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hello ladeis

pheeeeeew now i`m very into doing something for my self i deserve it

so i`ll make the halfmoon shawl (second one the first wasn`t mine) with matching 8pocket tote

i`ll use 3 colors for each (country blue , espresso brown, green or teal)

it should be very warm and nice looking

i`ll start hopefully today :)

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Have fun with your ME projects, Athba! The colors sound great...I've found, BTW, that some teal colors actually look more green than others do - depends on the brand of yarn.

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Ines I love your little stockings that you made. They are so cute.:clap


Linda your 3sub ripple is beautiful. You sure are a master at these.:clap


Tabby congratulations on finishing your me ghan.:yay


Athba your colors sound great and you deserve to make something for yourself.

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Tab- great job on finishing the afghan ! Can't wait to see it !


Wendy- both your ripples are so pretty and make your house look very festive !


Shay-- good luck on your project, believe me, I know what you are going through. There are just some patterns that bug the life out of you,because you wanna make them so bad, but there always seems to be a block there that keeps you from completing them .


We will try to help you stay on task in here . :hook

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Morning Miss Judy ,my friend til the end


I am doing otay (as Buckwheat says ... he's my favorite of all the little Rascals )


How about yourself ?


We had Cam again yesterday so Steph could go do some last minute shopping .He was HILARIOUS .


I had the tv on and was watching a show with a baby on it and the baby was crying . Cam said "come on, mamaw ,let's play ...."


I said ,just a minute, I wanna see this baby on tv, look at her ! She's so cute, but look at her sad little face, she's gonna start crying ....


Cam said "Well, take a look at THIS face . (pointing to HIS face ) .

I'll be sad too if you won't play with me ."


He is a HOOT .

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Julie, I laughed out loud at Cam's comment! He's precious...and you're building wonderful memories with him.:c9


Doing okay here...made 2 more scarves yesterday - will post pics on SKY later. Now back to my felted purse...and maybe begin a RR in fuschia for my 14 YO goddaughter who lives nearby... Love the look of the single color...forget who posted that pic and couldn't part with it:D

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Yea Judy

I keep telling Cam he's gonna be on tv someday- he's a real comedian .


It sounds like you are getting lots done and several more on the back burner ready to move up . Good for you ! And yep, I remember the all-one-color rr. I think it was .....Meg that made it ?

Just guessing, this is one of my Brain Power-Up days, so look out ! :eek


Something is blowing up in the distance -- look, it looks like a dust -storm, but nope, just my old brain trying to come up with a new idea .... :lol

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Julie....NOT another new idea:eek:eek:eek:eek

You know I'd follow you anywhere:P


BTW: the apple doesn;t fall far from the tree - Cam has hung around with you so long you're rubbing off on him:lol:lol

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BTW: the apple doesn;t fall far from the tree - Cam has hung around with you so long you're rubbing off on him:lol:lol



Yea, that's what I'm a little WORRIED about -- if he turns out like me -- good grief, TWO of me ?

We'd probably catch the house on fire talking so much to each other, with just the friction of that many words in such a short space of time .


He can already out-talk anyone else I know ( including adults ):lol:D:lol

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Morning, again. I'm just have a really lazy day so far. Haven't really accomplished anything and may not. Cuddled with Sarge for a while and I've been playing solitaire. Should get my knitting needles going and finish up those two preemie hats. We'll see.

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Good morning, I am smiling at the Cam stories. he sounds like a really neat little boy!


I just decided to make myself a scarf to go with the hat I made yesterday. My yarn is a little on the bulky side, so I'm trying out stitch patterns at the moment. I want it to drape nicely.

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Carol, sounds like you've hit the holiday slump...need an intervention?:lol


Oh I sure need something. Off topic, I had an order of Christmas stuff (presents, etc.) disappear somewhere between Post Office and here.

Almost a hundred dollars worth, and I haven't got the time, money or umph to buy or make replacements. So I guess I am a little depressed. :(

I keep telling myself whoever has it, must have needed it more than me, but it isn't helping. The company it was shipped from has a receipt that it was received by my local PO, but the PO hasn't got a clue where it is, or even if it was delivered to my house.

Oh well, there must be a reason, so I just have to push myself to get over it.

I just browsed through some of the posts, and the pics are so pretty and cheerful, haven't read them all yet.

Athba, is there a favorite color for girls? I know here we lean towards pinks.

That Christmas RR is so pretty, what kind of yarn was it? It drapes so nicely.

The booties are sweet, are they the kind you can put something in, or a flat booty?

Gotta go do dishes and make bed, I have been kind of slumping on housework too, ;)

Take care all, see ya tonight, maybe...

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Carol, that's awful!:angry

Same thing happened to me, on a smaller scale, last year: I made a suede scarf for my sisiter and when she got the puffy it was opened! I was so upset - :hug:hug:hug

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Greetings ladies :flower


Back from San Antonio and the house is still standing :D


Carol - Oh no! :eek I'm so sorry your parcel has gone MIA :( I sure hope it shows up tomorrow :hug


Tabby - Can't wait to see your ME! :yay


Ines - I love those little stockings! :clap


Wendy - Wow! The RRs are fabulous! Love how you're using the one as a table cover :yes


Linda - Only you could just grab any old colors and make a 3SURR that's not ugly at all! I love it! :clap


Got stuck on the interstate yesterday. Took 6 hours to make a 3 hour trip. :irk On the upside I got lots of my knitted prayer shawl ME done :tup

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Wendy, the RR are wonderful! They really look great on the tables and make the lounge look very festive.


About the Babette, I would probably add the blue and orange and also keep one of the pinks It will depend on how you combine the colours and whether you want a pink overtone or a blue/green overtone. It is difficult to say what the end result will look like. Cannot visualize this morning.

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