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I Crocheted so much last night my arm swelled up....

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Last night I was crocheting around an hour and a half (non stop). I was trying to crochet fast and my left hand (the one I hold the yarn in) got swollen. My arm was all puffy around my elbow and tense. :(


I am so stressed out over all of the christmas gifts I have to make. I have three afghans, 2 dishcloths, a purse, a lapghan, a belt and 2 baby blankets to do by Christmas :eek I am worried I won't get it all done in time.


I am new to crocheting and can't go as fast as I would like to. One afghan I have to have done by the beginning of November since my father-in-law's birthday is in November. So I have to have it ready to be mailed to him (he lives in Austria) so he gets it by his birthday. The afghan will also be his & his wife's christmas gift.


Any tip on how I can get as much done as possible on my gifts??:think

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:hug:hugOh no so sorry to hear this has happened to you. I have never had anything like this happen to me before and sometimes I sit and crochet for hours at a time. My fingers never get sore, no problems with elbows or anything. Occassionally, my carpal tunnel will kick in but that isn't very often. I hope you feel better soon. My suggestion would be to work on your stuff every free chance you get. Maybe take small breaks when you have long periods of time to crochet to prevent this from happening again. Carry something with you at all times so if you are waiting some where, riding in the car, taking a lunch break at work or whatever you can get a little bit done. You just might be surprised at how much you can accomplish in those short periods of time. :yes:yes:yes I always have project bags packed and ready to go with me when I go to school, dr's appts, to mom's/friend's house, or if I am a passenger in the car.

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You have so much on your plate. I could never get that much done in the time before Christmas. :eek I don't crochet that fast and I don't get nearly as much time to do it as I'd like. Crocheting is supposed to be fun and relaxing, not stressful. Don't set yourself up with so many projects and deadlines until your speed catches up with it. Try to remind yourself that you're making these things because you want to, not because you have to. That might take some pressure off. My fingers have gotten sore before but nothing has ever swelled. You poor thing! :hug

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Instead of actually having the item finished by Christmas, you could give handmade cards to the recipients telling them that their present is in the works ("Backlog up at the elves' factory so it couldn't be delivered in time.")


I've done this some years and since it takes the pressure off me to produce by a certain date it's easier to manage my time.


You also might check into the Row-A-Day CAL, and get some help with figuring out deadlines and how much to get accomplished a day.

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To be honest I'd have to suggest you change your christmas list. You'll burn out and it won't be any fun if you're constantly _having_ to crochet. And you definitely need to take breaks when you hurt. If you put yourself under this much stress and pressure, you'll just end up hating it and possibly injuring yourself.


Good luck!

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If I were you I would take a couple ibuprofen because it's an anti-inflammatory as well as a pain reliever.

But more important, pace yourself with the projects. Make the biggest ones first before life gets hectic in a couple months with the holidays! That way all that's left is the small stuff :0)



PS I'm not a nurse or anything, and I would go to the doctors if it lasts more than 24 hours...if I were you that is. I'm not trying to offer medical advice in ANY way)

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You've gotten a lot of good suggestions. Another might be to make simple and quick gifts, instead of afghans, for Christmas gifts. I rarely give full size afghans, although baby-ghans are fun. Scarves, hats, mittens have just as much loved crocheted into them, but are usually faster! And fun small things, like amigurimu toys, earrings, brooches. Also, you might try mixing in some other crafts, as previously suggested, to keep yourself from burning out on crochet (and to give your arm a rest!).


Remember, it is suppose to be fun and stress-relieving. Good luck! Beth

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I've had sore joints and muscles too and also my hands and wrists hurt sometimes from crocheting, but an hour and a half really isn't that long to be hurting especially with that swelling. I would lay off a few days and allow yourself to heal. Also, I agree with others who have said you are putting too much pressure on yourself by taking on all those projects to have done by Christmas. Is there any way you could reduce the 3 afghans to 3 more lapghans, that would help a little. Crocheting should be fun and therapeutic, not give you reason to have therapy! Good luck!

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I agree with everyone here. Take it easy on yourself. I know you feel it's important to get their gifts to them on time but they won't get done at all if you hurt yourself. I'm sure they'd feel awful if they knew. I like the suggestion about sending a cute card about a back log at the North Pole. Hey, it's 5 o'clock somewhere, even at the North Pole. :devil

As for your arm, I'd suggest that you support it while you work. Put a pillow under your elbow to help take the strain. I've done this at times, especially making an afghan, with the extra weight of it. I sit in the easy chair and put a pillow between the arm of the chair & me, then rest my elbow on the pillow. Helps out a lot. Take breaks while you're working & work the arm a bit when you're done to get the kinks out of it. Take care of yourself.

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