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crochet dementia

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What about buying yarn you have absolutely no idea what you're going to use it for. But you had to buy it because it was pretty and only $1?

I resemble that!:lol

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Thanks, this is so true, lol. I especially resemble #9 and #10. I had actually put down my hook for almost 5 years and then started back up this past September and now it is fast becoming an obssession.


My son teases me all the time. I was telling him I was getting new glasses and he asked if they were going to have little balls of yarn on them. I laughed and said yes, on one corner will be a small crochet hook and on the other will be the yarn. Later, my grandkids went with me to pick them up. I tried my new glasses on and my granddaughter said, grandma those aren't yours, they don't have the hook and yarn on them. I laughed and told her I was just kidding earlier. But the dear girl thought I was serious, so I guess my obsession is showing!


And the yarn! I am the same way. I NEED the different colors, and if it is on sale I have to get it. But tell me this, I have probably 100 skeins of yarn but when I start a new project, I have to buy more yarn cause I never have the right colors on hand!

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I can include myself in "disorientation" to time or place, but I don't consider it disorientation. It's that I don't care and don't bother to keep track of the time, and what's wrong with crocheting where we wish to? Of course there are exceptions, but for the most part, it's not a problem.


I can also include myself in loss of initiative, but is it really? I don't want to do housework. I don't want to do dishes. I didn't lose my initiative for wanting to do these things. I don't want to do them anyway!


And speaking of NASA, it's people like us they should be sending up to the space station. As long as we have a good supply of yarn, we can stay put in a small area without company, electronic amusements or needing to go anywhere for weeks on end. When we finally stir ourselves, it's only because our hands, backs or eyes need a break.

Fine. We do a little homemade cooking, the laundry, clean up a bit, and we're refreshed.


When deliveries are made to the station, we only request a few new patterns and maybe a little yarn, not exotic fruits and pool tables. We start a new CAL ~ crocheted earth ball ~ which, of course, no one but ourselves is interested in.

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Yep! count me in fer shure! :yes --- :yes --- :yes


Now on the bright side, we have really focussed attention spans. NASA Scientists should be so focussed. :loco




Quick question: would it be ok for me to post this at my Ygroup with credit given of course?



Of course darski. Maybe there is enough of us with this condition to set up a support group.


I feel so much better knowing that I am not alone. :hug

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Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I thought it was an age thing!!:lol These last two weeks I have been knitting, so the other night I decided to crochet something for my kitchen swap partner--I FORGOT HOW TO HOLD MY CROCHET HOOK AND YARN AND START A CHAIN!! :eek



When ever I switch from knitting to crochet or vise versa, I come up completely blank as to how to hold the yarn, hook or needles! :think It usually takes me a few minutes to get it together. :lol

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Do you have this? It's when you start to measure time in units of crocheted rounds on your granny square ("I've got time for two before I have to leave for work!") and spend time in serious consideration about how you could manage to crochet when on the treadmill at the gym. At night, you dream about crocheting rounds and rounds on an enormous afghan and wake up with slightly cramped fingers - they were probably moving in your sleep. If one finds oneself sitting still somewhere for more than a minute or two without access to crochet hook/yarn, sufferer becomes fidgety, often breaking out into cold sweat. Can become cranky and irritable.

Physical complaints? The middle finger of the right hand has an unsightly welt of hardened skin from 20+ years of being rubbed against an aluminium hook.


Psychological ticks: aside from the perception of the world in a crochet-space-time-continuum, sufferers of OCCD often buy wool that is just too beautiful to use, taking it out of stash-storage-area to admire on a regular basis to lay it beside other skeins of yarn too beautiful to use. Repeat on regular basis for months or years, till one finally finds a pattern good enough for aforementioned wool.

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LOL. If you knew how many strange looks I've gotten through the years from Crocheting and Knitting in public. I take it with me to the grocery, work, the movies, shopping, ball games, concerts, and just about every place else I go. Here in WV however, the men are all about it. I find they will stop watching the game to watch my hands. :devil

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I have three crochet hooks in slots in my purse... the slots were designed for pens but they are just right for hooks. It takes me an hour (gotta love a little city's bus system) to get home from Walmart or the mall and I am not going to waste that time.


It's a given that I bought some yarn at Walmart or the mall ... :blush


Thanks for permission to reprint at my group. Most of the members are from here but some might not be. It is so funny... I still laugh whenever I come back here and read it again. :rofl

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Darski ~ I love it! Slots in your purse for crochet hooks!


A couple nights ago, my sister came over and picked me up, and we went out running errands. When we were done she asked if I would like to go home with her for dinner and she would bring me back to my place later. Without thinking, I blurted "I don't even have a small project with me." We both knew what THAT meant. I wasn't trying to be rude, but I would have to stop and pick up a crochet project. Normally I have a couple projects at her place, but I just finished some and didn't leave anything new there yet.


Suddenly she smiled and said "We have your new yarn in the back here, and I have lots of hooks!" Oh, yes, yes, one of our errands had been to the $ store and I had picked up some new yarn! She knows I like to swatch new yarn, show it to her housemate, and talk about what I might do with the new yarn, so the problem was solved.


Whew! Panic was avoided.

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A couple nights ago, my sister came over and picked me up, and we went out running errands. When we were done she asked if I would like to go home with her for dinner and she would bring me back to my place later. Without thinking, I blurted "I don't even have a small project with me." We both knew what THAT meant.


Whew! Panic was avoided.


I think it is a bit scary that I perfectly understand this :eek


and further, that most people who know me would understand it perfectly as well. :rofl

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Without thinking, I blurted "I don't even have a small project with me." We both knew what THAT meant.


Well, one of the new words to join the English language in 2006 was abibliophobia - the fear of not having something to read - so that definitely sounds like acrochetophobia - the fear of not having something to crochet - to me :lol

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:cheerHere, as promised, is a little poem which I think will be quite appropriate under this heading.


A Little Mixed Up.


Just a note to say I'm living,

That I'm not among the dead.

Though I'm getting more forgetful

And more mixed up in my head.


For sometimes I can't remember,

As I stand at the foot of the stairs,

If I'm going up for something,

Or if I've just come down from there.


And before the fridge so often,

My poor mind is filled with doubt,

Have I just put food away, or

Have I come to take some out.


There are times when its dark outside,

With my night cap on my head,

I dont know if I'm retiring

Or just getting out of bed.


So if it's my turn to write to you,

Theres no need for you to get sore,

I may think that I have written,

And don't want to be a bore.


So remember, I do love you,

And I wish that you were here.

And now it's nearly mail time

So I must say good bye my dear.


There I stood at the mail box,

With my face so very red.

Instead of mailing the letter,





Have fun.


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Obsessive Compulsive Crochet Disorder

Psychological ticks: aside from the perception of the world in a crochet-space-time-continuum, sufferers of OCCD often buy wool that is just too beautiful to use, taking it out of stash-storage-area to admire on a regular basis to lay it beside other skeins of yarn too beautiful to use. Repeat on regular basis for months or years, till one finally finds a pattern good enough for aforementioned wool.


THAT'S IT!!! :cheer Finally a name for it. I inherited a large stash from my mother, but I'm never sure that a project is perfect enough for any of her beautiful wool.


I would also add the need to involve crochet in other parts of one's life. i.e. I spend a lot of time designing and crocheting dance clothes for my other obsession. :dance

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