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Hope you got lots of your work done Stacy--when the house is quiet is when I used to get a lot done!


Had a great time at the BBQ and Ryan was as adorable as ever at his first ever BBQ - my DD and SIL love to throw BBQ's and I think she was very happy that they decided to throw one today- it is just what she needed!!!


See you all in the morning!

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The bbq sounds fun!! I'm glad that you had a great time, and that your dd did as well! :yes


I didn't get much work done- my dad decided to play soccer in the hall with Mia, and they kept kicking the ball against the mirror. So I suggested they go downstairs in the parking structure (there is a long strip where no one parks) and of course the girls wanted me to stay with them. :lol

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Hiya Ladies!


Marisa-you are on the ball! Painting and cleaning up your office? What kind of decor will you have? how exciting! Glad that they will fix the ac soon as it must be still hot in your area. How sweet of your parents to stop in and help as well. :hug

Yesterday was spent sewing, and running errands again. Fun fun fun! Dh and ds are hiking today. Ds decided to rejoin Boy Scouts and is on his first hike of the season. They spent a better part of yesterday packing all of their hiking equipment and sending mom back to the store for more snacks. Soo....it's just dd and yours truly. :c9 She is still asleep, she has a slight cold. I hope she feels better soon. I get a little bit of quite time to myself...wonder what I will do with myself?:devil


The applique class is to make an Elk-it is really neat, only hope that I can do it correctly.


Sharing pics of the latest projects. The tote was difficult, I decided to try a new pattern. I think I will stick to my old true and tested patterns as it was soo confusing. I had to rip out the zipper 3 times.


best clean up my sewing corner before relaxing.


hugs n squishes!


Beautiful :manyheart Well, my parents live 5 hours from here so I drove out in the van and dad drove the truck, which we returned and then my mom drove out on saturday or my dad would have been stranded :lol OR I would've lost my car for him to go back :lol


Oh, I love your totes!!!! You are so multi-talented!!!


Here are three Shelly scarves that I finished and well as a pic of the RR (cotton ease- taupe, lake (blue) and maize....


Off to pick up some goodies to bring to the BBQ---


Great job....love the rr and scarves :manyheart


Hi all!


Beth, my kids LOVE the craft store. But I told them they were NOT getting anything after we just spent all of that time at Chuck E. Cheese. That's why they complained. :lol Your poor son, to be out of work after all that time! I hope he finds something new quickly.


Joanne, your projects are fantastic! WTG...I bet that cotton-ease afghan is nice and cozy. :yes Fingerless mitts/hat sets sound like the perfect idea.


Leeann, your totes are gorgeous! You are so talented. :yes WTG to your ds for trying Boy Scouts. It is such a wonderful organization. I hope he had lots of fun on his hike this weekend! Is your dh a den leader? Or did he chaperon?


Marisa, you have been so busy! :eek:eek Good luck getting everything ready for an October opening. :hug:hug:hug


We bummed around this morning. Dh made me potato pancakes as a late birthday breakfast. Yum! Then my dad took me out clothes-shopping, which is what I wanted for my b'day. Now I am alone, as my dad and dh took the girls out for lunch. I have 2 online classes with assignments due this week- I think they are going to be even worse than the ITV one I took last semester. I keep telling myself that I just need to get into the groove of the schedule before I make any judgements- but I don't anticipate being able to keep up with 15 units. :eek So if I find out tomorrow that I got into the sociological analysis class, then I will drop one of the online courses. I'd really love to drop the anthropology class, but it is a humanities requirement. The psych class is really cool, but since I have already taken 2 soc. classes, I don't really need it to fulfill a requirement. :think


Well, off I go to finish some homework. Love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug




You'll pull through the classes Stacy :cheer :cheer :cheer

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Hey ladies....wow, 2 times in one day :eek That's a rarity for me right now :lol


Just another quick check in before I head up to crash for the night. I got my old laptop up and running after doing a system restore. :yes I'm started a baby rr today for my sister's friend that just had a baby girl on saturday. By start, I think I have the 1st 6 rounds done :lol I tried to get alot of computer stuff done today and address changes.


I should hear from the bank this week about the business loan so I'd totally appreciate some extra prayers in that department????? I'm going to head over to the office to touch up the room we painted. Some of the paint seeped inside the tape at the baseboard, but I have some wipes that will take it right off...just have to be careful not to hit the paint on the wall too :eek And the wall my sister painted needs a little touch up to, but not bad. It was her first painting with a roller and wanted to try it out while my dad was there to make sure she'd be able to help me out and be comfortable with it.


I also am going to try to stop by a signage place that my landlords recommended. And maybe try to start working on a website :eek


That's about it for now, we'll see when I get back :think:lol (not sure if my laptop will continue to be temperamental now that I restored it)

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Joanne, are you SURE it's morning? I'm only going to complain a little -- since my dh has gotten home, I'm not getting as much sleep as I did while he was gone. He likes to stay up late and watch TV, then his alarm goes off so painfully early. But I'll adjust. I love your scarves and your RR. I'm glad the BBQ was fun.


Stacy, 15 hours is a lot to take at one time. I hope you get the astronomy class you want. I'll be cheering you on.


LeeAnn, as usual, your projects are just gorgeous. Nice job!


Marisa, you have been so very busy. It sounds like you are making a ton of progress. Can't wait to see a picture of your sign when you get it.


Well, I go to the dentist today to get a few cavities taken care of, including an old filling that failed. I am not looking forward to it, to put it mildly. Then I go to work in the afternoon at the ballet studio, but that may be very short-lived. My dd wants to quit dancing. She wouldn't mind taking a lower-level class just to keep dancing, but she doesn't want to perform any more. I am OK with it. I knew she'd never be a professional -- she isn't very flexible. But I was hoping she'd stick to it as a hobby for many many years. It's such great exercise.


As far as my son losing his job -- he knew it was coming. The Fort has been scheduled to close for a couple of years now. He is a full-time college student now, and doesn't need to work 5 or 6 days a week. I think he's looking forward to a bit of a break before he pushes himself back into the working world. But he sure likes to spend money, so it would be a short break.


have a good one! Try to stay dry.

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Hi all,

Trying to stay dry, Beth, but its pouring rain out...saying prayers that the folks in the northern part of NJ don't get any more flooding!!


Sorry that DH is getting you up early--but I know you'd rather that than have him on a business trip!! How did it go at the ballet studio? Its probably a little sad that she doesn't want to perform anymore, but I think my girls were about her age when they decided they just wanted to take a few classes. How's your son liking college so far?


Stacy, LeeAnn and Marisa- Hope you all had a good day today....I was busy as all heck today at work- but I booked out ON TIME!!!!! I had enough for one day- LOL

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Hello hello!

Beth-you are sure one busy lady! My dh likes to stay up late too...I putter out about 9 or so and just can't seem to stay away, but I also get up an hour earlier than him. Did you get any crafting time in? My ds also likes to spend money and really could benefit from a part time job when he gets older-more in the summer months. How long had your dd been taking dance?

Joanne-love love love love your scarves! soo pretty! and the rr, well it's just amazing! Great work!

Marisa-so good to hear from you! Sounds like you have been hopping and keeping super duper busy. Extra prayers headed your way about the loan. Do you have a business name picked out?

Stacy-your girls are just too cute! I love all of the pics of them on FB! Did you get into your class? 15 credits is alot, oh my gosh!

Work went well, we cleaned up a classroom and are planning the last Family Night of the season. :cheer:cheer My soap supplies came in, woohooo! I made dinner in a rush and have been multi tasking to get everything done so that I can go play. Will be back later hopefully with new products and pics.

hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Joanne, happy Wednesday. Does it count as Hump Day on a 4 day week?


LeeAnn, the soaps are cool. I'll bet they smell heavenly.


Today I tutor and take the twins in for dental work. I hope to continue working on my current afghan -- green and gold for a local high school, but also Green Bay Packers. I'm not labeling these, just trying to sell them. I'm going to try to get all the local high schools done as giant grannies. They go fast.

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Good morning

LeeAnn- OH my, those strawberry bites and bars look good enough to eat!! Great job on them!!!


Beth- Great idea on the Giant Granny's!!! I started another RR last night- I'm going to give this to my oldest since my youngest gave her a new bedding set for her birthday and she had mentioned that the the afghan I made her last year doesn't match! LOL


Marisa- Hope things are going well as you prep the office for business.


Stacy- Did you get the class you wanted?


Off to start the day---and it's Hump Day! (yes, it counts, Beth):lol

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Hi all!


I am so tired this morning- I got home from work at 12:30 a.m.! Was supposed to leave at 10 but the store was trashed from last-minute school shopping. Three people at the registers, and we still couldn't keep up! Hopefully it means I will be getting more hours soon. :xfin

Today is the first day of school for Isabella and Mia! I am excited to hear how their days went. Mia did not get the teacher I had hoped, but I'm sure she will like her new one, too. Isabella is in a class with some of her best friends from last year, and I know that makes her happy. :manyheart

I don't know yet if I got into the sociology class, but I am definitely dropping one of the online courses. It is just too much and I seem to be behind already. :eek


Leeann, your strawberry creations look wonderful!! I'm sure you won't have a problem selling them, but I will say good luck anyway. :hug:hug:hug You are so talented!


Joanne, sorry to hear there was a ton of stuff to do in Paradise, but at least you got out on time! :yes I hope Hump Day was nice to you after all that hard work yesterday.


Marisa, :xfin that you get good news about that loan!


Beth, I'm sure it is sad for your dd to leave dancing after so many years (performing, anyway.) Is she enjoying her art class? How is your son doing as a full-time college student?


Well, I better get some things straightened up before going to get the girls. See ya later, alligator!


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Stacy- How'd the girls do on their first day of classes? I saw on FB that your phone got wet again----do you think maybe this isn't the phone for you?:think:lol:lol Just kidding- hope the rice trick worked again!!! Good luck getting the soc class and it's probably wise to drop the online class if you are behind already- 15 credits, being a mom and working is very tough!!!!


Hope everyone had a good day--still raining here in NJ--and there is some flooding up in the northern part of the state:( I feel so bad for those folks!!!


I worked till 5:15 or so and it took an hour to get home:eek between Rutgers and the rain- traffic was horrific!!! At least I'm home and enjoying a cup of java! And I don't have to cook since we're having leftovers:clap

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LoL Joanne! I'm starting to think it really isn't the phone for me. Or at least I need to buy a waterproof case. :think Not sure if there is such a thing, though.


I can't believe it is still raining there! Although I thought I heard that there is another hurricane heading for the coast...Katia, I think? I have an FB friend who is vacationing in the Outer Banks and she said they may see some rain from it. I hope the flooding doesn't get too bad over there.


The girls both like their teachers. The only homework Isabella has this week is to read each day for 30 minutes, which they do, anyway. Mia has an alphabet review. I still can't believe she is in first grade already. :eek


Well I need to scoot and make dinner. Love and hugs!

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Evening all!


Joanne-your day was long,...glad that you were able to relax. Two more days! Yippeee skippy!


Beth-I bet your ghans will sell. I love grannies! Haven't made one in awhile, but they are just perfecto!


Marisa-hugs dear friend!


Stacy-so glad that your dd's like their teachers, that is sooo important. did your phone dry out?


It is rainy and windy here and chilly. Going to head to bed early, have a terrible headache.


hugs n squishes friends!

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Quick good morning as it promises to be a messy commute- it's still raining!!!


LeeAnn- Hope the headache is gone when you wake up this morning.


Stacy- Hope you didn't melt!!! Crank up that AC in the BR!!


Beth- Hope you are making good progress on your afghans


Marisa- Hope you have a good day--and better luck with posting on the Nook another time!


Off to get ready----Now where did i put my boat?:lol

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Hi all!!


I did get the class I wanted! :cheer:cheer And another prof. came in to speak to our class about service learning- which is basically acquiring units while volunteering (which, of course, looks really, really good on a transcript.) So guess who signed up? :blush:lol It's only 1 hour per week for this semester, and if I choose to do it next semester, it is 3 hours per week. The real selling point for me is that there is about 250 places where we can volunteer- and one of them is a d/v shelter, which is where I worked before I moved to CA! I am super-excited to attend the orientation on Tuesday!

Oh, and I scheduled Mia's surgery. It is Oct. 24. I am already nervous!


Marisa, I just read that PA has declared a state of emergency from all of the flooding. :eek I hope you and your family are okay!


Joanne, is it still raining there, too? Stay safe!


Leeann, I am :dreaming about your cold, chilly nights! I hope your headache has cleared up.


Beth, is it raining there, too? Has the wildfire gone out? :hug:hug I think the giant grannies sound like a wonderful idea. :yes


Well I need to scoot and figure out dinner, then class tonight. Love and hugs! And prayers for those in the flooded areas. :hug:hug:hug

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Stacy- I'm so HAPPY that you got the class!!!!!! Yippee!!!! I love the idea of service learning- I think that is wonderful!! Mia's surgery will go fine I just know it!!! But I totally understand being nervous about it- you are a Mom after all!!! I'll be keeping her in my prayers and sending positive thoughts!!!


PA had a state of emergency down by Philly and towns in that area such as Wilkes-Barre ---The Susquehanna River is flooding. It flooded more in towns that are still recovering from Hurricane Irene here in NJ. One of my good friends at work is still cleaning up from irene- she lost alot in the hurricane- and it's starting to flood again. They've already torn down sheet rock, rented a dumpster and threw out so much. My heart breaks for her. Her DH works at Home Depot- and Home Depot sent out 15 guys to help them with their clean up---much better than were we work and we had to use our own time if we took off when the office was closed because of no power!!!


Beth, LeeAnn and Marisa- Hope you all had a good day.


Babysitting for the little guy tomorrow night with my DD's MIL. DD and SIL are in his best friends' wedding tomorrow ---she had asked us to babysit when she was still pregnant!! I sure hope the rain stops (it did for a while today)---tomorrow is supposed to be partly cloudy with chance of rain---


Off to get dinner.

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Good morning, and pass the coffee!!!


Joanne, I hope you have fun co-babysitting with your dd's mil. Do you two get along well? Not that I imagine you not getting along with anyone. You are such a pleasure to be around.


Stacy, hooray for getting your class! I love the idea of service training, too. Not only is it good for the community, but what a great way to find out what you truly want from life. The "typical" college student is young and inexperienced -- this would allow them to work in the real world, get some experience, find out what they really like... Enjoy! I hate to sound stupid, but is d/v disabled veteran?


Marisa, I hope you are staying dry and getting things together the way you want them. Thanks for stopping by. Sorry your kindle post evaporated.


LeeAnn, how's school for the kiddoes? How's work?


Well, yesteday, dd told me she wants to do her last year of dance after all, so we rushed her to character class, and she whined all night about her knees hurting. We'll see what the orthopedist says next week.


Today I tutor and have my teen crochet group. Tomorrow, I meet my adult crochet group, and go to "Bay Days" Hampton's celebration of life on the Chesapeake.

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HI all and Happy Friday!


Beth- Hope it's nothing serious with your DD's knees! First thing I thought when I read your post about DD deciding she wanted to dance for her last year was she's a typical teenage girl- changing her mind!


DD's MIL and I do get along very well so I'm very lucky in that respect. We should have a good time watching him together. Your days sound like fun- between the teenage crochet group, the adult crochet group and Bays Days!! Have a blast!!


Stacy- Hope you aren't affected by the massive blackout I read about this morning hitting from So Cali to AZ!!


LeeAnn- TGIF!! Hope you had a good night!


Marisa- How's things coming along? Are you getting ANY rest/relaxation?


Off to get ready for a busy day in Paradise followed by a fun evening with my GS! See you tomorrow probably!

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Hey ladies,


It's been raining off and on all week on this side of the state so it hasn't been bad. However, with Wilkes Barre being evacuated yesterday and for 3 days and the water being at like 39 feet or something :think My mom called today and I think they're going to beat their record from Agnes in 1972 :eek My parents are ok though, they live about 20 minutes south of W-B and rest assured that if they were in trouble of flooding, then the whole state would be under and they are the 2nd highest point in PA :yes They usually get water in the basement, but that's the worst....knock on wood. The Susquehanna is up really high, I think nearing the tops of the trees my mom said :eek


Joanne - posting from the nook is hard for this site, because there's a link to Amazon near the bottom and for some reason if my finger hits anywhere around the outside of the text box it activates the link and I lose whatever I've typed :(


I think I came up with a logo for my office and my friend who was an art major is going to clean it up for me :) I have a business workshop tomorrow morning and then the PITT game in the afternoon. So, I'm not sure when I'll make it back here :think Maybe not too long because I'm trying to get some computer work done since I was having trouble staying focused with cleaning at the office today :think


I guess that's about it for now. I hope y'all are doing well :hug :hug :hug

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Good evening friends!

Joanne-ohh laaa laaa! An evening with your beautiful grandson sounds like the perfect way to spend time. How fun! That is fantastic that you get along well with your dd's mother in-law. I can't imagine you ever not getting along, you are just soo sweet!

Beth-that is so funny that your dd changed her mind. Are her knees feeling better? Has she had this problem before?

Stacy-hip hip hooray! You got into your class! I bet you are over the moon! The in-service learning project sounds a great idea. An hour a week sounds do-able.

Marisa-can't wait to see your logo! Soo exciting!

Last night we had Family Night, didn't get home until almost 9. I was hyped up and didn't get to sleep until late, kinda tired today. My headache is lingering. I just took a few Motrin, I try to stay away from meds but I just can't seem to concentrate. Other than that, nothing new....I did find some puuurrrrty fabric at the fabric store...gosh! I sure am addicted, can't wait to play, perhaps tomorrow afternoon.

My kiddos are doing well. Ds has decided to join a bowling league, so excited for him! He is making great strides in his counseling sessions and is showing more inerest in extra curricular activities. Dd wants to join either band or choir, she can not decide which one, she is welcome to try both as one is during the school day and the other is before school begins. I am happy that they are happy and enjoying the school year.

off to sit and veg, I was going to crochet not sure if my eyes can focus.

hugs n squishes!

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Hi all!


Guess what? Dh gave me a yarn ball winder for my birthday! :manyheart I thought he forgot...:blush...but he had ordered it on Amazon and it arrived today. :clap It is awesome-sauce! Although once he watch how it worked, he was like, "I don't get it. :think" :lol


Joanne, have fun co-babysitting! Don't fight over baby-holding privileges, okay? :wink:lol


Marisa, I'm happy to hear that your parents are okay. 39 feet, though?! :eek Wowza. I really feel for all of the people affected by the flooding. As if an earthquake and tornadoes weren't enough. This weather sure has been crazy. WTG figuring out your logo! :yay


Leeann, yay for fabric! And for your dk's loving their school year! And for ds benefiting from his counseling sessions! Sounds like all is well in your end of the world. :hug:hug


Beth, good luck with your dd's knee. :yay for finishing the year (as long as her knee is well enough.) Have fun tutoring and with your crochet groups. You sure do know how to keep busy! Oh, and d/v is domestic violence. ;) Before moving out here, I helped to run a children's support group, and took emergency shelter calls.


Well, I'm off to read for a while. We have a quiz due on Sunday, and a homework due, also.


Good night!

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