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Mom and I 'planned' to get up early today, and hit the stores...well, none of us, including SarahJane, woke up till almost 11!. I guess we were more exhausted than we thought from the last few days.


Look out Joanns, we'll be there sooner or later!

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Tabby: The colors I'm using are pink,pea green, brick, dusty blue, red, purple, ,mustard yellow and chocolate. I laid them all out yesterday to get the order I wanted and I'm just loving the colors. They kind of go...and they kind of look scrappy...which is just what I wanted. :)


Judy: Well it seems to be sitting better now that I'm a couple rows in. I'm going to brave it and do a few more rows and see if that helps. Really it's just the chain row that I think may be a little tight.

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Hi, all. I've spent about an hour and a half crocheting my DDs RR and planning one for me. I think I'm going to try a 3SURR for me after the holidays. One strand a really dark color, 1 strand a really light color, and 1 color whatever strikes my fancy. What do you think? :lol

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Hi, all. I've spent about an hour and a half crocheting my DDs RR and planning one for me. I think I'm going to try a 3SURR for me after the holidays. One strand a really dark color, 1 strand a really light color, and 1 color whatever strikes my fancy. What do you think? :lol

Sounds like a plan...the worst that can happen is you spend time in the frog pond till you're happy with it.:lol:lol

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If we don't try new things, how are we ever going to have something different?


Yep :yes My sister said the other day that everything comes so easy to me. She assumed that things just popped into my head and viola' they came out the first time. I told her that for every success I can show her 10 failed attempts. It's all in the trying :yes

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You've just got that magic touch .


Singalong ,everybody !


She's got that Magic Touch...


I dunno :no I'm sitting here working on my Love Letters quilt for my niece and I declare I musta been drunk when I designed this thing :lol :lol That's what I get for posting a chart before I try it out :blush

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Hi everyone,

My internet has been acting up, dont you hate that.

Thanks for all your comments on my ripples.


Karen great 3sub I love it and your scarf is beautiful love the color.


April to stop the first row being so tight I use a larger hook to do the chains then start crocheting with a smaller hook, this seems to stop the chain row from being so tight and pulling. hmm Im assuming your doing a straight ripple?

I love the colors you have chosen, they will go well together.


Cara whats wrong with your love letters quilt?


Im going to mums today and will take my ripples with me to show her. I found a nice knitted ripple pattern that Im sure she will like.

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Have a good time at your mum's, Wendy!



Not much going on here...doing some :hooktoday, of course:D We put out a few Christmas things, but we're keeping it simple. Simple=relaxing:)

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You didnt tell me you got the caseful of Double Dog Dare Whiskey I mailed you .

I guess you were tipping back a few when you designed that pattern, huh ?


Drink a little more and it'll look FINE !


:rofl :rofl :rofl

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It might actually be an interesting experiment, to see if you crochet FASTER or SLOWER with a little of that extra "oil" in your engine ....... .


OR, you may invent a whole new SHAPE for a SQUARE .


No no no....me and alcohol just don't get along. Big Daddy used to say at least I was a cheap date. Half a drink and I'm ready for a good long nap....after I've told everyone in earshot that I love them :blush

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Boy this shopping trip was a dud. I think the most we spent was $20 something in Petsmart, and that's cause we got a 15lb bag of food, a Christmas present chewy toy and booties for SarahJane...which might go back if she keeps things up...she stole half a candy bar (luckily not chocolate) out of Mom's purse. She's trying to look innocent, but it's not working with a Payday wrapper stuck to her paw. I told her Santa Paws won't bring her anything if she keeps this up.


Michaels $12, a booklet on socks - 50% off, a Pounder in white, and some little pompoms and pipecleaners for a project. oh, and some tissue paper.


Joanns $11.95 A Q-hook Afghan booklet - 50% off, a button, two books for babies from the $1 bin, and some stickers from the bin.


AC Moore - NOTHING I want the lighted hooks, but will wait till I have coupons to get them.

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Boy this shopping trip was a dud. I think the most we spent was $20 something in Petsmart, and that's cause we got a 15lb bag of food, a Christmas present chewy toy and booties for SarahJane...which might go back if she keeps things up...she stole half a candy bar (luckily not chocolate) out of Mom's purse. She's trying to look innocent, but it's not working with a Payday wrapper stuck to her paw.


:rofl :rofl :rofl

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April to stop the first row being so tight I use a larger hook to do the chains then start crocheting with a smaller hook, this seems to stop the chain row from being so tight and pulling. hmm Im assuming your doing a straight ripple?

I love the colors you have chosen, they will go well together.


That's a good idea. I've done that with knitting and cast on using a larger needle than I knit up with but didn't think about that with crochet. It's never been an issue before.

It seems to be straitening itself out though so I'm not sure if it just needed the extra weight of a couple more rows. Hmmm...now the real question...keep going and see if it straitens out more or start all over. I'll have to mull that over for a bit. :lol

Yeah it's a strait ripple. My very first one too! :)

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Boy this shopping trip was a dud. I think the most we spent was $20 something in Petsmart, and that's cause we got a 15lb bag of food, a Christmas present chewy toy and booties for SarahJane...which might go back if she keeps things up...she stole half a candy bar (luckily not chocolate) out of Mom's purse. She's trying to look innocent, but it's not working with a Payday wrapper stuck to her paw. I told her Santa Paws won't bring her anything if she keeps this up.


Michaels $12, a booklet on socks - 50% off, a Pounder in white, and some little pompoms and pipecleaners for a project. oh, and some tissue paper.


Joanns $11.95 A Q-hook Afghan booklet - 50% off, a button, two books for babies from the $1 bin, and some stickers from the bin.


AC Moore - NOTHING I want the lighted hooks, but will wait till I have coupons to get them.

Sara Jane is an imp:lol

...and Sunday's Asbury Park Press should have AC Moore and Michaels coupons...we get the paper delivered and I have mine already...guess where I'm going as soon as I get back from dropping Phil at the airport tomorrow morning;)

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I want to join but I have a few Christmas gifts to get done first. Then I plan on making myself an afghan with Elvis on it. Good luck everyone!!!

Do you have a pattern? I love graph patterns, so that's how I work pictures, etc, into ghans.

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April, if you want to, try decreasing, evenly spaced, over one row and see what happens. That's what I would do before frogging it. I fudge a lot:blush

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Do you have a pattern? I love graph patterns, so that's how I work pictures, etc, into ghans.



Yeah I found a good picture in black in white of his face. I'm getting good at designing my own graphs so I'm hoping it turns out good. If I get done with my projects before Christmas I may start early!

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