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I'm so upset!

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I have been working on the relaxed cardi pattern from Crochet Today for about a month now. Its for a christmas gift for my step dil. I bought recycled yarn in her favorite color and have been really excited about giving it to her. I finished it last night and had my sister come this morning to try it on (I'm way to busty to use myself as the model for the size small!) and it turns out........its ugly.:( I hate it. the shape is just plain ugly. They must have the model in the magazine pinned and posed just so, because in real life this thing looks like a blob with pretty edging. I don't want to give an ugly gift and they leave this weekend so I have no time to make something new. I just had to share my disappointment.

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I can't find my camera or I'd share a pic. I just think its poor pattern choice, I don't care for the looseness around the arms and back. I'll try to find my camera and post a pic.

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Please post a picture if you can...maybe it's not as bad as you think? What did your sister think of it? You could always give it to her and tell her that you're not happy with it and plan on making her something else but couldn't get it done in time. You could even have her pick out the pattern for it.

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Please post a picture if you can...maybe it's not as bad as you think? What did your sister think of it? You could always give it to her and tell her that you're not happy with it and plan on making her something else but couldn't get it done in time. You could even have her pick out the pattern for it.

I like this idea.

And she may love it, it may be just what she likes in styles. We all have different tastes. I know there are some things out there I wold not wear and other things I like that others may not (I love wearing my shawls, although I don't very often since it's not the best thing to wear to work).


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My sister said she liked it and if I wasn't giving it to my dil she wants it, but I think she was trying to calm me down, I was in tears! I'm going to hunt the camera down now.

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If it is loose in the back, maybe you could make up some ties to pull the back in. Lacing it through could look really cool. I've seen clips to do that with some blouses and jackets before. I don't know if it will work, but it's just a thought. :)

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I would go ahead and give it to your DIL. Who knows, maybe it will fit her a little differently, or she will like the look better than you do. I have some purchased cardigans that I don't like because they are too tight around the back, I wear them over sometimes bulky pullover sweaters and you need that extra room. And as Classic said, we are our own worst critic.


Give it to her but NOT tell her you're not happy with it. If she comments on the looseness THEN say gosh, it's too bad you couldn't have tested the fit on her as you were making it, and THEN offer to make her something else (just happen to have a measuring tape in your purse :;


Edit--I started to look for the pattern and realized that it was the one in the back of the mag that they use to demonstrate 'how to read patterns'. That's a shrug type pattern, kind of a shawl-turned-into-a-cardigan, they're MEANT to be drapey and loose in that area.

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This is the pattern I'm talking about. It looks great on the model, but the way her arms are hide the bulges on the sides/back!http://www.crochettoday.com/articlepage.aspx?articleid=78

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If you have an issue of CT, flip to the back reference section. You will see the model is posed differently, the shawly look is more evident. (I just looked, they seem to be using a different pattern in the Jan 2009 mag, but the relaxed cardi was used in 2007 & 2008).


That style is very 'in', google 'cocoon sweater'. Your younger generation DIL might see it differently...:)


Here's an exaggerated example...


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The whole time I was making it I thought, "this looks like one of those cocoon sweaters" I should have known I wouldn't be happy with the end result because I hate those cocoon sweaters. I think I've decided to give it to her. I worked too hard on it to waste it, and like so many of you said, it is a matter of taste and she may like that style.

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Don't be so hard on yourself. I personally fell in love with the $1500.00 Neiman Marcus Cocoon. I think that look is really pretty and is in right now and I am 47. Now I am on the Large side and like everything I wear to be loose fitting.


The pattern you chose looks very pretty and I'm sure it would look different on every person who puts it on.


I would give it to her and see what her reaction is. If it seems she does not like it then I would tell her she can select her own pattern and you could make her something else.


The younger people today have some unusual tastes in clothing and I would not even begin to try to figure it out.


Hang in there, the most important thing is that you took the time to create something which came from your heart and I would not fret about it any more. Christmas is about the baby Jesus and Love and Family and that's what is important.




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Thanks for all of the encouragement, everybody. I've decided to stop stressing and give it to her, hopefully she'll like the style. I still can't find the camera, but I'll post a pic as soon as I do!

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I agree with everyone else. I would give it but tell her you would not be upset if she didn't like it as it is not how you thought it would turn out to be.

I thought the same thing as you did, and now I don;t think I will make the thing either.

Shoot is that disapointing... Teapot:think

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I like the design very much! So much, in fact, that I've spent the last fifteen minutes going through the pictures in "past issues" trying to find it! What issue is it in?


When you give it to your DIL, I wouldn't call it a cardigan. Even the description calls it a "sophisticated wrap" - I would call it a wrap. I'll be she loves it! :cheer

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Happy Stitcher, its in the Dec 06 Jan 07 issue, the one with the blue afghan with whitw snowflakes on the cover. I went ahead and finished weaving the ends and have decided to give ie to her but let her know I won,t be hurt if it isn't her style. I'll let you know if she seems to like it. Thanks for all of the great advice, ladies!

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Happy Stitcher, its in the Dec 06 Jan 07 issue, the one with the blue afghan with whitw snowflakes on the cover. I went ahead and finished weaving the ends and have decided to give ie to her but let her know I won,t be hurt if it isn't her style. I'll let you know if she seems to like it. Thanks for all of the great advice, ladies!


Thanks! :hook

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UPDATE! I gave it to her and she really seemed to like it. I have to admit, it looked really cute on her. Thanks for all of the advice and encouragement to go ahead and give it to her, I'm really glad I did. Now I just have to post a pic of it!

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I can't find my camera or I'd share a pic. I just think its poor pattern choice, I don't care for the looseness around the arms and back. I'll try to find my camera and post a pic.


Can you "take it in" like you do sewn items of clothing, to give it a little more shape?

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UPDATE! I gave it to her and she really seemed to like it. I have to admit, it looked really cute on her. Thanks for all of the advice and encouragement to go ahead and give it to her, I'm really glad I did. Now I just have to post a pic of it!


Oops, nevermind. Didn't see this before I posted.


Alls well that ends well!

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