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Good Morning Ladies


WDILT: When my daughter goes skiing, it usually means a trip to the Doctor or Hospital the next day.


She went skiing last night and hurt her knee. She went with the Church group, and her Orthopedist was there too. She also babysits for him and his wife. He checked her last night and said it looked like nothing was broken, but if it was no better today, or if it was worse, to get in to see him. Well....she can't walk on it, can barely bend her knee today, so I get to make the long drive to take her to see him. He specializes in knees, so we know we are seeing a very good Doctor.


I also learned it pays to have connections to a Doctor. When I called to make her appointment, I told the receptionist that she was skiing, he was there and said to see him today if she wasn't any better (or it was worse). Well, he is in surgery this morning, and we have the first appointment of the day :D


It's going to be a long day.

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WDILT - that chine means backbone or spine or a cut of meat that includes part or all of the spine.

It's amazing all the new words you find when you play word games.

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For real????


Had to go for new patient checkup at the doctor's today and the nurse was explaining to DD why it is bad to wear cropped pants with short tops and no jacket in the winter. She said that part of the body thinks it is not being warmed enough and pads that part of the body with fat to keep it warm. She said that is why so many young girls/teenage girls have fat above the waist of their pants. :think

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My problem is that I am always making clothes/accessories for ME!

I feel guilty that I don't make my kids any clothing anymore....well, after making beautiful dresses for them and them ripping it within minutes kinda burned me from making them stuff, but I do resolve to make some thing for every member of my family this year!!

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We spent a long afternoon at the Doctor's office. He took some x-rays, then asked if we had time for her to have an MRI. I said sure, I'm off work and have nothing else to do. She had her MRI at 5:15, and it was done at his office. He practices in an Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Office. We are now waiting on the results. They put a STAT order on it, so that means that once the radiologist reads it, he will immediately call the Doctor. He said if the radiologist called tonight, he'd call me. If not, he will call tomorrow.


She is on crutches, taking motrin (or something similar) and is to be off of it as much as possible. Right now she is watching TV in bed with her leg propped up. And I am ready to collapse. It has been a long day.

On a good note, I finished a scarf for an order and did some work on my neglected cotton RR.


Almost forgot this....the Doctor was telling us that he also fell last night skiing (for those that didn't know, her doctor goes to our church and she babysits for his kids, he was there with the church group last night)....when he was telling us where he fell, Hilly said that was the exact same place she fell. He said his ski caught and edge, and the same thing probably happened to her.

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WDILT: that my cats are nuts... I make nylon net scrubbies for the dishes .. I make all different colors but they insist on stealing the green one and tearing it to shreds.. they don't touch any other color...

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Had to go for new patient checkup at the doctor's today and the nurse was explaining to DD why it is bad to wear cropped pants with short tops and no jacket in the winter. She said that part of the body thinks it is not being warmed enough and pads that part of the body with fat to keep it warm. She said that is why so many young girls/teenage girls have fat above the waist of their pants. :think


Wow, that is interesting!!!!

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Good evening all, crocheting all day, got WUA patches done and ready to mail. Working on a football and bunting baby tonight.

Mel hope all turns out OK for your DD....


WDILT....how to do a Russian join...


gotta run, want to finish the toys...

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Good Morning Ladies :yawn

I just got a call from Hilly's Doctor. She has a partially torn ligament in her knee. He wants her on crutches and in a brace for a minimum 2 weeks, then she will probably start limited therapy after a recheck of it. She will be getting her brace tomorrow. She is in a lot of pain but is being a trooper. When she goes back to school, it looks like I will be driving her to school and picking her up each day, which means I have to get my work schedule modified for a few weeks.


I didn't sleep much last night....I kept hearing her moaning and would go and check on her...every time she moved, she would moan in her sleep. I did get a few rows done on my scrapie wave ghan last night.


Now that she has had her motrin and is back in bed, I think I will try to get some sleep myself. I have to close tonight, so I have time to sleep, or at least time to rest a bit, unless she needs me....like right now :lol

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Aw, Mel... Rest when you can - kids bounce back a lot faster than we old folk!


Yes, they do bounce back a lot faster. I re-injured my knee a few years back and it took a long time to heal.....she told me yesterday that she would heal a lot faster than me since she is not an old lady like me :rolleyes

Since she was on crutches last spring for her ankle injury, she has gotten pretty good at walking on crutches. It is just a shame that it happened, and now there is snow on the ground so it will make it tricky for her when she goes outside.

She did ask me to make her some covers for the tops of her crutches.....she wants more padding for under the arm area since it does rub her skin some. She picked out the cotton yarn she wants me to use. So I guess I know what I will be doing when I get off of work tonight :crocheting

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Yes, they do bounce back a lot faster. I re-injured my knee a few years back and it took a long time to heal.....she told me yesterday that she would heal a lot faster than me since she is not an old lady like me :rolleyes

Since she was on crutches last spring for her ankle injury, she has gotten pretty good at walking on crutches. It is just a shame that it happened, and now there is snow on the ground so it will make it tricky for her when she goes outside.

She did ask me to make her some covers for the tops of her crutches.....she wants more padding for under the arm area since it does rub her skin some. She picked out the cotton yarn she wants me to use. So I guess I know what I will be doing when I get off of work tonight :crocheting[/qu:eekote]

Owwww!! :eek "Not an old lady like me"... They really know how to rubs it in! And then she asks you to crochet her more padding!?!?! Using crutches on snow and ice is a real challenge. Been there & done that and don't want to repeat the experience.

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Owwww!! :eek "Not an old lady like me"... They really know how to rubs it in! And then she asks you to crochet her more padding!?!?! Using crutches on snow and ice is a real challenge. Been there & done that and don't want to repeat the experience.
She wouldn't have said it if I hadn't said to her that she would heal faster since youngin's heal faster than us old folks :lol:lol It was all in fun :D


She is such a sassy young lady at times.

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WDILT: That even though Hilly is 16 Years Old and she can take care of herself, I didn't have the heart to leave her alone and in pain while I went to work today. So I called off work. I can't afford to take the day off (and I know it left them short-handed in my department), but she comes first. I will figure out a way to pay bills later.

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