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Kind of an odd topic for "How to..."

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:lol That is a really compliant kitty in the picture. I can't imagine my cat putting up with a hat for more than about 2 seconds! It would be off her head and she would be running away to hide from the crazy human who decided she needed a hat!
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haha cute!


I wouldn't dare to put that on my kitty tho. I'm sure that she would tear me to ribbons if I tried! She is VERY persnickety(sp?) about her ears.



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A young woman came on here a while ago and asked if anyone would review the instructions and give an opinion. I gave a small change in construction and said to leave the chin strap off because some 2 year old would probably strangle their cat with it. At least they modified those ideas, but I still think the chin strap should have been left off totally.


Actually, I don't think most cats will allow a hat for longer than what ... 2 seconds?

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I emailed it to every cat rubber I know!


Macaroo woke me up this morning trying to pee on the floor so I'm not in a kitty-kind mood! Here, Macaruin I have a mice hat for you!




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