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Whip the WIPs in 2009 !!! - Row A Day CAL


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For Saturday July 5, 2008


Me - Bear Claw R139*

Me - Test Afghan M106

Me - Wedding R16

Tracy - Cuddle S24

Wendy - Both S84*

Heather- M93 caught up

Brenda - M58****

Donna - New Project?

Sherri - S280

Laura - SLIPPERS gonna pick em up? :sigh Guess not.

Laura - Hook R66**

Jeannie - Children S129

Roxy - Square

Karen - Sweater R108***

Shelby - Scrap R34***

Honey - S17**

Cats - on sabbatical

Janet - Afghan R51***********

Pickles - Ripple R45********

Cindy - Wedding M35****and next motifs 2*

Dianne - Panels R424***

Christi - hex R262**

Julee - Afghan R95***

cgd - crochenit R12**

Meegan - prayer R4*

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Sherri, I'm not feeling better, but I'm not worse, either. That is a good thing, because I'm not deathly ill. The sore throat has also turned into ITCHING throat, sinuses and eyes, and it is annoying. If I rest, I feel OK. So that's what I've been doing.


Mr. Endweaver - yep, she seemed pretty oblivious to me, too. Hiding her current WIP might be a first step before hiding the stash. Besides, how do you hide an elephant? :lol

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I've heard of tim tams. A friend of mine in australia loves 'em to pieces. When I first heard ya'll talking about double deckers I thought you were talking about taco bells double deckers.



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its more chewy than a three musketeers. Think texture of toffee but nougat flavored with crispy bits underneath. It was my fav when I lived at home. I also love chocolate digestives, mint aero bars, Mars bars (milky way over here but tastes much better), cadbury fingers, celebrations, sausage rolls, cornish pasties, and a good ole fry up. I eat well when I am home!


When I was there last my dad fed hubby Black pudding, faggots, and I think some other yucky food. He loved it all!

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Maybe after I eat the second one she sent me before.


Plus, its been 80 degrees, his feet are fine. I don't wear slippers. He is just whining because whatever our maid used on our floors this time is sticky. Wah Wah Wah. Builds character I say.


I don't know why I have such a block when it comes to making them, seriously it will take what a day to make them once I get to it. Maybe I should bargain him x number of rows for each hour he spends teaching me to drive! Because he has been supposed to do that for way longer than I have been making him slippers.

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I would like to be put on temporary hold please, due to having to make holiday in july stuff. I don't seem to have much time to do too much, I am lagging behind. I did get two more squares today, the thing is huge, and I only have two to go to make 17 and then I should be done. Waiting for one more. I am crocheting around the squares though, did 2 or 3 today.Ldyeler What are faggots and fryup? I can figure out the others except for maybe celebrations. Boy I am hungry! I had a mental block when it came to my daughters shrug sleeves awhile back. I had alot of problems getting them right so I stopped crocheting for awhile because I had to do that project and I didn't want to. Done now and she loves them! two years later!

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Argh! I did one row on my sweater but it is too muggy and warm here and it is messing up my tension... Knitting is not my thing :P I need good conditions to work - crochet I can do almost anywhere anyhow. I'll slowly catch up! I'll try again in the morning when it is still cooler out.

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