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Crochet group got canceled again, due to schedule conflicts. I am dropping it. I just have too much to do to give up an afternoon for nothing. It makes me want to cry, though.


Today I'm meeting my IRL 'ville friends for coffee at one of our houses. Not mine -- my son sleeps in the front room, and we meet at 9 a.m., which is like 4 a.m. in teenage time. I will be bringing the beans and the grinder, though. I'll be late, since I have to meet with the ballet mistress to order something for her -- not sure which one she wants.


Stacy -- how cool is the yarn winder? What a nice surprise.


LeeAnn -- very happy to hear about your son's progress. A bowling league sounds great. And your dd -- will she do both chorus and band? I did, until they forced me to be in marching band.


Marisa -- thanks for the progress report. It is so exciting. I can't wait to see your logo. I hope the flooding subsides soon. It's so dangerous.


Joanne -- I hope you enjoyed your Ryan time this weekend. :c9

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Top of the morning dear friends!

Stacy-a yarn winder? AWESOMENESS!!!!! I would have been jumping up and down! That is so sweet of your dh. Have you wound lots of yarn?

Beth-so sorry to hear that your group was cancelled, that is a bummer. I laughed alout at your post regarding 9 am being 4 am in teenager time. too funny! mmmmm I can smell the coffee.

Joanne-hope you have a great time with your little one.

Marisa-the flooding sounds dangerous, hope and pray that it subsides soon. Prayers headed your way as well as for all of the families, pets and bus. that are suffering.

I went to bed early and am feeling better. Waiting for the family to wake up, think I will enjoy a cup of coffee and get some hook time in. Bowling starts at 11, ds will be ready, it's dh that has a difficult time getting up.:devil

BBL! hugs n squishes!

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HI all,

Back from babysitting- we had fun - and he is just the sweetest little baby!!! Even if we didn't get a lot of sleep!!!


I'm going to take a nap now since I'm back out tonight to go to the art opening of middle DD's BF!!!


Hugs to all

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Good morning!

Happy Sunday! Do something nice today in memory of all those whose lives were forever changed on 9/11/01!


I'm taking a break from the weekly chores that didn't get done yesterday which is my usual day for cleaning. Going to the grocery store while it's still early.


This afternoon, it's football and crocheting time!!!


Beth- Your Redskins are playing my Giants today.....Go Big Blue!!!!


Stacy- What kind of yarn winder did you get? What a great surprise for your birthday!!!!


LeeAnn- Hope that you get a little 'me' time today!!


Marisa- How was the Pitt game? Hope you had fun!


Off to the store.........have a wonderful day!

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Joanne, I'll still like you, even if you cheer for the wrong team. :cheer Burgundy and GOLD!!! :cheer It sounds like you've had a pretty darn awesome weekend. How was the art show?


Stacy, yes, do tell us more about the yarn winder? Have you worn it out yet?


LeeAnn, what fun and crafty things are you up to? How was bowling for ds?


Marisa, thinking of you, and hoping things are going well. Do you know when your grand opening will be yet?


Sunday -- grocery shopping, tutoring, maybe watching a football game (IF I'm back from tutoring in time) and hooking -- hope yours will be as nice as mine. :hug

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Howdy doody Ladies!

Joanne-sounds like a day made in :c9. I keep thinking of you as I am working on my rr, seems like I am moving in slow motion on it tho, you see to always finish those fast. I am enjoying the process.:lol

Beth-your day sounds fantastico! Crocheting, tutoring and relaxing with a lil bit of work (grocery shopping)

yesterday was busy, we took ds to the bowling alley. We had to stay for a meeting and to fill out paperwork. They will meet every Saturday from 11-2 to practice and bowl. They will go to competitions later on in the school year. He was super excited and made a couple of friends on his team. He is shy but seems to be coming out of his shell a teeny tiny bit. He really liked it, I was so :yay for him. Dd has decided to try either the flute or the drums for band, she will have tryouts and practice this next week and then we will continue with the selection of instruments and such. She's keeping her fingers crossed that she gets to play the instrument that she wants as they try to match the instrument with the child's individual talent and capabilities.

As I was cleaning away yesterday my mom called and asked if she could drop off my lil brother as she was going to a function....sure thing I said. She did not pick him up until after 10!:blush Normally I wouldn't mind but that was a little too late for me. :yes

Dh and ds are hauling a load of wood today, so it will be dd and yours truly...we have to go grocery shopping as well and then I have to have to fullfill a soap order.:clap:cheer yippeee skippyy! I have a few more ideas floating around in my head just can't seem to get it all done, but maybe I can start. :devil

off to drink a cup of java before starting the day. Hugs n squishes!

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Joanne, how fun- babysitting and an art show! I hope the show went well!


Leeann, sounds like you've had a busy weekend, also. Good luck to your dd as she figures out what she wants to play. The flute is an awesome choice! But I am biased. :wink Good luck with your soapy ideas!


Beth, how's it goin'? Have the fires been put out yet? I sure hope so! Hope you make it back from tutoring in time to watch the game. Funny thing- I really don't understand football and don't care for watching the games, but I'm looking forward to the upbeat atmosphere it brings to our home on Sundays. :yes


Marisa, I hope things are moving right along for you. :hug:hug:hug


I have to work this morning, and we are planning to grill for dinner. It is cool and overcast outside, yesterday it thunder stormed yesterday, which was wonderful! We need the rain.

I need to scoot, and get ready. Have a wonderful (football-filled) Sunday!



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Beth I still like you even though your team beat my team!!!! Honestly, my Giants looked terrible!!!!! I was impressed with Rex Grossman- after all the press isn't always kind to him.


I have a feeling I'm in for a LONG season after the way they played today. Maybe when some of their key players are back from the injury list and start playing, it'll get better. I have to hope!


I watched the Baltimore Ravens game too- I am a fan of them only because of Ray Rice who played for Rutgers (and actually played through his senior year and graduated) He's such a talent--and such a good guy!!!


Off for the night I go....

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Joanne, your team needs to get healthy before you can determine how they will play this year. It almost seems wrong to celebrate a win against the Giants when so many players from the defense were out. It was nice to watch a win, though. Redskin fans appreciate them when they get them.


LeeAnn, that is late for keeping your brother. It sounds like bowling is going great for your son. I hope your dd gets an instrument she likes.


Stacy, I haven't smelled smoke lately, but I'm not sure about the status of the fire. The hurricane blew down enough trees to make getting around in the swamp difficult. I hope work goes well. Enjoy your bbq.


Good night.

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Good morning!


Beth- You are right- gotta wait to see how the Giants play once some key players are back. We watched the "other" NY team play last night- and they beat the Cowboys!


We are thinking of heading down to Williamsburg next week to celebrate our 10th anniversary. We went there on our honeymoon after initially planning to go to Disney World, 9/11 happened so we made some last minute changes and ended up in Williamsburg, then Va Beach. We both like Williamsburg so may be headed there.


Stacy- Hope you had a nice relaxed house with football and enjoyed your BBQ


LeeAnn- What new soap ideas are floating around in your head? Did you get to start one of them? I'm so happy for you that your little venture is doing well. Have a good day at work.


Marisa- Hoping that your office is coming along nicely.


Off to get ready for another day in Paradise--the countdown has begun till I have a week off!!!

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Hey ladies :hi


I'm here, I'm here :yay


I'm STILL cleaning!!! :eek I'm really getting in all the corners and just going room by room and fighting all the spiders and webs in the corners :eek:lol But don't worry, I'm winning :D I still haven't heard back from my banker, but called to leave her a message earlier today :xfin I'm not sure yet when I'll be openning :shrug


I hope all is well with everyone and I'll try to get back soon. Love and miss you ladies :hug :hug :hug

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Evening laaaadies!

Marisa~so excited to hear from you! Glad that you are winning the battle with the spiders and webs.:lol I bet you are exhausted and thrilled at the same time, keeping my fingers and toes crossed that your loan goes thru quickly.

Joanne-That is awesome that you will have a week long vacation! :clap:clap:clap What will you do? Congratulations on the 10 year anniversary.

Beth-how was your day? Did you get lots of hook time in?

Today was slow, nice but I so wanted to hurry home to try out a few soap ideas. A few weeks ago I dried Wild Thyme and Soapworst-the Thyme hasnatural anti bacterial tendencies and the soapworst is the oldest soap in time. I am going to add them dried leaves to a batch of soap to see what happens..thinking of a scent to go with. Perhaps sage and cedar & saffron as I think they will all compliment each other...hi ho hi ho...it's off to soap I go.

hugs n squishes!

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Hi all!


Joanne, Williamsburg sounds like a fun place to go for your anniversary. :yes 10 years- congratulations!


Marisa, :clap for winning the battle with spiders and cobwebs. :xfin that you hear from your banker soon!


Leeann, your new soapy ideas sound awesome! I love thyme and it's anti-bacterial properties! :manyheart I used to have an awesome all-purpose cleaner that used oil of thyme as the main ingredient. It smelled so wonderful, as I'm sure your new soaps will! :yes


Beth, what are you up to? How are the inventions doing with their college classes?


Well, I ended up working yesterday until almost 5! :eek So no football or bbq. It was nice, though- I need the hours. I also found out one of the cashiers is moving to San Diego this weekend, so hopefully that means I will get some of her hours.

Today started our first regular school week. And it was long. It was such a bad idea for me to take an 8 a.m. class 4 days a week. :blush Oh, well. We will get through it. :yes


I have lots of reading to do, but I think that I will take a break tonight and play hooky instead. :devil Mia asked me for a sweater, and I have the perfect yarn for it. :yes


Good night!



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HI all,


I went to a craft club at our library last night- and had a relaxing evening. There were 6 of us there- one doing plastic canvas, 3 knitters, one who does both knitting and crocheting. Actually another one of the ladies also crochets, but she was working on a beautiful knitted sweater. They meet every Mon evening at the library!


Stacy- 8AM classes ---I'll think of you when I'm at Paradise. Of course when I'm at work at 8AM, it's only 5AM your time!! Good luck with the semester and settling the girls into a routine. That's great that you may get some extra hours at work!


Marisa- Great to hear from you- keep on cleaning, girl!! LOL....Positive thoughts that you hear from the banker soon.


LeeAnn- Did you have fun playing with your new soap ideas?


Beth- How was your Monday- are you still taking care of the kitties on Mondays?


Off to get ready for Paradise. Have a great day!

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Hi all,


Sorry I didn't post yesterday -- it was a busy one!!! I took care of the kitties, did school work with my kids, did school work with shrimp boy, started dinner, and went to the ballet studio where it was total chaos! I was there for 4 hours. came home, watched my son play a video game for a bit, and went to bed early.


Joanne, congratulations on 10 years. I hope you enjoy Williamsburg. It is so pretty there this time of year -- not too hot, not too crowded.


Stacy, 8 am... You will adjust. It's good to get the classes over, then you have a big chunk of day for everything else.


LeeAnn, can't wait to hear how your experiment with the new soap turns out. Very cool.


Marisa, I'm glad you are winning -- hate to think about the spiders taking you out!!! I'll top LeeAnn and cross my eyes, too, that your loan goes through soon.


It's take the son to the dentist day... Wish me luck!

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Hiya friends!


Joanne-a meetup with fellow crafters is always a great way to spend the evening. So glad, will you be able to go often?


Stacy-8 a.m. classes sound rough. I am at work every morning by 7:15...uggghhh not so bad once you get used to it, but by the evening I am a zombie.


Beth-you sure had a busy Monday, did you get to relax after taking your ds to the dentist? did you get the ballet studio organized?


Marisa-still keeping everything crossed.


Oh my gosh ladies, yesterday I received the most beautiful, fun filled package! :yay:yay:yay I wanted to thank my partner properly before posting pics. I am soo spoiled! I started crying when I opened the package, such lovely items all for me.:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart the time and effort that went into packaging it up is something that I will never forget. I am truly grateful.


Didn't get to soap making, one of my new soap molds tore...:angry I called the company, they were so wonderful,:D they are sending me a new one! yippeee!


must finish up homework with dd.


Hugs n squishes!


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LeeAnn, so glad the mold company is being good about their mold splitting. Your package looks wonderful. How nice to get spoiled like that. You certainly deserve it.


Joanne, I would like to meet with more crafters. Our group is small, but we are such good friends, it is so nice to spend time with those lovely ladies. I hope you enjoyed your craft day. Are you all geared up for your vacation?


Marisa, thinking of you battling spiders. I hope everything is going well. If you weren't so far away, I'd come visit you. My neck is so stiff right now. I think you could help me out.


Stacy, thinking of you, too, adjusting to a new schedule, being a student, a mom, a wife, a worker -- you are amazing!


Today I hope will be better than yesterday, which ended up including a nice long visit to the college campus -- my daughter forgot her art supplies, and I had to take them to her in the middle of her class period -- and a surprise tutoring session -- my son's girlfriend is facing her first college math test, and she wanted to review with someone who likes math. (Yeah - I'm kind of sick, but I really enjoy the stuff.) It was so nice to work with her. She's so enthusiastic, even though she dislikes math. She did very well on what we went over. Work was as chaotic as the beginning of the year always is at the ballet studio. My afghan is growing. I'm on the last stripe, with about 8 more rows to go. It's a giant granny, though, so the rows are taking longer and longer to get done. I love having it in public, and hearing what the colors represent: Green Bay packers, College of William and Mary (which is in Williamsburg,) a local high school, the community college where my kids go... It should sell, I hope.

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Happy Hump Day!!!


What beautiful eye candy and a great package you received LeeAnn!!!! That's too bad about the soap mold, but customer service seems to be very good with the company that makes them!


As far as the craft club- it meets every Monday night so I'm very excited that I'll get to go often. This Monday I'll be on vacation so will miss it, but most Monday's I'll be able to go. I love that it's 5 minutes from my house (if that!)


Beth- It sure sounds like your days are crammed pack of things to do! Are you getting any more done on your afghans? I'm plugging away on my RR---in between making some fingerless mitts---I gave a pair with a scarf to my friend at work yesterday--she loved the fingerless mitts since her hands are always cold at work. Forgot to take pics before giving them to her though!


Stacy- Hows it going with the 8AM classes? I think of you and your early times since I'm an early bird myself---although trying to get to an 8AM class after getting 3 little ones ready for the day must be tough on you!!! Hang in there!


Marisa- Fingers/toes crossed, positive thoughts and vibes that you hear from the banker soon!


Off to get ready for Hump Day in paradise.....only two more days after today till vacation!!!

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Joanne, I would like to meet with more crafters. Our group is small, but we are such good friends, it is so nice to spend time with those lovely ladies. I hope you enjoyed your craft day. Are you all geared up for your vacation?




Today I hope will be better than yesterday, which ended up including a nice long visit to the college campus -- my daughter forgot her art supplies, and I had to take them to her in the middle of her class period -- and a surprise tutoring session -- my son's girlfriend is facing her first college math test, and she wanted to review with someone who likes math. (Yeah - I'm kind of sick, but I really enjoy the stuff.) It was so nice to work with her. She's so enthusiastic, even though she dislikes math. She did very well on what we went over. Work was as chaotic as the beginning of the year always is at the ballet studio. My afghan is growing. I'm on the last stripe, with about 8 more rows to go. It's a giant granny, though, so the rows are taking longer and longer to get done. I love having it in public, and hearing what the colors represent: Green Bay packers, College of William and Mary (which is in Williamsburg,) a local high school, the community college where my kids go... It should sell, I hope.

I bet it will sell...it must be fun hearing what the colors represent!!! Oh, I love giant granny's but just like RR's those rows do take longer and longer--but oh so worth it in the end!!!

Your DS' GF is lucky that she has you to help her with her math- I could have used your help when I was taking my math classes at Rutgers:lol


Off to start the day---Hugs to all:hug

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Hi all!


Leeann, what a beautiful package you received! And Joanne is right- you totally deserve it!


Beth, what busy days you have! Makes my head spin. :lol So nice of you to tutor your ds's g/f for her math test. WTG on working on another afghan- I bet it is fun to hear all of the color interpretations.


Joanne, the craft club sounds like so much fun! Even better that it is only 5 minutes away. :yes I am also an early bird- usually staying up after dh leaves at 5:30. The part that is difficult for me is actually getting everyone where they need to be, within a half-hour span. The older girls' school doesn't open until 7:30, and the earliest I can drop off Eva is 7:45. It's worked out so far, though. :yes


This morning after class, I went to that super-yummy Cuban bakery I love, then went to IKEA to search for a dish rack. Well, darned Aunt Flo decided to visit and I had to leave the store without my dish rack. :blush Dh and I will go back on the weekend, since the kids are spending the night at MIL's.


Well, I'm off to make dinner- ravioli and some kind of bread. :think I had wanted cornbread but don't think I have the ingredients. Hmmm...

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Hi all,

Stopped on my home to get a free Venti Low fat Pumpkin Spice Latte!!:yay I'm thoroughly enjoying it! I had a free card--if you register a gift card and use that all the time- after 15 drinks, you get a free one!! And it can be any size!!! I also ran into Michael's because their "deal of the day" was Impeccable Yarn for 1.99/skein- so I bought a few--just because I wanted to!:lol


Stacy- Ravioli sounds yummy--must be pasta night! I made macaroni and cheese for dinner tonight--and then of course, since it's only the two of us--dinner either tomorrow or Friday night! Glad that it's working out getting to class at 8


Marisa, Beth and LeeAnn--hope you had a great day!!!

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Good evening yet again ladies!

Joanne-ohhh laaa laaaa your Pumpkin Spice late sounds like a little bit of :c9....yummy! So excited that you can meet on Mondays, that is so fun! Two more days of Paradise..yippy skippy! Mac n cheese sounds good too. Dh is cooking or shall I say grilling-burger and dogs. Yea me, no cooking.

Beth-I can't wait to see your new ghan, I really do enjoy grannies, I made a ton of them awhile back and have enjoyed wrapping up with one. That is awful sweet of you to tutor. Math can be a tricky subject. My dh loves math..I like English.

Stacy-getting three little ones has to be a tough task, good job getting out the door and to class on time. Did you drop one of your classes after all?

Marisa-hoping today you recvd good news.

Today was an excelent day! I had my employee evaluation-pins and needles, but no worries, I did great! oh soo happy! Happy! Happy! Happy! wooohoooo! My direct supervisors were so sweet, all I could do was smile and blush. :lol

going to reward myself with crochet time and some of the delicious coffee that I recvd from my swap partner.

hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!


LeeAnn- That's awesome about your employee eval!! I know how great that must have made you feel!!!! It's nice when all your hard work is noticed and appreciated---Yay for you!!!!!! Did you get to work on any crocheting---or did you end up working on soap/lotion bar concoctions?


Stacy- When did George turn into Aunt Flo?;):lol Hope you and the girls have an awesome day today!


Beth- How's the granny coming along? I didn't work on my RR last night- instead I pulled out a Shelley scarf I started and finished it:hook. I want to make a pair of fingerless gloves to go with it...so I'll do a few (or one) round of the RR and then start on them tonight.


Marisa- Thinking of you and missing you. Fingers crossed that you have heard from the bank--and that your office is coming along nicely!!!


Off to get ready...have a good day all!:hug

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One more week of dental visits, and my kids will be caught up after neglecting the teeth for years. I can't wait, though I am enjoying the attention my crocheting is getting.


Joanne, happpy almost Friday. Your vacation will be here soon.


Stacy, sorry that mean ole Aunt Flo interrupted your shopping.


LeeAnn, great news on the good evaluation. Way to go!


Marisa, thinking of you. wishing you the best.


Bad news for my craft fair -- I am having some problems with my left hand, probably from crocheting too much. I guess I need to cut back, but I'm feeling like I'm way behind.

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