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Purchasing Yarn

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I've declared a moratorium on impulse yarn buying. Now I only buy with a project in mind, and I'm behind on requested projects. So I shouldn't need any more for awhile. Also, I have a pretty huge stash taking up room in my closet. If I run out of something to do, I will use that to make some scrapghans or something.

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I always bought a skein or two with my 40% off coupons just to put in my "someday" stash....however, when I finally got around to using it...and then needed another skein to finish the item...it was almost never the exact shade. So beware of those dye lot colors. I still buy if I get a great clearance, but I just keep that in mind when I go to start a project with it.

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I do both.


I can't resist clearance or really great sales. I'll usually buy large quantities of those & often in the same or matching/coordinating colors so I can do a large project without needing to go out & buy more yarn.


If I know that I need to get a specific project done, I have been known to go out & buy just for that project.


Mostly I look for the sales & the clearance items since I tend to stock up quite a bit. I quit buying single skeins a while back because then they just sat & took up space in my stash without a definite project.

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A little of both, I guess, and pick up one or two one-pounders each week w/coupons. DH gave me an AC Moore gift card for Christmas, so I took care of that in about an hour, plus more, which I attributed to January birthday :woo


DS stayed in my craft room this week following surgery. He came downstairs and told me that I had a serious problem "upstairs". I figured a mouse, or whatever. :think He said that I have "way too much yarn" :eek I informed him that I am a yarnaholic and asked him if he had he looked in the huge gray Rubbermaid trunk, or under the folding table, or under the futon etc.. He hadn't, just based his comment on what was out in the open :whew He should have seen all of it - probably would have done an intervention :rofl:rofl:rofl

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A little of both, I guess, and pick up one or two one-pounders each week w/coupons. DH gave me an AC Moore gift card for Christmas, so I took care of that in about an hour, plus more, which I attributed to January birthday :woo


DS stayed in my craft room this week following surgery. He came downstairs and told me that I had a serious problem "upstairs". I figured a mouse, or whatever. :think He said that I have "way too much yarn" :eek I informed him that I am a yarnaholic and asked him if he had he looked in the huge gray Rubbermaid trunk, or under the folding table, or under the futon etc.. He hadn't, just based his comment on what was out in the open :whew He should have seen all of it - probably would have done an intervention :rofl:rofl:rofl


I buy both ways too. I love having a stash & using the stash & planning how to use the stash & changing my mind & buying more yarn!

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I used to buy randomly and I've ended up with a ton of yarn I will likely never use.




then my kids started to block the yarn isles so i could not enter. now i am allowed IF I'm buying kitchen cotton or for specific project. i do have a collection of yarn that is sufficiant for scrapghans n' hats for charity.

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I used to just buy randomly, especially when it was on sale. Then my son was born and my yarn budget had to become the daycare budget. Now, I HAVE to have a project in mind and only buy enough for that project (plus one skein if it's a large project...). It helps if it's on sale. I've used up about 80% of my stash in the last year and am down to a few funky colors, or yarn that's set aside as part of a UFO.... and a lot of cotton I haven't touched yet.

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I went on a Lion's Brand homespun rampage a few years ago, buying up one or two different colors every time I went into the store. It all started with an Octagon Granny blanket I made for my Mom, and I had two skeins left over. I loved the way the yarn worked up and the feel of the blanket once finished. I went from there making several afghans for my family with the same yarn, but different colors. Soon I had like 6 different colors of single skeins that didn't match or work together. That's when it hit me, I made a huge, I mean HUGE ugly Blanket. I swear this thing hangs off of my Mother's King size bed on all sides. It cost a bit of money to have it shipped to her as well. I ended up using 23 different colors in that blanket and I still have partial skeins left to make another one. So what started out with me buying skeins for a project as turned into buying a little extra for a planned project, then buying one or two skeins of the same brand and name in different colors as the weeks months later for scrap or ugly blankets.

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For me there are a few things I have to consider, if I am working on or planning a project I do buy specific yarn for that, but I also look for clearance sales. I have what think is a good size stash now, so I try not to buy more without using some of it first. working on a few projects now and trying to only use yarn from stash.


There are definately times when I buy just because I like either the look or feel(or both) of a specific yarn, so impulse part of it :devil

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:wavingHi, My name is Kathy, aka tnkycrochetnut, and I am a yarnaholic. But its not my fault. I inherited the disease from my mother and older sister. They are the ones who taught me how to crochet. They are also the ones who was constantly buying yarn whenever they found it on sale. When my mother passed away in 1981, most of her yarn stash went to a local senior citizens group that crocheted and knitted. My sister and I may have kept some but I don't really remember. Then when my sister passed away in 1992 I did keep some of her stash but my other sister (who is not a crocheter or a knitter) and I gave most of our sister's stash to a senior citizens group. Since I am the youngest of my mother's three daughters more than likely I will be the last to die. When that happens I don't know what will happen to my stash. Neither my neice or nephew crochets. Nor do any of their children crochet and I did not have any children, so where my yarn stash and huge collection of crochet patterns goes is anybody's guess at this point.


I had promised myself towards the end of last year I would not buy anymore yarn unless I needed it for a certain project. I would use up my huge stash before buying. Wouldn't you know it. When I visited my sister the first of December I found Lion Brand Suede yarn (one I have never used before) for $1.50 a skein at Big Lots. I began to shake and couldn't quit until I bought 4 skeins. Just the amount called for in a pattern shown on the label of one skein. Okay I told myself after all I really saved money by buying it this way. Lion Brand Suede is an expensive yarn. I did real good until the end of December when after reading about Wal Mart cutting back on the craft departments here in Crochetville and noticing it myself when shopping at Wal Mart. I found Red Heart Super Saver at $2 a skein at my local Wal Mart (not a Supercenter Wal Mart) and bought almost a whole shopping cart full. I used my Christmas money from the noncrocheting sister to buy it. I did that so my husband wouldn't fuss and I really didn't need anything else. I figured I would get more pleasure from the yarn than any little doohickey. Besides when I'm crocheting I'm not nibbling, therefore, my doctor should be happy. I'm not gaining weight and my blood pressure is staying in the good range.


My husband's company "retired" him last May and our budget is very limited now. But still I don't fuss when he buys baseball cards on eBay. I know he really "needs" them. If he is fooling with his "cards" he is not eating and therefore, the doctor should be happy with him also. No more weight gain and his blood pressure is in the good range also.


Therefore, I don't think my being a yarnaholic is a problem. Well, not yet. But I'm really going to try to make do with my stash for now. I'm not going to buy any more yarn. I'm not going to buy any more yarn. I'm not going to buy any more yarn.


What was that I just read in Crochetville. Some web site has yarn for sale. At an outstanding price and if I purchase over a certain dollar amount there is no shipping charges. Oh, let me sign off for now so I can go check out that yarn. I need yarn. Lots and lots of yarn.:rofl

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Sorry Patcreates. Got a little carried away with my nonsense above. Now for a little solid advice. I think at first I would buy with certain projects in mind. But don't buy just the amount the pattern calls for. Buy extra of each color especially the dark colors. Somehow the dark dye weighs more therefore you may not have as much yarn in a skein as the lighter colors. Always heard this but never have tested this out. You might carry a list with you of the various things you want to make and how much yarn each one needs. Than if you find a good buy you won't be just guessing about how much you will need. Of course you might just come across some yarn that you like the feel of or the color is one you just can't live without, in that case I would suggest buying from 4 - 6 skeins of the same color. As you crochet more and more items you will begin to be able to guesstimate how much you need.


Last, but not least, its always nice to have some stash especially if you wake up in the middle of the night and just have to do some crocheting. At least you will have some yarn on hand to get you started. Good Luck and Keep :crocheting.

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I dont usually buy unless I have a project in mind. BUT, lately I have grabbed a skein or two on sale thinking I am always swapping granny's in one group or another so it wont go to waste.

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