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:( They don't have that issue offered online...but I did subscribe to it:clap

I got mine from....Yarn....something or other....it's back here about a week or so ago when I posted the info.

Oh...Yarn Market, I think was the site. But there's a download version of the pattern available...if you'll look through the last pages here, I put the link in.....

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I think I may keep my Babette at work. I need some color in my office.

I know a lady who had a bright yellow fluffy pillow at work to add some color. I have a colorful scarf hanging in my little area (great when I need one too;)).


Babettes. I did some more 4 round squares. I have about 30 now. :cheer. I'm going to work on some weaving in of ends, my downfall. I hate those little :devil. As I do that I will post the squares on my blog since this is pretty much what I'm working on right now and I want to feel like I'm accomplishing something, which I am. :yes


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Hi all. I haven't got to crochet in two days! :sigh I've been busy. I've got to get my Sock Monkey afghan finished as my grandson is due in about 3 weeks. I don't think it will take long, but I want to get my circles to square put together and then I can hardly wait to start the Babette!!! I hope all is going well for you all and I can't wait to see everyone's work!!



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Deb great start on the squares and yes the weaving is a pain isnt it.


Kaye goodluck in finishing the monkey ghan, cant wait to see it.


I havent dont anymore on my babette as I have been busy with the Beckys Block quilt and my picture quilt. Must get back to it. Only have panels 9 and 10 to go.

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:yay i FINALLY got started on my groovy bag... here's the first panel I made yesterday...


I still have to do the black border around it, but I think the black will really set the colors off. ooooo i'm soooo excited - this is the first project i will have finished, except for the dishcloths. :woo


This was really fun using all these colors...for the second panel, I am doing it in a different color pattern, and adding yellow.

I also am going to line the inside and make pockets.


I think if I make another bag, I will use 4 smaller squares for the main panels. I am hoping to get this done by the weekend. :crocheting

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I only got a red x too. I would love to see it.

I'm still working on my Babette too. Waved in the ends on a few squares and will do more. I haven't been feeling well so I haven't worked on putting squares together, but that's fine. I want to, but want to do it when my mind is clearer...

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Yesterday I finished a cotton shawl that I think would qualify as groovy! It's this pattern http://www.lionbrand.com/patterns/ccc-shawl.html?noImages=0


I had some Patons Grace in Tangelo, a variagated orange color, and it was really fun to work with! The color is very 70's. I'll post a pic as soon as get some sunlight in the house and can take a good one.


I'm back to work on my Circle to Square Blanket today!



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