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Ballerina Tutu & Slippers for CPK


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This is my 1st ever attempt at writing up a pattern. Please let me know if you find any mistakes.


PLEASE don't sell my pattern as your own, I'm not fussed about what you do with what you make, they are yours to do with what you want, but the pattern was designed by me, and I would like it to stay that way. Thanks :)









5.5mm Crochet Hook

100g Double Knitting Yarn (my guess would be 8ply but that is what is was called)


Terms Used:

Ch - Chain

Dc - Double Crochet

Dc-dec - Double Crochet Decrease

St - Stitch

Slst - Slip Stitch

BLO - Back Loop Only

FLO - Front Loop Only


Knickers (FRONT)Main Colour


Ch 27

1: Dc in 3rd ch from hook, dc each ch across, ch 2, turn (25)

2: Dc in each st, ch 2, turn (25)

3: 2 dc-dec over next 4 st, dc in next 17 st, 2 dc-dec over last 4 st, ch2, turn (21)

4: 2 dc-dec over next 4 st, dc in next 13 st, 2 dc-dec over last 4 st, ch2, turn (17)

5: 2 dc-dec over next 4 st, dc in next 9 st, 2 dc-dec over last 4 st, ch2, turn (13)

6: 2 dc-dec over next 4 st, dc in next 5 st, 2 dc-dec over last 4 st, ch2, turn (9)

7: 2 dc-dec over next 4 st, dc in next st, 2 dc-dec over last 4 st, ch2, turn (5)

8: Dc-dec over next 2 st, dc in next st, dc-dec over next 2 st, ch2, turn (3)

9: Dc in each st, ch2, turn (3)

10: Dc in each st, end off (3)


Knickers (BACK)Main Colour


Ch 27

1: Dc in 3rd ch from hook, dc each ch across, ch 2, turn (25)

2: Dc in each st, ch 2, turn (25)

3: Dc-dec over next 2 st, dc in next 21 st, dc-dec over last 2 st, ch2, turn (23)

4: Dc-dec over next 2 st, dc in next 19 st, dc-dec over last 2 st, ch2, turn (21)

5: Dc-dec over next 2 st, dc in next 17 st, dc-dec over last 2 st, ch2, turn (19)

6: Dc-dec over next 2 st, dc in next 15 st, dc-dec over last 2 st, ch2, turn (17)

7: 2 dc-dec over next 4 st, dc in next 9 st, 2 dc-dec over last 4 st, ch2, turn (13)

8: 2 dc-dec over next 4 st, dc in next 5 st, 2 dc-dec over last 4 st, ch2, turn (9)

9: 2 dc-dec over next 4 st, dc in next st, 2 dc-dec over last 4 st, ch2, turn (5)

10: Dc-dec over next 2 st, dc in next st, dc-dec over last 2 st, ch2, turn (3)

Sew crutch and side seams together.


BodyMain Colour


Find middle st of back and join with a slst.

11: Ch2, dc in BLO of each st, dc in same st as 1st st, ch2, turn (51)

12-15: Dc in each st, ch2, turn (51)

16: Dc in each st, end off (51)

17: Sk 15 st, join with slst, ch2, dc in next 23 st, ch2, turn (23)

18: Dc-dec over next 2 st, dc in next 19 st, dc-dec over last 2 st, ch2, turn (21)

19: Dc-dec over next 2 st, dc in nest 17 st, dc-dec over last 2 st, ch2, turn (19)

20: Dc-dec over next 2 st, dc in next 15 st, dc-dec over last 2 st, ch2, turn (17)

21-28: Dc in next 4 st, ch2, turn (4)

29: Dc in next 4 st, end off


To make the other strap;


On the last row of the body (row 11) join with a slst in the 4th st from the end, ch2. (There should be 9 st between the two straps.)

30-37: Dc in next 4 st, ch2, turn (4)

38: Dc in next 4 st, end off. (4)

Join each strap to back of body in the 4th st from end.

TutuContrast Colour

1: Join with a slst in the middle st of the back of the body in the FLO of row 11, ch1

2: Sc in FLO of each st, join with slst, ch2, turn (50)

3: 2 dc in each st around, join with a slst, ch2, turn (100)

4: 2 dc in each st around, join with a slst, ch2, turn (200)

5-6: Dc in each st around, join with a slst, ch2, turn (200)

7: Dc in each st around, join with a slst, ch1, turn (200)

8: Sc in each st around, end off




Sc around armholes, neck, back and leg holes, remembering to make a loop for the button on the back.


Sew button on back.


Weave in ends.


**NOTE: I didn’t add a button and buttonhole, as kids can find them troublesome. I joined my straps to the 2nd stitch from the end, instead of the 4th, and mine stays on just fine. But the button and buttonhole definitely look better. ;-)


Slippers (make 2)


Make ring of choice, ch2

1: 8 dc into ring, ch2, turn (8)

2: 2 dc in each dc, ch2, turn (16)

3: 2 dc in each dc ch2, turn(32)

4: Dc in BLO of each dc, join with a slst, ch2, turn

5: Dc in each dc, join with slst, ch2, turn,

6: Dc in each dc, join with a slst, ch1, turn

7: Sc in each dc, join with slst, end off


Straps Contrast Colour

The straps are joined to the slipper halfway through making the chain


Make chain (tightly) as long as you want it to be (depends on how many times you want to wrap it around the leg), 3 sc in 3 st at the back of slipper to join, make same amount of chains again. End off.

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