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anyone getting organized for 2008?

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i actually got out my yarn winder, gathered up the random skeins i had scattered about and put them together in a couple of big ziplocs and bins. today i am going to get my patterns back into notebooks.


it is nice to actually see what i have. on the down side, i have no reason to buy new yarn! i really have to use up what i have. on the up side, it's a lot of baby yarn, so now i can work on donations for the preemies.


happy new year everyone!

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I'm glad your getting stuff organized. I wish some days I knew what that word meant. I really, really, really need to get organized. I have to turn my "catch all" room into our bedroom and our bedroom into the baby's room by the end of May. It still seems so far away, but it's getting here faster by the minute. What I really need to do is just go through and pitch a ton of stuff (not craft stuff mostly) that I haven't touched in a year or more... For hating "stuff" DH and I are such packrats some days!

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We are just starting to build a house:cheerand should break ground in about two weeks. Just yesterday, I was looking at the plans and said to my hubby, is there a place we can carve out so I can organize my yarn. He kinda hemmed and hawed, and then I reminded him of his mancave...umm theater room...and he said he is going to work on it. It will probably be a storage room off my daughter's bedroom, but it is a lot better than what i have now which is bins of yarn everywhere!!!



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We are just starting to build a house:cheerand should break ground in about two weeks. Just yesterday, I was looking at the plans and said to my hubby, is there a place we can carve out so I can organize my yarn. He kinda hemmed and hawed, and then I reminded him of his mancave...umm theater room...and he said he is going to work on it. It will probably be a storage room off my daughter's bedroom, but it is a lot better than what i have now which is bins of yarn everywhere!!!





Mancave :lol :lol :rofl :rofl Love that nickname - hubby wants one of those once we buy a house :yes

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I would love to get organized, but my apartment is so tiny that there's not much extra space. Thought about getting plastic bins, but nowhere to up them.


I have gone so far as to put together the yarn for my next three afghans in three separate bags. That's a tiny bit of organization, I guess.

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Organized? Is there such a word? Never heard it before. When I go back up North I'm taking a LOT more yarn (and clothes that might fit again soon), so I guess I'll have to get some plan of storage in place since my stepson is moving in come March 1st unless he gets a job that pays so well he can keep an apartment.

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I am working on organization, but as always time is premium!! I take a little every day (or at least everytime I get a chance) and take a box from the attic and sort it. most I keep but I have discovered freecycle for things I choose not to keep. and so far no one is freecycling yarn so I haven't taken in more than I've gotten rid of!

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I am going to work on this on Monday/Tuesday of next week. I want to get all my patterns in a binder that are printed, and burn my other ones to cd. I want to put all the yarn where it belons in the yarn closet. Right now I have a lot of skeins that are for a project that aren't in the closet. Then I want to figure out what I am working on next and stick to only those things.


I have to say that it is much easier to keep organized with half the linen closet going to yarn. Its organized by color so I can easily see what I want. And I keep telling hubby we need to find somewhere else for the linens so I can have the other half lol.


I am very fortunate to live in a 2br condo with 13 closets!

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My sewing/yarn room was invaded by a Bowflex..the most prized possession of my hubby and 16yo... I might have to downsize a bit of stuff in less I can convince them to let me use the various weights and bars as a yarn swift:D:devil

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I plan to organize a lot in January before the yarn & patterns eat up my whole family room lol! It has already conquered one entire side of the room from my crochet recliner in one corner to the other corner where my craft cabinet is. :P It is starting the trek across a 2nd wall now, but was held off by the entertainment center. :devil

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Please don't hate me but I am organized. Have my yarn in plastic bins by color. All my hooks are in one antique crystal sugar bowl. My books are on my bookshelf. And patterns from on line are in binders. I really tried to be unorganized but it drives me nuts I have to know where everything is.

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Hmmmm, organized??? I have a place for everything and everything in it's place, but the problem is the "places" are too small and crunched together. I know where things are, but the problem is getting to them. I have to move the sewing table, two tubs and a large box to get to the material cupboard. I have to take my current projects off the desk to do the bills, then pack that up for the next thing, and on and on....

I spend more time moving things than working on them :lol. What I need is a new big room or house....

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... have organized all my yarn into the one tote. I'm thinking THAT one over. For me that would mean a tote the size of Michigan!


13 closets. You're joking, right? 13 closets. Wow, what I could do with those. I'm semi-organized, but with half those closets I could be really organized.

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Get organized? You can actually do that? :think I did not know that. I'll have to check into this "get organized" thing. :devil


The things I learn on this site. :hook

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I'm trying... I have small totes at the end of my couch with my current projects. Two (or is it three?) boxes of leftover yarn on my closet shelves. Plastic bin of books and magazines in the computer room, six binders with online patterns. Umpteen sacks of my stashed yarn, in and around my sewing table. I need an extra room and four more closets. Or better yet... a bigger house!

I am jealous of my husband... he built a workshop for his woodworking stuff, and now says it needs to be bigger. (Tough!) He won't build me an extra room. I'm MAD! Well, not really, because we can't afford it... but I can dream!

And I just keep collecting more stuff.... what does 'organized' mean? I've never been there in my entire life!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm trying to get my stuff organized as well. It's taking longer than I antisipated though, but I'm enjoying going through everything and seeing what I have.


I have printouts from websites in a pile and know that I have more than one, because I forgot that I printed it and did it again...I only need one copy of them. Then I need to go on the computer and back everything up. I have various emails and bookmarks to go through, but need a couple of weeks to do that too....YIKES!! Somewhere in between, I need to go through my yarn collection and see what I have and if it's had any visitors as was posted in another thread. I'll start that this weekend. I should be ok on that end, I'm from the midwest.....which is frigidly cold now. Time will tell.



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