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cathedral window pattern


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I just got an email from them saying my item was shipped well.... what they have listed is a pot of geraniums pillow under the same item number um hello that is not what i ordered i have an email into them now will see what happens



I got the same thing. I called customer service and they don't have a clue about this. Supposedly the Cathedral Window afghan has a different item number now, but the girl still couldn't tell me if they have it in stock. She said she couldn't even see it on the web site anymore. She is supposed to be calling me back today with an answer. All I know is that I really don't want a pot of geraniums pillow!!! LOL

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I called AA today and spoke to a pretty nice lady and said I ordered the pattern on Friday I received an Email saying it was shipped yesterday but what they are shipping me is not what I ordered I went through the whole thing with her she said she is sending me a copy out via priority mail and to just return the other pattern that is being sent she told me the pattern has a different part number now online I said yes but... I have the confirmation email stating that it was the other part number and that what they are shipping me is the same number she said how odd it was because the pillow is no longer even available so keep checking for your emails there may be a mistake

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I just called customer service again - they were supposed to call me back, but didn't....anyway I talked to the same lady as I did on Monday, she said she had checked and they did send me the correct pattern....afghan...not pillow.....we shall see.....

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Forgive my ignorance in this field....but.... If I have the original pattern from an out of print pattern book, would it be a copyright infringement if I copied for someone?


Yes. Only an original can be transferred.

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Wow. Okay, I hope this doesn't go out of stock before I can afford to buy it (next month sometime, after hubby gets a couple of checks and we clear out the back bills.) After seeing that, I really want a copy.

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When I went to pattern of the day I got a pop up for the pattern. I ordered it! I am assuming that this is only one pattern and not a book of patterns.

The picture is absolutely gorgeous. I hope I can do it justice. I only wish they had a materials list so I could buy all the yarn at the same time and get it all at once.




BTW I haven't ordered from this site in years because I had lots of problems in the past. Fingers crossed........

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