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Cathedral Window-CAL


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Here is a pic of the blanket. Hope it comes out ok. As you can see I still have some ends to weave in but most of them are done. Still a ways to go.


It is telling me to sign in to view it... :(

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now does it work???


Nope, it's telling me to log in to MSN... i'd recommend PhotoBucket or another on-line site for pic hosting. It's user friendly and you don't have to sign in to view photos! :cheer

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th_blanket1.jpg image is thumbnail and clickable.

ok here it is by photo bucket, does it work??? Sorry for all the mess ups.

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LOoks beautiful!:cheer It looks like you and I are using the same light verigated color. Stunning... aren't you proud!?


The links that didn't work are still asking me to sign in just by my coming back to this thread.... could you maybe delete them?

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The links that didn't work are still asking me to sign in just by my coming back to this thread.... could you maybe delete them?


deleted the links and sorry for all the mess ups:blush Thanks for the compliment and yes I am proud even if I do say so myself. :D

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you did a beautiful job. I was doing that one then the colors of varigated i picked were monet and gemstone and they didnt look good together at all so i frogged it all and gave up.


I am using monet and the caron equivilant to gemstone. Its caron jet stream. I looked at the gemstone but decided on the jet stream. It is very similar. It looks better after you do a bit with the black. In the beginning I wasnt sure about the colors either.

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Wow! That is a beautiful pattern...it looks like it is based on the famous Rose Window from Notre Dame Cathedral in France

.rosewndw_notrdm.par.int.lg.jpg....I do not have the pattern, but I am looking forward to seeing what everyone here comes up with! Bon Courage!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well its finally done!!! I will post pics either tommorrow or thursday. I have to wait till daylight!! I cant believe I actually did it!!!

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Kelly, congratulations on finishing - can't wait to see a picture.


I am now finally ready to join this CAL after receiving the pattern from a very kind elf for Holidays in July. Anticipating that this may be a difficult project in some places, I've read through this entire thread and made some notes. Thanks to everyone for all of their input over the past year or so.


I've also been on numerous yarn sites looking at colors and trying to figure out what to use. I'd like to make it as close to the original as possible, so thank you Drew for posting the information from the designer. Here are the colors I've decided on for the variegateds:


RH Wedgewoods (as suggested by the pattern author)

Patons Canadiana Stained Glass (this looks the closest in colors to the original that I could find without breaking the bank and I also thought the name was appropriate :D )


Now, I just need to find the best place to purchase the yarn from - I'll have to order the Patons online because there are no stores in my area that carry it, but am hoping I can find enough of the Wedgewoods at a regular store. Then I can start on the ghan.


Right now I'm planning to donate it to an auction that a local theatre holds every Christmas for a children's home in the area. We'll see if I'm able to part with it after I finish, or I may end up donating something else :devil

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Well here it is.....



images are thumbnails and clickable!!

I cant believe I did it:yay :clap It was really not as difficult as I thought but it was time consuming!!! However it was most defintly worth it in my opinion!!!!! This will be just perfect on a white bedspread in my purple room. I am repainting in september. It goes halfway down my queen size bed and down a foot at the bottom of the bed. So all of you who are thinking of doing this I say go for it!!!! My dh says it is "just magnificent" .

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Kelly I agree with your husband. It is magnificent. You have a masterpiece there. Glad you stuck with it.


You are an inspiration to the rest of us.

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Kelly, congratulations on finishing - can't wait to see a picture.


I am now finally ready to join this CAL after receiving the pattern from a very kind elf for Holidays in July.


RH Wedgewoods (as suggested by the pattern author)

Patons Canadiana Stained Glass (this looks the closest in colors to the original that I could find without breaking the bank and I also thought the name was appropriate :D )



I seriously considered using the Paton's Stained Glass for mine too, but went with something else. I hope you do use it, because I'd like to see how it turns out.


This place has both yarns you mentioned.. and has flat rate shipping. I've always been happy with their service.



Oh, and congrats on receiving the pattern from an elf!!!!

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Thank you all for the kind words. I must say I am glad I stuck with it. In fact I will probably make another one in different colors I love it so much.

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Ok, I just ordered my yarn. After looking in the yarn stores around my house, I couldn't find any of the variegateds that I needed, so I just ordered from Herrschner's. They had RH Giant Pounders on sale, so that saved some money on the black yarn.


Now, I just have to wait patiently (:lol ) for it to arrive.

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What a great job! :clap Your dh is right, that is magnificant! How long did it take you to make it?


Mine has been set aside for some time because I couldn't decide on the yarn I wanted to use. I'm not sure if I'm going to pick this up again or not.

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