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Now hold your horses here just a minute. I leave the boards last night since Cam was here, and what do I come back to this morning ????


ME getting blamed because someone ELSE ( won't say the NAME but it starts with K and ends with rystaL ) put that link for the chain-link doodads in here.


I get blamed now because I have you all riled up, and some of you have had to hose down your husbands with the garden hose ?


How is that MY fault ? :think


To all the newer people here, let's go over the rules a little more in detail :


If it's G-rated, then I posted it .

If it's a nice pattern that any mother would wear, I posted it ..

If it's a kind comment, an offer of support or help, I posted it .


In other words, consider ME the Mother Theresa of the ville.

(This term used loosely, I'd never be quite as good as she was, but I try hard to be close to that):yes


All kindness (in fact, I kinda LOOK like her too, come to think of it... really old and wrinkly) ...


Now, with this information, would SHE post a link like that on here ? :eek

I think not .


Once you realize that if it's anything other than G rated, it is either Krystal or Tab causing the ruckus, you'll know how things really are in here.

( and once in awhile Cara or Judy like to stir the pot,so be watchful of them too )


Now that we have that all cleared up, I think we can move on with today's proceedings .......


Luckily, I ate dinner before checking to see what was going on here. Otherwise I'd be choking on my tacos. I'm laughing so hard that there are tears in my eyes.

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Sorry, dear - you're gonna have to rely on Tab for this one. My mood ain't anywhere near laughing and joking... If I could reverse my day out, I would. It was a disaster.


I've got some things to weigh through, so I might not be myself for a bit. Who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll feel like coming here for some escape, but right now, it's not working.



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Sorry, dear - you're gonna have to rely on Tab for this one. My mood ain't anywhere near laughing and joking... If I could reverse my day out, I would. It was a disaster.


I've got some things to weigh through, so I might not be myself for a bit. Who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll feel like coming here for some escape, but right now, it's not working.

Sorry things haven't gone your way today. Hope things are looking up real soon. :hug:manyheart:hug

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Sorry, dear - you're gonna have to rely on Tab for this one. My mood ain't anywhere near laughing and joking... If I could reverse my day out, I would. It was a disaster.


I've got some things to weigh through, so I might not be myself for a bit. Who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll feel like coming here for some escape, but right now, it's not working.


:manyheart:hug:manyheart :hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart

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Good morning ladies :flower


Krystal - I sure hope things are going better today :hug Ya know we love ya and you can vent to us here or in private anytime you need to :manyheart


I'm almost done with DHs coworker ghan :dance If I push I can get it done today then I think I'm gonna start something else for me. Don't know exactly what yet....wait yes I do...I need new potholders desperately...that's #1 on my list. Quick, easy and functional...my kinda project :hook

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And then once you do lose the weight your skin is still stretched so you end up looking like a sharpe puppy. :lol I'm speaking for myself of course.





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okay, i know this is completely un-crochet related, and yet...i'm crocheting a christmas gift right now, and this is christmas related, so that works, right? really this is just so cute and so much fun to play with and you seem like a cute and fun-loving group, so i wanted to share!


just copy and paste this to your address bar-thingy




you can upload your own picture to it and then it lets you move it around so you don't have to worry about resizing and cropping it ahead of time or anything, and then you can call a phone number and add a message - it's really free, you don't even have to give them your name. hope you all get as big a kick out of this as i do! (oh yeah, and don't mind my picture...or the baby's, it's hard to do with a newborn. but aren't my boys all cute?!)

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Oh Norah you are gonna get me in so much trouble :rofl Big Daddy (DH) has a gal that he works with that played that thing about 50 times one day last week then she emailed it to me so I could join the fun....we've both been informed that we're getting coal in our stockings :rofl :rofl

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Actually Julie, I haven't lost enough weight to look like that. I still look 3 months preggo. :lol I just imagine that is what it would look like if I did. :D:P



Norah~My Mom sent that to me yesterday with me & my Hubby as the elves. Way too funny. I ended up playing with it all day & sending it to everyone. :blush:lol



Cara~Did you see the scrooge one to? :devil

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okay, i know this is completely un-crochet related, and yet...i'm crocheting a christmas gift right now, and this is christmas related, so that works, right? really this is just so cute and so much fun to play with and you seem like a cute and fun-loving group, so i wanted to share!


just copy and paste this to your address bar-thingy




you can upload your own picture to it and then it lets you move it around so you don't have to worry about resizing and cropping it ahead of time or anything, and then you can call a phone number and add a message - it's really free, you don't even have to give them your name. hope you all get as big a kick out of this as i do! (oh yeah, and don't mind my picture...or the baby's, it's hard to do with a newborn. but aren't my boys all cute?!)


:rofl :rofl :rofl

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My MIL sent that to me too. Then she and the girls played with it when they were visiting. It was pretty funny :lol


Tabby I look about 3 months pregnant too :yes It's pretty sad when people see you struggling with the kids you have and then say oh you poor thing with another on the way :blush:sigh

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