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Crochet at work?

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When I worked for one attorney, he did public defender work, so we had days that no one came into the office and I had absolutely nothing to do. I think I was driving him nuts because I kept asking him for more to do and he said to bring in a book to read and I asked if I could bring in my crochet instead - no problem. I sat at my desk and crocheted a table cloth for my grandmother and when someone came in I just dropped it into the basket at my feet under my desk and no one was the wiser!


This was many years ago and my grandmother has since passed and I have since received that tablecloth back and we used it this past Easter on our table!

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I work in a tiny retail store, on Saturday mornings. I always take something with me. Then if it gets really quiet, I can sit in the office, watch the monitor, and stitch away. (or on a break :)) Definitely check with your boss first, but I don't see it being a problem, especially if you have a basket or "stand open" bag you can drop your WIP in anytime you need.

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Yesterday, I was trying to get around to asking my boss if I could crochet when it was slow. He said, "It's almost 5:00 already!" I said, "Already?!! It's been a long day! Being on the internet all day is tiresome and the time goes by so slow...." And before I could ask if I could bring my crocheting in, he started giving me suggestions of stuff to do. He told me to walk around the building and talk to the other secretaries and take walks outside. ummm...I hope he doesn't expect me to walk around for 8 hours a day- especially now that the hot summer is approaching! hmmmm...I guess I'll ask about the crochet some other time. I just started this job this month, so I don't want to push that I'm bored just in case my boss starts thinking he doesn't need a secretary after all! lol

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I often crochet when I've got things down to a dull roar. I've gotten lots of compliments on my work, some even from my boss, and his wife! I've even had a few folks ask about my making something for them. Although I don't bother trying to put my work out of sight if a customer comes in, I do keep a bag under the counter. I've got a couple of barely started seraphina's in there!

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I crochet all the time at work! It is like I get paid for crocheting! I work at a adult foster care home and we have to just be there to serve meals,clean up and give meds and be there for them. Rest of time is free time! It makes the 16 hour shifts go back faster :) Oh did I also mention we get to sleep to! What not better job could I ask for? :)

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I would bring in my crochet and say "you know I got to thinking about your suggestions for using up free time, and I think this will be good. And then I will be right here when you need me. win win"

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And before I could ask if I could bring my crocheting in, he started giving me suggestions of stuff to do. He told me to walk around the building and talk to the other secretaries and take walks outside. ummm...I hope he doesn't expect me to walk around for 8 hours a day- especially now that the hot summer is approaching! hmmmm...I guess I'll ask about the crochet some other time.

If he's giving you sugestions on what to do, I'd go for it. If he doesn't like it, you can tell him that you're just trying to stay occupied (like he said to) and stay available in case you're needed. I'll bet he doesn't care though.;)

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I'm fortunate enough to be able to crochet at work too. Sure helps pass the time when it's slow. I don't think I'd ever get any ghans done otherwise.

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