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Cathedral Window-CAL


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Hi Everyone!


Wow, Kathryn - yours looks great. I had the whole weekend, but only got as far as the 3 row of the second section, but at least I made some progress.


Did anyone try crocheting around the first section with black rather than making and sewing all those triangles? I don't like to sew and tried this by following the pattern for the triangles backwards - crocheting right on to section one. I slip stitched in the extra stitch and did 2 sc instead of 2 dc on tips of the hexagons. It looks fine to me. Maybe my pentagons aren't as pointy as they should be. I'll have to post a picture to see what you think.

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WOW where as everyone gone?? I had to go to page two to find us again!!!


I ended up thowing the first one away! I could not rip all of that black out! so anyway I worked on it all day yesterday and have all of the middle done again and am now starting to crochet around all the sewed on parts!


how is everyone else coming along? are you still working on this?

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I ended up thowing the first one away! I could not rip all of that black out.




if you would listen to the smart younger sister you would be half done by now.

You know i love you right :hug


You know i am working on it,i just told you yesterday on the phone,im 3/4 of the way done,its getting to big to lay on the living room floor now,will get photos later tonight.

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I'm on row 19 of the second section. My DH and I went to Tahoe for a getaway weekend and I didn't want to take something that big in the car. So, instead I started on the 16 heptagons. Got about 7 of those made as I only did it in the car, and we only live about 2 hours away. Tonight I've been unpacking and haven't touched it.



I've been surprised at how fast this is actually going. Don't get me wrong, it's still an incredible amount of work... but I imagined it taking 3 or 4 months to finish... at this rate, I figure I'll be done in about 6 weeks time.


I'm so glad that I decided to challenge myself with this. I was so intimidated by the project, but it really is a confidence builder when you see it all coming together. Makes me feel like I can take on more challenging things.


Thanks to all teh wonderful people here at C'ville, I've done a graph ghan (another one of my fears) and now this... all since Christmas! I think everyone here is marvelous!

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I can ever get all the little projects finished, I plan to get back on my afghan! I have 4 purses to line, a bolero to finish and a baby gift to finish for my nephew's first baby due ANY DAY!!:eek I had the flu last week and got really behind on my work so now I am playing catch-up which leaves not much time for crochet, plus my parents are coming to town next week, so I have to get ready for that too!! Can't wait to get my hook and yarn back in my hands!!



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:blush Same here.....life happens! I haven't been able to afford to get the yarn or had the time to start. I, too, have several projects to get finished first. I have two more rounds of a border to get done on a baby afghan that seems to be taking forever to complete! My oldest daughter called and asked if I could make a quick afghan for her to take to Mississippi with her when she goes in March to help rebuild after Katrina with her college as a house warming gift (how do you say no to that!:manyheart), some charity work to get done, and I'm teaching our 4-H club to make the circles of hope for a charity ghan as a community service project. Some of my youngest daughters friends asked me to make some purses for them too, but there is no time limit on those...so I will just work those in during my "spare time"! LOL I just keep thinking that good things come to those that wait...so the longer I "have" to wait to start this...the better it will be in the end!

Yes, I know I have babbled..sorry!:blush I will get off of here and get to those projects right now...well in a minute..gotta visit a couple more threads...etc.etc.


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Oh my goodness, this is a beautiful project! Any word on getting a pattern? I'd be ever-so-thankful to anyone who can email it to me.




Edit: To clairify to the "Crochetville Police", of course I am looking for someplace I can obtain this pattern legally. I saw that someone had mentioned it getting reprinted, and I wanted to know if they had an update. I'm not concerned with my email addie getting spammed, since this is my forum/blog email address. So spam away, you crazy Spiders!

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Welcome to the CAL, KinkyLilBlackDress! :welcome


I think a lot of us are concentrating on the Olympics now, too. I have been finding, that once I sign up for one CAL, I sign up for another, and I am now participating in 6, plus 2 swaps. :eek I had to take myself in hand :tryme and figure an orderly way to work on all my UFO's - so I joined the UFO CAL! Then I listed everything according to which I could get done the quickest.


My Cathedral Window is second to last. I hope to get back at it soon. I can't stand working on only one thing, so I am sure to be getting to this one soon.

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I believe some are using two strands and some only one strand...I guess it depends on how you want it to look...Using two strands causes the pentagons to be "puffy" and gives a little bit of 3-D effect. Using one strand makes it look flat like the rest of the afghan. I had started out using two strands, but I am going to go back and redo with one...I crochet tightly to begin with, and I think mine came out too puffy!



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I did the pentagons with one strand and because I crochet tight it was still puffy by the time I sewed it all together! Tonight, I hope to start joining the 16 large heptagons. Finishing up the round before it, and I've got all 16 done already.

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I used one strand only allso and on the puff stitches i did a row of DCs becouse my hubby and i did not like the puff look.Allso instead of the G hook i used a h and they layed flater and seemed to fit better.Its all a matter of what you want it to look like.

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Ok, I am finally officially in and starting. :cheer


I really wanted to use natural fibres but I just can't find colors that will work for me. I'm not up to dying this much wool either. I just don't have time. :(


Anyhow...I've got the main octagon done and I'm just starting the pentagons but they don't seem to be coming out right. Am I reading the pattern wrong or have others had trouble with them? I found a way to make it work better but before I try that I want to hear from those of you who have been at this point already. My way would make it so there are 6 dc in between each ch1 space. Can anybody help? I would really appreciate it!

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I'm so glad I have someone to go to with all my question on this afghan, and that some others are in the same place as I am. Yay CALs!


So my pentagons are driving me crazy. They look more circular than 5-sided. I mean, I can see where the "straight edges" are supposed to be, but they are all rounded. Will it look better when it's stitched onto the octagon?


I've had to frog 3 pentagons already because of the numbers not coming out right. Not fun! This is certainly a challenge for me!

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Did anyone try crocheting around the first section with black rather than making and sewing all those triangles? I don't like to sew and tried this by following the pattern for the triangles backwards - crocheting right on to section one.
I'd like to take this approach, too. Can you give me some more details on how you did it? Did you start at the "point" and work outward?


I've already sewn in the pentagons I've done. I made one triangle, and it was yucky looking.

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Alright, I finally finished the Baby's Circle afghan I was working on last night and am officially "in". I am using some of Jacki Lim's gorgeous #10 threads. Mine is going to become a shawl, as I'm leaving out a few of the panels. Wish me luck! I have so enjoyed all of your photos.

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I've already sewn in the pentagons I've done. I made one triangle, and it was yucky looking.


I found that the triangles looked more like a slope rather than a pointy triangle. However, once you sew it in, it works perfectly. I absolutely HATE joining pieces -- which is why it's taken me almost a week on joining the 16 large heptagons -- but in the end, it came out right. It's just as all the pieces sitting in front of you that it doesn't look quiet right.


And, Hey Mudpie, nice to have you joining us now!

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Hi Shaylen!


Thanks a lot! Yes, that did help. That's what I was doing. Following the directions did not give me that end result and I had a lopsided pentagon. :lol


I'm still struggling with colors. My mom picked her colors and I've made a few swatches. I'm just not satisfied with them. :think

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