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good morning ladies,


yes, im at work today and we were here on time at 8 am. roads we better this morning than getting home from the game last night. it stopped here around 2-3 am, and we only got about 4-5 inches. not much.


well, we've only had 2 patients so far this morning and u've probably guessed it was slow since i was checking in while here :yes we should've openned late :think 2 patients in 2 hours isnt worth running the electricity. i'm betting we get insanely busy later after our lunch break.


i hope everyone has a great day and stays safe and warm :hug

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Hi All,


My husband's ugly alarm found me with yucky sinuses, so I went back to bed after I saw him off. When I woke up again at 9:30, I had a pounding headache, so I'm nicely medicated now. Plus I have my big cup of coffee in front of me, and all is good.


Joanne, I'm glad you don't have to drive in the ugly. we didn't seem to get anything. We had a little freezing slushy rain last night, but it was very little. It didn't seem to affect the roads. When I was heading home, it was actually aboze freezing, barely.


LeaAnn, early dismissal is fun. Is it the end of the semester for your kids? we still have a couple of weeks before our school year is half over, but it's coming fast.


Marisa, it is odd to hear from you during the day. I hope things pick up for you. A busy day is much faster than a slow day.


Mary, you do need to come up with some alternate things to do. Can you organize your yarn stash and your patterns (that would take me a while) I'm sorry you're so frustrated.


Stacy, thanks for the comment about my daughter. Yes, that's her snow court costume from the Nutcracker. Her twin brother's two best friends have commented that they both like her.


Sorry if I'm not communicating well. This headache is interfering with my concentration. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for everyone.

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Evening all!


Beth-do hope you feel better soon! Hugs and extra hugs headed your way!


Wanted to pop in for a few. I finally started crocheting again today, working on the granny ripple that has been sitting near the couch for what seems like forever. Also went in and had my hair cut! yuppers! new do, extra short....don't know why but I just felt like I needed a change, kinda worried, dh doesn't like short hair but will have to deal with it...:devil


Marisa-hope your afternoon sped by!


Joanne-how was working from home?


cooking dinner but waiting for the steak to cook halfway so that I can start the pasta.


bbl! hugs n squishes!


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:hi Beth


Your daughter is beautiful :yes I managed to get my butt in gear and get quite a bit of paperwork done today and then it picked up in the afternoon :yes Overall, it wasn't too bad.


Sorry to throw you off during the day :lol:devil

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:hi LeeAnn


I love the new do :yes It fits perfectly and looks very natural for you :yay I have to get my hair colored, I'm thinking I'll head up my parents this weekend otherwise, I don't know when I'll get it done. As for a cut, I totally need one of those too, but my mom won't cut anymore because she doesn't think she see's straight :lol

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Leeann, your new hair cut is sooooo pretty! It looks wonderful on you! Good luck with your dh- mine doesn't like short hair either. Oh, and I forgot to say thank you for mailing that package, I can't wait to get it! :yay Good luck with your granny ripple.


Sarah, welcome back!


Joanne, :yay for working from home!


Marisa, :yay for finishing paperwork and for working picking up! Is Mary feeling better?


Beth, sorry you don't feel well. :hug:hug:hug:hug I hope some rest will help.


We had a busy, productive day. Dh went to the dentist this morning, then we went out for a late lunch. Went to the optometrist but they weren't open, so I dropped off dh and Eva and went back by myself. I got an awesome deal and ended up with a year's worth of contact lenses, a pair of glasses, and an exam for $50! :woo I am so excited! My prescription changed slightly, so they gave me a sample pair of contacts, and I need to call them in a day or so to let them know how they're working. So far, so good. Then we had the usual afternoon routine- picking up the girls, homework, dinner, etc. Now the girls are in bed, I am poking around on the computer while dh makes some cd's. Will probably go to bed soon. I am tired!


Love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


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Good morning!


LeeAnn- I LOVE your new hairdo!!! It looks so "YOU"! Perfect! How did DH like it? I think Men always say they love long hair- I know mine does too- but the way I look at it, it's MY hair and I'll do with it what I want and he'll just have to deal. I wear my hair shoulder length, because that's what I like!


Sarah- Glad to hear that your computer is back- that must be such a relief!!!


Stacy- WTG on that GREAT deal on the contacts/glasses and exam all for $50.00!!! Cant' beat that for sure. I thought of you this morning when I was up before the crack of dawn and having a cup of Trader Joe's Dark! Thanks so much again for recommending my new favorite coffee. I always stock up when I'm there and noticed that I am on my last can! Time for a trek to TJ's when I get back from Beantown!


Marisa- Slow days sometimes really drag. I wonder why they bothered to open in the morning? You are right- the electricity and all probably wasn't worth it. But at least it gives you a chance to catch up on all the paperwork. Are you going to head to your parents this weekend so you can get your hair colored? I'm so glad my appt was switched to Tuesday night and I was able to get mine done. Feels so much better when it's first colored!


Mary- Sending you more hugs!!!


Beth- How are the sinuses feeling today?


LeaAnne- How'd you like all the snow? My brother in CT got 2 feet and I'll be heading up to the WinterWonderland tomorrow!


Colleen- How's it going with the working part time? And how was DD's party?


Thinking of you all and hope you have a great day! Today is my Friday since I'm off work till next Wednesday!!!


Off to get ready.....

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Good morning!


Joanne, enjoy your early Friday, and your trip to Boston. I know you are excited. I hope you have a lot of fun in the winter wonderland.


Stacy, what an awesome deal!!! I'd be happy to spend $50 on just the glasses. That was amazing.


Sarah, Hooray for getting your computer back!!! It'll be nice to hear from you more often again.


Marisa, whatcha reading? Is it any good?


LeaAnn, you look stunning with your new hairdo! If your dh doesn't like it, he's blind. And besides, it will grow back. It's just hair.


Mary, I hope you are finding some way to stay entertained. I'm thinking of you. I'd suggest a snow ball fight, but you need your wrist too much for making good snow balls....


Colleen, I hope work is going well for you.


LeaAnne, are you buried under snow? What's going on in your corner of the world?


Shannon, I hope you are all well.


Today is house cleaning day, and my dd wants to go shopping, and I'm tutoring in my house, and I have to make a grocery run. And I meet my IRL crocheting friends in the evening. Should be a good day. I think it will go by quickly.

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Good morning ladies :hi


I'm about to be running late so I'm going to try to be quick here. My sil is getting close to having my niece :xfin that everything goes well. Her name is to be Madeline, which was my grandma on my dad's side and who's bday would be today :lol


Stacy - Awesome deal with the glasses, exam and contacts :bounce:clap:yay And yep, Mary is feeling much much better now


Joanne - I am going home this weekend and talked to my mom this morning to let her know I'm coming and to make sure she has my color there, which I think she already does :yes


Beth - Right now I'm reading Weekend in Paris by Robyn Sisman It's a cutsie one so far and I'm enjoying it as a completely mindless reading :D:lol I'm heading to the yarn store tonight so I'll look while I'm there and let you know what I come up with. Shouldn't be too hard since I live in Phill and that green is EVERYWHERE :lol


Gotta run, but I'll be back later

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Good Day friends!

Joanne-so glad that today is your Friday, I am sure you will have a fantastic time with your family. Soo happy for you!

Beth-sounds like you will have a jam packed fun filled day! That is wonderful that you get to meet up with a friend and crochet.

Marisa-I so wish that someone would color my hair, but now that it is short, should be super easy. Are you looking for yarn for a particular project besided Beth colors?

Stacy-great deal on the contacts and office visit! wooohoooo! I would have been super pumped!

Sarah-welcome back dear friend! Glad that your computer is fixed.

Mary-are you feeling better?

Thank you all so very much for the compiments on my hair cut. I do love it! dh said it was nice but prefers it longer, my sister (whom is very opinionated) said she did not like it.:angry I am trying not to get all worked up about it, it's my hair and as long as I love it, who cares?:yes

still plugging away on the ripple, funny thing...I needed black yarn and searched high and low...then was walking by the closet and noticed that I had another bag of yarn hidden...guess what???? found the black yarn! I tell ya, my heart went pitter patter! It's the small things! :lol

back to crocheting! hugs n squishes!

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Hi all,

Quick post, because I'm getting hungry! Worked a little late to tie up loose ends, then made a stop at the store to pick up some healthy snacks for the trip!


Packed up my yarn for the trip- too much as always- but i never know what I'll be in the mood to crochet!


Beth- what are you making in Eagles colors? Hope you are having fun with your IRL crochet friends tonight!


LeeAnn- I LOVE your new haircut. Can't believe your sis doesn't like it!!! It's gorgeous on you!!! Love, Love, Love it!!!


Marisa- Have fun at the yarn store- and at your Mom's---that's great that she can color your hair for you!!!I'm afraid to do my own- that I'll end up with some wierd color so for my peace of mind- I'll pay the hairdresser to do it!


Everyone else- thinking of you and hope you are having a good day


Oh- Stacy- saw on FB that poor Mia has an ear infection again- give her some extra hugs!!!


See you in the AM

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Well ladies, I ended up getting yarn for 2 more baby cardigans that I found while browsing for boy patterns for Mary to use and picked up yarn for those. I also picked up the extra yarn for the baby blanket, which is what I was going for to start with. Mary just wanted to be home so I picked up her green for her. When I got home, I sorted through my whole mess of yarn and think I'll be starting a scrap ghan after my projects are done and don't have a time limit anymore :think I have alot of leftovers that are now building up.


Beth, I didn't really see anything that I liked for eagles green :( I will keep my eyes peeled, but most seemed to dark or to rich if that makes any sense :(


I probably won't make it back until saturday some time :think In case I'm running late in the morning, I hope everyone has a wonderful friday and Joanne, have a safe trip :D

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Joanne - My mom is a cosmetologist, so she is a professional for it :D Definitely a perk. And although she's had the license since high school vo-tech she was always a baker when we were growing up. She never really cut our hair because she always felt that she couldn't see straight :lol But she always did perms and colors for the close family and friends.

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Hi girls!


Leeann, it is just too bad if your sister doesn't like your cut! It is your hair and it looks super cute-ness on you! :yes Oh, I got the package today! Thank you so, so much! My hands are very happy right now- they are sooo soft. :manyheart


Marisa, :clap on finding yarn for your baby projects. Have a great weekend with your parents!


Joanne, have a safe trip! Thanks for the hugs for Mia. I will be sure to pass them along. :wink I'm so glad you like the TJ's coffee. I bought the regular Joe's today- wasn't in the mood for a dark one. I splurged and tried a new blend last time- Pajaro, or something like that. It was a really colorful canister. It was a nice treat, but not something I would like every day. :D


Beth, sounds like you had a busy day planned! Hope you had fun with your IRL friends.


Today I had planned to clean the girls' room, in preparation for Isabella's party on Saturday. Then I remembered that Mommy and Me started again today, so we went there instead. :lol (Anything to get out of cleaning. :lol:devil) Eva didn't care for it, except snack time and playing on the apparatus, so I don't think we will return next week. After dinner we had a meeting for Isabella's soccer league.

Tomorrow I do have to crack down and actually clean up their room and straighten the house a bit. I took a few things out to the garage today (I actually need to donate them, but Eva saw me take them out and cried that she didn't want me to throw them away, so I just told her I was putting them in the garage. :blush) They will stay there until the weekend when I can get out by myself and find a new home for them.


Well, I am off for the night. Lots of love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!


Marisa- Have a fun weekend at your parents and at the Sixer's game tonight! That's great that your mom is a cosmetologist- my youngest DD has a friend who is also a cosmetologist- although she doesn't practice as one- decided that's not what she wanted to do. But she did do all the girls hair including my DD's for her wedding which was great! It was one of her gifts to DD!


Has Madeline made her entrance into the world yet? As I was looking through yarn to take with me, I found lots of scrap yarns- When I get back I'm going to go through it all, and I'll probably start some sort of scrapghan too!


Stacy- Remember that today you must clean up the girls room! :devil Have fun at Isabella's party! What's the theme?


LeeAnn- That's great that you found some black yarn! I can totally relate- it feels great to need something and then find you had it all along!!! You may have mentioned, but what colors are in your ripple?


Beth- Hope you had a blast with your IRL crochet buddies. What are you planning to make with the Eagles green?


Sarah, Colleen, Shannon, LeaAnne and Mary- Thinking of you all !


Have a great Friday! When I post again, I'll be in Beantown!!!

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Hello everyone!


Joanne, I hope your Boston trip is fun and fantastic -- just like you!!! My son's co-worker asked me to make a cancer cap for a friend of hers. He is an Eagles fan, but I may just go with his second choices--red and black, or green and black. That way, it doesn't have to be the exact colors.


Marisa, So nice to have family that can do hair. My niece is a very good beautician, but she lives kind of far away. She specializes in mens cuts now.


LeaAnn, Is your sister jealous because you're the pretty one? Your hair is awesome. You look great in it. It looks fairly easy to maintain.. What's not to love?


My IRL meeting was very nice. We are a small group -- just 3 of us -- but we are really good friends, so it's fun to get together. One of our group just started back to school, in addition to working full time and being a mom to 3 boys. For some odd reason, she didn't feel she had the spare time to hang out with us for 2 hours.... I wonder why??? But the two of us who were there had a good time.


today is homeschool bowling, then I tutor, and it's homemade pizza night at the Jordan house. Speaking of which, I need to go get the dough started. Have a great day, everyone!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good Morning friends!


Thank you all of you for being sooo sweet and kind! I am feeling lots better.:2blush


Joanne-have a safe and enjoyable trip! What fun and exciting things will you be doing?


Stacy-sooo glad that you liked the package.:bheart I do enjoy crafting. Hope you get to your chores today with zeal! I have to clean dd's room but have been putting it off. I washed all of her bedding yesterday and tidied up her closet and on top of her dresser, I still need her bookshelf. :eek lots of teeny tiny tihngs that she collects.


Marisa-baby yarn sounds yummy! I was on a baby yarn kick for awhile, need to get cracking on a few items to use it up and save for my stash. I have my cosmetology licence but only cut my kiddos hair. I used to be super busy cutting and perming and coloring all of my families hair and their friends and .....and....., but I got burnt out on it and really don't like it. Have fun at your parents house!


Beth-you are just too sweet! Sorry that one of your IRL buddies didn't make it, but glad that you were able to visit and crochet. Did you get the hat figured out?


The granny ripple that I am making is a scrap blankie. I am using a row of black between the color changes. I will take a pic to share. I also want to start on a few hats for charity with the SS Carron yarn that I have...ohhh the time, and I want to read! I wish I could read and crochet at the same time, not that talented tho.:lol


but before I get started crocheting must get the dishes done, beds made and laundry put away. Dh was supposed to wash dishes last night but he wanted to read...so I said, "ok hun, I will get to them later"...and whatdya know? I wanted to read too! BBL!


hugs n squishes!:hug:hug

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Hi all,

I'm in Beantown!!! and its wonderful to see my oldest! There is lots more snow here than at home- and the ride up was so pretty with all the snow in the trees.


We got here around 4 and hung out waiting for DD at a cafe. I crocheted and DD and her BF read books- it was so nice and relaxing. We all went to dinner along with DD's roomate- a place we usually go to Friday's when I come up- excellent, reasonably priced place- and they had their fireplace going tonight which made it very cozy and warm!


DD's made choc chip cookies when we got home and we are all jus relaxing now


Tomorrow we head over to Boston College- which will be about an hr train ride from where my DD lives- it's way on the other side- We are meeting my cousins, my brother and sister -in- law and nephew for the BC vs Boston U Girls hockey game - then all going out to eat aftewards. I've never seen a girls hockey game before and these two teams have an intense rivalry so it should be lots of fun


Sunday or Monday- we are going to the Museum of Fine Art-never get tired of that museum and Dd's BF who is an artist has never been there. We also are going to go to the North End at some point to get some nice Italian pastries and cannoli's!!


I'm going to read for a bit-


See you in the AM!

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Good morning, I'm going to be brief, since my dd wants the computer.


:hug to everyone.


today my dd has a master dance class, then she is going on a non-date with her brother's friend. (OK, it's actually a date, he's just not ready to say so, because my son is threatening to kill him....) Yeah, it's OK for my son to date my dd's best friend, but she's not allowed to date his friend???


Anyway, I'm chauffeuring and chaperoning, so I will be busy today. I hope you have a great one!

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Good morning!


Beth- Sounds like DD has a date today! (regardless of what your DS says-:lol:lol) Hope she has a fun time. You've gotta love the double standard:lol


The house is nice and quiet as everyone is still sound asleep. We'll be heading out around noon today so lots of time in the morning to read or crochet. Sure beats my normal Saturday routine of cleaning!!!!


Have a great day everyone!

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:hi everyone!


Sorry I have been MIA. So very busy. I am now done working the evenings at the clinic. They hired someone. I'm taking care of 2 kids (one before and after school every day, the other before and after school and on the alternate days full days--he's in my DD's class). So, I have been busy for sure. Still waiting to hear about an interview for the other job, but at least I'm making some money in the meantime.


DH and I have joined weightwatchers! :clap We are 3 days into it and I'm still getting my head around the point system and trying to figure out what works best from me. So far I've been pretty good and following it to the book, so that's good. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. This is the first time I've ever heard DH show any interest in getting healthy, so I'm hopeful we can make some positive changes for both of us.


It is snowing here today and will be cold and snowy all week. We've been doing lots of sledding, so that has been fun. We still don't have a whole lot of snow, but enough to cover the hill and look all pretty and white. The trees look so pretty. :c9


I'm sorry I don't have time to catch up on everything. I see Joanne is in Boston :manyheart and Beth's DD has a non-date :wink. Stacy has party this weekend :yay and Marisa and LeeAnn are still crocheting up a storm :hook. :hi to Mary, Shannon, LeaAnne, Sarah, Vicki and anyone I've missed. I hope everyone has a marvelous weekend. I think of you all often! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning ladieis :hi


My sixers won last night :clap And then I hit the road and made it to my parents a little after midnight :eek It was a good ride and only hit a bit of construction at one point. I started a new baby cardigan while at the game and I pulled it out this morning and put it by the other one I made, me and my mom decided it looks small and I should make it bigger, so I took out what was already done and will start anew with it :yes I was only about 5 rows in, so wasn't painful to take out :lol


LeeAnn - If Stacy got her package, I'll bet mine's sitting in my mailbox waiting for me to get back home tomorrow :yes:yay My mom only does a few people's hair, it's not a crazy amount....I think only 4, including me and when she does my Aunt's, my Aunt does hers :D


Beth - I hope dd has a good time out on her DATE :lol Boys always have double standards :eek He'll get over it though when he realizes he can't stop it :lol


Stacy - clean, clean, clean!!!! :cheer :cheer :cheer You can do it!!! :cheer :cheer :cheer (I like to procrastinate too)


Joanne - Have fun meeting up with your relatives :hug Stay warm!


Colleen - :xfin Good luck to you and dh with ww :cheer It's one of the best programs out there IMO for being healthier and shedding some pounds. Because it doesn't tell you that you CAN'T have something, but teaches you how to eat what you like in moderation so you're still being satisfied too :yes The first week or 2 will be the hardest, but will then become easier and it helps that you're doing to together :lol So you can both motivatet and inspire each other :hug I'm rooting for you :D

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