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That turned out amazing...i still have mine put away for right now :(

Cant wait to see your ripple when you get going.Started mine last night.



Tabby - WOW! Great work on those ghans:clap


Tabby your fall ghan is great. I love how it turned out.


Thanks ladies. :blush:manyheart

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Welcome, Paula!

There are 2 blanket patterns great for using up scraps: the straight ripple or the 3sub (3 strand ugly blanket) which uses a Q hook I think. And it really comes out great - even with scraps (from the pictures I've seen, anyway).

If you'll check out Post#1 you'll see the links to various patterns - not all of them afghans - that some of the ladies here are working on.

Let us know if you have any questions:hug


I use an N hook for my 3SUBs (can't handle a Q - feels like a baseball bat :lol ) I have yet to see one of these blankets actually turn out "ugly" They are all really pretty and they work up quick and easy :yay

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Hi Ladies. I hope everyone is having a great evening.

I just finished making a Sweet Pea Shawl for an order. I'm glad it's done. I'm going to grab my RR, frog the row to get to my mistake, then see how much I can get done on it tonight. I should be working on the Christmas items I need to get done, but I need some ME time now :yes

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We all need ME time! I just finished a couple of more baby hats and think 2 out of the 4 I've made might be just right for Dean. The others I'll send in for Project Athena and maybe make something else for it.


Cara, and everyone...have a great evening...and a good night!:c9 And a good day to those waking up halfway around the world!:manyheart


Karen, the N hook is easy to use with 3 strands of RH??



***...and someone asked (on my blog) how to do my latest comfortghan. It was anonymous...so if you're out there...email me!!


Nite, all:hug

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Whew...i got 10 rows done on my wave ripple and im loving it...it is so cool watching the colors from the stripe generator come together...she was right you cant wait to get to the next color to see how it looks,there is enough variation in how the colors are different from their paper representations as to be very exciting just like she said on her blog,it really does change right before your eyes with each stripe.Its 80" long so each stripe takes awhile but once i get on a role it flies.

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The fall Afghans are amazing Tabby and Misa.

Linda, your yellow theme RR is also another beauty.


Shaylen, I could not sleep last night so after having made 2 flowers for my Garden, I started my Wave ripple. Mine is 70 inches across as I want it for my double bed that happens to be a yesteryear one so it is not a big double bed. I do agree, you keep wanting to add the next colour to see the result. I like the effect so far. I cannot wait to see a photo of yours.

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Hehehe...it totally amuses me how many of you I've infected with the ripple afghan bug. :devil


I'm still plugging away on the holiday crochet...but I think I've decided that I'm going to go with Vanna's new yarn for my ripple blanket. I like the color choices and the price is good. Sure I'd love to use Cascade or Merino superwash...but spending $150-$200 on a blanket I think I might be too scared to actually use it! :eek

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Karen, the N hook is easy to use with 3 strands of RH??



Hi Judy,


I find the N hook easy to use for the 3SUB. But my tension is a bit on the loose side and I have a light grip on the hook (someone could pull it out of my hand if they dared to try). I made my first 3SUB using Red heart SS and had no troubles. I am making my second one using Caron Simply Soft and it is working nicely too.

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New hook


Hi guys

On my shopping journey yesterday I found the neatest hook, maybe some of you have already seen them or bought one, but it's called a Susan Bates Bamboo Handle Hook, and the handle is kinda big and round and makes the Bates hook a little longer ( which I like, because they always feel a little short to me ) .

They had them at Hobby Lobby and were all sold out of the G and H, so I had to get an I . Will be on the lookout for a G and H now, since I use those sizes more, but this is one handy-dandy hook !

It is really comfortable to use .

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I have seen those - looked to me like fancy chopsticks. :lol


I like short hooks, my hands are small. Get any bigger and I feel like I'm wielding a sword.


DD needs a dentist visit, so I'll be calling to see if they can fit her in today. It's a bad one, but haven't had the heart to tell her about novicaine and drilling (she's 8). If they do get her in today, I'll be heading out towards the thrift shop *LOVE IT*.


Worked on my daisy border last night. Now I'm into the first round of black - there are 4 rounds of color and 4 rounds of black. (color, black, color, black...) It's lying nice and flat, and I'm happy.


I guess I'll see y'all later on.

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Good morning, all. I'm not sure I'm functional yet, but I'll try to make sense.

Julie, have you actually used that hook yet? How do you like it? I've never seen them here.

Krystal, good luck with DD at the dentist's office. Hope it goes well.:manyheart

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Good morning/evening, ladies!


Sounds like we do have a "ripple" virus going on here:lol:lol

I made a smal test swatch and really like the pattern Julie shared for it. Once I dive into my stash of purples I'll give it a go...first have to dive into the closet for the bag and then sort it!


Have a good one....:hug

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Good morning ladies :flower


Shay - Okay, stop it. You're making me wanna drop everything and start my ripple :lol I'm almost done with my blanket so I'm hoping I can hold out :lol


Ines - I know what you mean about the cost. If this Vanna yarn hadn't been on sale for 1/2 of its normal four bucks I wouldn't be using it. I can sleep under a $30 blanket but not a $60 one :lol


Julie - Wow! That hook looks great. Tell me though, does it "squeek" like regular Bates hooks? That sound puts my teeth on edge :eek


And that also raises a question I've been meaning to ask......if you had to pick your favorite three hook sizes, what would you pick? I ask because I want to donate hooks to my local Gifts for Grannies program this year and I want to include a set of 3. :yes Thanks for the input :D

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I think I found my next ME ghan. It'll use the Vanna's choice. I haven't 100% decided on it but so far this is my favorite. I'll use the purples that I have with the linen. I'll have to alter it so that it's big enough. http://cache.lionbrand.com/patterns/70130AD.html


Then I found this scarf pattern while I was looking around.


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And that also raises a question I've been meaning to ask......if you had to pick your favorite three hook sizes, what would you pick? I ask because I want to donate hooks to my local Gifts for Grannies program this year and I want to include a set of 3. :yes Thanks for the input :D


H (5mm) and I (5.5mm) for baby stuff, single strand afghans and wearables and and an N (10mm) for multiple strand work :yes

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you probably mean the hooks made totally of bamboo, these are regular aluminum hooks with bamboo handles .


Here's a photo-



I brought these hooks and now I have a whole set of them from G to K. I love the feel of the bamboo handles in my hand and the yarn seems to flow smoothly. I brought them because I have rheumatoid arthritis and I find that by using them my fingers seems to not swell as much when I crochet a lot. So I love them :hook Oh good morning to everyone and have a happy blessed day crocheting. :hug

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I brought these hooks and now I have a whole set of them from G to K. I love the feel of the bamboo handles in my hand and the yarn seems to flow smoothly. I brought them because I have rheumatoid arthritis and I find that by using them my fingers seems to not swell as much when I crochet a lot. So I love them :hook Oh good morning to everyone and have a happy blessed day crocheting. :hug


I may have to try those as well :yes I also have RA but I use the Clover Soft Touch hooks. I can't even hold a regular hook anymore. Soft Touch gave me crochet back and I love 'em for it :manyheart

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I have gotten 7 rows done on my ME ghan. It works up fast once I got through the first 4 rows. You just repeat 2 rows the whole ghan so I don't even have to concentrate on it anymore, yippee! :cheer


I'll post a pic. when I get all the colors on. :hook

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