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I PROMISED hubby I would clean up...

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My craft room today, now, it is a craft room, slash, dressing room, slash everything room....I just got back from walmart with a BIG box of garbage bags....pray for me...lol...that I come out alive!!!

I am making homeade chicken noodle soup for supper at the same time.....hahahahaha

then at Walmart I got a new filter for the fish tank as it wasn't working, and guess what, it still doesn't work!!! Urghhhhhhhhhhhh well a new filtration thingy is outta my budget right now, so they are going to have to deal with it..lol...we only have two oriental gold fish and a Plecko in there for now anyways.......but makes me mad, I spent 1/2 hour cleaning the thing out, and poop it doesn't work anyhow!!

K, I am off to "clean" "organize" see ya later I hope... :lol

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:hug :grouphug :hug to you JoBug!!! We'll keep looking for you, and hope you don't drown in the organizing :) sorry for your fishtank frustrations, too...never rains but it pours, eh?

I have got to get organized myself...I even have a friend who offered to help sometime, but I want to clean up before she comes...how pathetic is that!! (She loves to do it...I hate it...and it shows :blush)

Enjoy your homemade chicken noodle soup!! Sounds to me like you deserve every bite of it :) So please don't get lost in there...tie a ball of yarn around your ankle and leave a tail so we can follow it to wherever you end up (and birds won't eat it like they did hansel and gretel's bread crumbs--make a nest, maybe:lol)

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Well, I am back, for now...lol....I didn't get tied up in any balls of string or yarn, however the cat thought she would be ever so helpful, NOT...

Got soup done, yum yum

Now the fish tank problem, well, I GOT the filter thing to work, THEN, an hour later, the Plecko was DEAD yes, DEAD!! I almost had to call 911, cause that thing was HUGE, so I called my friend Amy and had her talk me through getting it outta the tank, GROSS!!!!! She says, JoAnn, your a NURSE, you handle dead people!! I KNOW, I am a scardey cat though when it comes to other things...:think

and speaking of cats, ya think she would help me, oh no, it was princess nap time, all balled up on my bed, wam and cozy....lol...some cat she is...

Well off to finish supper and who knows what...



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:rofl:roflSorry JoAnn, Just had to laugh at having to call a friend to help get the dead fish out of the tank and the Princess nap time.

My sister had a cat and my bil called it a waste, cause they had no mice. Next morning they got up and found 4 dead mice on the pourch. Last time my bil said anything like that.:rofl

I know your pain. I spent 4 hours this morning straightening out my drawers of beads and other emblishments. :sighstill have one more set of drawers to do.

Of course my desk looks like the trash can threw up on it.

The soup sounds good. Never could make that, mine always turns out like stew. So progresso for me.:hook

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I envy anyone who HAS a craft room... I just store my stuff in the top of the closet, beside the sofa, and on top of my sewing machine... and in front of it.. and behind the end tables. And... in the computer room.

My hubby said we were going to clean the rugs one weekend soon... OH, MY! I will have to find some place to put my WIP's in their various totes.

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I think we should start a stash orginizing group. I started mine today too. I have't even made it through 1 tote 7 more to go :blush !! I hate this part of crochet. I just get overwhelmed at the thought of having to sort my stash. Hubby came home from work and fell over all the totes, but I refuse to put any of it away until it is sorted!!!:goodorbad good or bad I am in it for the long haul!! By the time I am done I may feel like this... :help

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Cleaning and organizing is the worst. I tried so that the painters could get in and paint my room,but it was to no avail and my room is still a boring magnolia color.:( I did manage to get one of the storage areas cleared a bit so I could put part of my yarn stash in there but I really need at least one or two months uninterrupted to do this! Don't think that will ever happen unless I win the lottery and don't HAVE to work anymore!:lol Oh well,oh and Tampa Doll my family won't eat soup unless it is thick! We have always called my mom's soups casserole as a joke. I think Rachel Ray's word describes it best, stoup! :)

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He he. I felt bad about all my crafty stuff until I helped my husband move a bunch of the garage into a new storage building. I loved it! He has as much junk as me, just a different kind. :D

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HKGran, I know what you mean! My hubby has a shop where he does his woodworking. He also stores the many boxes of old bottles he has collected for the past 12 years or so, and the boxes are stacked to the ceiling, on three walls. Plus a bunch of other things he has kept. So my yarn stash and crochet stuff would all fit in one tiny corner of his shop with room left over. I don't know how he finds anything.

It would be great to get all my yarn in one place, because I can't remember where some of it is when I'm looking for something specific.

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I went through the same thing with my filter--and my plecko died. OMG, they are SO disgusting! The things are darn near impossible to kill, so that's when I knew the problem was really bad. I'm sorry you had to handle that thing!


I envy you as well that you have a craft room! There are 4 of us and 3 dogs in a 1200 sq ft house. Yesterday I went to Big Lots and bought 2 of those huge 3-drawer Sterilite systems to hide my stash in the small space behind my recliner in the living room, LOL.

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Wow, sounds like what I was doing all of Sunday LOL minus the fish and the cat. I hope your soup was all you wanted it to be! I wish I had a craft room...2/3rds of my bedroom is filled with crochet related things :) LOL...well at least my squares for Hooking for a Cure will go out this week...then I will have a spot on the floor for my own.

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Organize my stash???? Gosh, it's so convenient having it all over the floor in the extra bedroom! I went in there the other day and tore into my stash looking at my yarn for a project. It is all over the place now. I'd take a picture and show it but I'd be embarassed. This is also the room where my granddaughter watches TV when she comes over and she'll be here Friday so I have to clear the middle of the room at least.:eek DH told me the other day that we need to get a bunch of metal "milk crate" looking things and put a bunch of them against the wall and I could use them to organize my yarn and patterns. It's something to think about. I just don't like the idea of actually doing the work! LOL!:devil

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I envy you as well that you have a craft room! There are 4 of us and 3 dogs in a 1200 sq ft house. Yesterday I went to Big Lots and bought 2 of those huge 3-drawer Sterilite systems to hide my stash in the small space behind my recliner in the living room, LOL.

Now THERE"s a good idea...too bad the big lots by us closed...they have some of the best prices when you can find the stuff. (there's 4 of us, and a ten gallon tank of fish (no pleckos, just tetras, a guppy, some danios, etc) in our doublewide, uh, mobile home. :D my whole trailer needs organizing help.


are you winning, JoBug?

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