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  3. Good Evening, Got home a little while ago. It was a busy day. They got him out of the bed and into a wheelchair, which the PT girls came and took him down to the gym. He worked on a machine that only works your hands, then the machine that works you legs. He is still week, but I can see he is getting stronger. I pop in when I can in the morning and then at night. Have a good night.
  4. Coming along beautifully.
  5. Thanks Granny Square. It’s always nice to be able to go to this site & get help. Thanks!
  6. I'm so glad you stuck with it, I was a little worried after your last comment of 'not worth the trouble'. Perseverance paid off!
  7. Skipper Poncho and Pants I'm loving that this version of Skipper and Barbie can wear many of the same pattern with slight adjustments of yarn and hook. The ones I had for my niece were completely different sizes. It would have been like me trying to wear my Mom's clothes in 5th grade. These dolls are now close enough that I can remake patterns and expand the wardrobe. I picked up the camping Barbie to replace the zoologist as it looks like she is on the way out. I think I have one more zoologist upstairs and then its a few years with camping Barbie. I wish I had more years with the zoologist because she is almost the perfect match for my old patterns. I bought a model camper doll so when I finish off the zoologist I will have to break out camping Barbie and figure out how she measures out to the old patterns. On the upside one less sleeping bag to make.
  8. A pair of mallard ducks nested under a small bush along the sidewalk just outside one of the apartment doors. They had 12 hatchlings. Now what I thought was hysterical was the fancy restaurant that is only open Fri and Sat evenings put Duck Confit on their menu just a few weeks prior......
  9. morning all maybe we are done with that t bad weather now that May IS HERE HUH sorry wsnt shouting I just finished paying some bills by phone and noe finally drinking my cuppa lol its still warm i have a mug warmer on my table lol cheats are great huh!! i Noticed A LOT OF BIRDS must have Parrished in those storms and all that ind we had poor things huh 2 of the bunnies both female had their babies they are so cute just exactly like tribble swit a tail lol now we have pair f wid ducks traversing the game trail now and then lol cute quackers just waddling along in no hurry l Oh boy well life goes on, i guess huh, till it doesn't I wonder how Rene ' and Bill are doing?? anyone hear about them? well not really much to say today lol so will clear the board and move on for now take care lall of you ok
  10. Hi all, I finally reached the top corner, the first shades of the blue sky are visible. The height of the tapestry is 90cm (35 inches).
  11. She is getting all the good yarn and crochet hooks ready for us to oin her.
  12. Happy Birthday in Heaven Lyn.... just not the same without you..
  13. Hi, my finished bag/tote. Janice
  14. Last week
  15. Barbie Strapless Dress I've got a couple of binders of Barbie and family patterns I've collected through the years. Some are more "display" outfits that aren't really practical for the donation but every so often I find one that clearly is designed for someone to make a wardrobe for a child's dolls. This is a LONG out of print House of White Birches black and white newsprint leaflet but I am so glad to have found an old used copy because sometimes you just need simple.
  16. Good morning! So much going on with everyone! I skipped the chiro apt yesterday. A friend is helping us sell our RV and a boat and he had a buyer coming to look. The guy bought it and the friend is delivering it today. DS came over with two of the grands and chainsawed a couple of things for me. I have to pay the 6 year olds a little to keep their interest in coming back for the next job. LOL But it seems like I just don't have the stamina anymore for dragging limbs around. DS took the 3 middle grands to the camp to spend the night. They learned that you can kill wood bees with a fly swatter. You know it spring, headed to summer when the wasps, wood bees and mosquitoes appear. I'm running to a small local garden store today to hopefully find a plant for my best friend's birthday and maybe something for me, too. I hope everyone with health issues is improving, their caretakers are taking care of themselves also, the weather is getting better for all and you can enjoy some nice spring weather.
  17. Good late evening!! I hope everyone is doing well. Just finishing up with some stuff here art home. Mowed the grass. Goslings are in my bathroom getting so big. Soon they will be transferred to the farm. I will so miss them so much. Told hubby thinking about keeping them inside permanently and getting a harness and leash to walk them. They know my voice and talk to me as soon as i go in. I put my hand down for them to jump up and they snuggle me and then love to pick my hair. I love them so… Goodness gracious I’m in trouble.. Good night everyone!
  18. First we had a little floral arrangement outside our door this morning wishing us a Happy May Day. We are in a weather loop with rain, storms, and tornadoes but today we got a break which was good for our planned field trip. Left at 9am and got back home at 8pm. We went to sis's and then she drove to our niece's and her SO's place. Its a 90 minute drive. They bought 40 acres almost a year ago. They said the mowed trail we walked was 3/4 mile. I found a quail nest on the ground with 5 eggs in it. She had some of her mom's scrap books she wanted us to look thru and wanted to know where my grandmother's farm was. I was able to show it to her on Google maps on satellite. You havent been able to drive to it for years as the access road has grown over with trees.
  19. I'm doing well today. I hope everyone else is also. I switched the AC back on yesterday as I just couldn't take the heat. It was 81° outside and 80° inside. Now I'll see if I can tolerate the thermostat set at 77° with the ceiling fans running. Not much else going on here so I'm going to go in the kitchen for dinner. Happy Evening!
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