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Latest Crochet Purses/Bag


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This weekend was mainly all crochet. I crochet my mom a purse I guess you can say it's a Christmas gift that she wanted. So wanted to show and tell.










Inside, still debating to add lining.


This purse wholes up very well done in double strands.

Purse was so easy to make I mainly winged it I wanted it to be something easy and not have to many pieces to put together after finishing so the front, back and bottom is all one piece that is crocheted together on the sides to close it.



Now a gift for my cousin. I personalized it just for her with the letter A her name is Ariel. Shes still in school and she wanted something to put over her head as well as her arm so she can be hands free so I decided to make her a messager bag.









Inside with flap open.


Done in double strands also.


This purse was simply also wanted another easy and simply project so this purse is also done in all one piece. The front, back, flap and bottom and crocheted on the sides to close it. Then the strap is added.


So thanks for looking.


So what you all think?

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Thanks ladies :)

I gave my mom her bag a little while ago she came over and seen it on my bed saying ohhhhh I want this purse. I was like dang I wanted to wait until Christmas to give it to her but, then I said, mom that is yours.:) she smiled and said, now I have to go to work and show this off.:)

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I love that you gave your mom the bag early and that she is already showing it off at work. That makes a true gift of love...when you give the gift when they desire/admire it. The purse is lovely and I know she is proud to show it off. Good work! Thanks for sharing.

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Great bags! I love the blue one for your mom (blue is my favorite color). I tried doing a double strand black and white one but wasn't sure, but now seeing yours I want to make one!! I like the flap, although I would leave out the initial for me... maybe something else, what a great idea.

Thanks for sharing.


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Thanks ladies for the great feedback.

Oh Debbi the double strands really does help the purse a lot it gives it more stiffness to it and helps the purse to have it's own shape to it thats why I love double strand oh also when you double strand you may not need a lining depending on what type of yarn you used I used Red Heart and that is the heavies I can get.

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