikka!- Good for you!! :cheer:cheerkeep up the good work!


I haven't been perfect, but I'm doing really well. Considering that my life is an overbusy stress event for the last week, I am really proud of me. I have kept it between 0 & 2 cigarettes per day. I am not really using that gum, but it's here if I need it....


Hope things continue to go well for you! Hey, how's that sinus infection?


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just been reading through.. keep up the good work... it's a long hard journey but remember .... every journey begins with 1 step.... just keep putting one foot in front of the other and soon you will be getting there .... I'm so proud of each of you just for trying.... I'll be back to check in regularly ... don't forget you are more than welcome to PM me and I'll be there to talk to you....

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I did slip a few times over the weekend, but I'm still determined to quit. I am going to really try to get over this habit. I am so thankful to you all, it's awesome to have you online friends and your encouraging words.

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I suck at this. We're down at Dad's. Aggravationa dn 3 hours car rides. I just smoked a pack a day yesterday and am close today. My lungs actually hurt. I see this as a good thing. It's showing me that I just can't smoke like that anymore.


It's a drug. I'm addicted. It royally sux. I tell my 13 yr old - "Don't ever start - it's too hard to quit!"


We're heading home tomorrow and I'll get back on track then.


I'm really proud of you for having the strength to toss out your stash! Awesome!!!!!

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RoseRed, and fellow quitters-


I thought you could use this today:


:flower:hug.... You can do it!!! :cheer:cheer


Just start again when you get home...



we need to stick together, all of us, and be here for one another... together, I believe we CAN DO IT!!!


I am here for all of you guys, and am praying for each of us for strength:manyheart:hug


have the best day you can have, and take it 1 urge at a time... :ghug

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I haven't had the time to read all the wonderful encouragement here at the 'Ville lately....I have just been so busy. I had a bad few days there where I was smoking way more that I felt ok about. I have cut back more since then...to about 4 a day. I still don't start smoking until about 7 at night....so that limits me some.

I wanted to buy some good running shoes last weekend but it just wasn't in the budget. This weekend it absolutely is and I plan on getting out in the evening....after 7...when it is cooler and still nice and sunny. I am hoping that will cut my smoke-able time down and make me crave less because of the endorphins.

Thank you everyone for sticking with this as best we can and talking about your feelings and experiences. I really appreciate it!!

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:hi, Miss Madeline!


The shoes sound like a terrific idea! I am glad that they are in the budget!:hug


I haven't been doing the best, either, but have picked Saturday as Re-Quit Day... Maybe I can walk at 7, too... that way we'll do it "together"


Hi, Nikka, RoseRed, Lisa, and Ellen! :hug:manyheart How goes it with you girls?


you are all in my thoughts and prayers everyday, and I do check to see if you've been here...:ghug


:clover, :xfin and strength to us all... we CAN do this!!! :cheer:cheer


See you tomorrow...

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hello ladies! this has been one difficult week. no matter what we did, it endidn up flopping. but no worries! not a single cigarette in sight. i guess quitting was a lot easier than i had thought originally. i thought that i wouldn't be able to. once you set your mind to something you can do anything!

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unforntunately, i havnt gotten much crocheting done lately :( i've been too busy hanging out with my bf. but hopefully, this coming week, i'll have my purse for the swap done.


ps: i'm preying for everyone!

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Hope everyone is doing well today....I would like to go a little further into my story about smoking if it is ok with everyone. I hope that what has happened in my life can be a light to someone else. As I said in a earlier post I have quit smoking 4 years ago so I know exactly how everyone feels right now. I am 35 years old. God so graciously blessed us with a daughter after being married 6 years. She is a true miracle. I have alot of health problems and the doctor said I would never get pregnant and if I did I couldn't carry a baby. I only have one kidney....but my miracle is now a healthy 11 year old daughter. They don't know the God I serve that is full of miracles. Ok back to my smoking story....I had smoked 16 years. Thought hey it soothes the nerves.....so why quit until I was diagnosed with COPD....and the doctor told me my next stage was emphysema. I stayed in and out the hospital about every other month. My daughter was at home missing mommy while I was laying there with oxygen. I have been a christian for about 10 years at that time, and I know alot of people dont want to hear about God or Jesus and I am not one to push my "beliefs" on no one. But I prayed so hard that God would deliver me and help me to get off cigarettes. The doctor told me I had a black spot on my left lung and there was just nothing they could do as long as I was smoking. They tested for cancer and thank God it wasnt yet. But I lay in the hospital bed, right next to the smoking area, and just so happen a older woman, probably around 60 years of age, came down the hall with a oxygen tank and she went to the smoking area outside. And she turned her oxygen off to smoke one right behind the other...about 3 or 4 before coming back in....sound familiar....was to me....and as she came back up the hall with her oxygen tank, and hassiling for breath....it came to me so clear in my room, God let me see her for a reason......this was fixing to be me in about a month maybe less. I had alot of time to think then, there was my baby at home, 7 years old, needing me, and I wasnt going to be there anymore. There was my lung with the spot on it, black and non fixable....Then I thought about my mother...who has lupus and other health problems....would she be able to help my hubby raise my kid...or would she be too sick....and my hubby who has stopped up arteries in his legs and his heart was 60% blocked on left side..........ok all of this weighed me down so heavy...until all I could do was pray.....and pray......and my mother walked in at the hospital and I told her to take the cigarettes, lighter, and I quit. So she did, and I didn't smoke anymore...The first week I used step 1 nicoderm cq patch....the second week for about 1/2 a week I used step 2 .......I am not saying quitting smoking was a easy thing to do, next to my c section birth to my beautiful daughter....it was the hardest thing I ever did. I had to keep my hands busy....and I had to keep up the prayers. God delivered me, the same as he can you....but it wasn't all roses. I went thru withdrawals and got sick, and for months after I coughed and sneezed up black tar out of my lungs....I know this is long but I was persistant....I didn't let it get me down.....I went back to the doctor months later and he was like there is no more black spot on your lung, it has went away. And your lungs sound really clear, like a new person. I am so thankful God allowed me to have another chance with my daughter. I may walk out of my house and die tomorrow but it wont be cause cigarettes took my life. My little girl who was 7 would say things like mommy you smell better, or mommy you don't have to go back in hospital....your children are miracles...I bought seed beads and other beads and crochet yarns and needles....and I kept my hands busy......and I went to webmd.com and they have a good support group there too in smoking cessation.........But thru it all never give up, kick Nic's butt to the curb and let him go......Hope this helped someone...



"I'd rather be a quitter with an occasional urge to smoke, than a smoker with a constant desire to quit."


You have to have a made up mind to do anything in life.

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Thanks for the wake up call.


Sometimes we need a jolt to get us moving, and it looks like the woman

with the oxygen was it for you. Rang home to me - being a lot closer to 60,

I could see myself hobbling down the hall with smokes in hand, dragging the

tank with me. Horrible image. Thanks for the reality check.




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I thank you very much for sharing your story. for a lot of people that wil be their wake up call, just hearing about what happened with you. also, i'm very happy for you that you have been blessed with a child. I know the feeling of wanting children and not being able to have any. i am too young to have a baby, but not ever being able to? thats horrible. thank God that i've healed enough that i can carry a baby to term. just, not right now XD


hope all you ladies are doing well. its week three and i've been a total of one week smoke free. rose red, i'll be preying for you.

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