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ok is it too late to join? I have never made anything for me and I found a backpack purse pattern I am dying to make for myself. I have made items for just about all my friends and family and NEVER have made a single thing for me. Not even a bookmark. I am going to make this purse no matter what!

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ok is it too late to join? I have never made anything for me and I found a backpack purse pattern I am dying to make for myself. I have made items for just about all my friends and family and NEVER have made a single thing for me. Not even a bookmark. I am going to make this purse no matter what!


Never too late!!! We are the same, we make for everyone, and even when we say we are making for ourselves we give it away. :yes

You are welcome to make to your hearts content, the lovely ladies in here enjoy company...

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Carol, thanks for the link. :hugIt's on Post #1 now.


Tammy, welcome! We're always trying to make something for ourselves...but life happens. I think we're going to be here for a very long time:yes Do you have a pattern you're going to use? Or are you going to wing it?

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I have a pattern that I am going to use. Its super simple and was in one of the books my sister sent me for Christmas. As soon as I locate it again I will tell you the name of the book it is in. It is called confetti backpack I think.

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Thanks, Julie.

I really love making graph ghans...even in filet. Seeing the designs appear is such fun - I told Phil last night as I worked on anther letter for the ghan that I get bored with the plain designs now! I think within my crochet addiction I've discovered my true addiction - finally:c9

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Good morning all...


Thank You Julie

You are very welcome Judy


Just a quick hi before I am off to do housework, mainly the bathroom :P If I were ever rich I would do that room in all ceramic tile and glass, so that when I had to clean it all I would do is remove the towels and hose it down with some antibacterial stuff, :lol:wink. I know, it isn't practical but sure would be easier.

Gonna play with testing a new shawl pattern, but have to do it in another room, cause I heard my ME ghan scream last night when I was playing with the test for a new baby afghan. I really have neglected it...

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Good morning. I finished hiding all the tails on my 3SPRR today, so it is now officially done. It's been in use more than once already even with the tails hanging out. :lol :lol :lol

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I have dug myself a hole, and need to get back on schedule if I want to accomplish all my commitments and still get a ME project in too...

I posted this in one of the other cals and I am hoping between the two cals I can stay on schedule.

"I figured out my problem with taking on too much. I had a schedule before but having 3 months created a monster, , I have to stick to a monthly one to get all I need to do accomplished.

Now just to catch up I need to make another 3 toys and 7 WUA patches.

Which I hope to do between today and tomorrow.


This is my need to do's:

1- make one WUA patch every other day. (totalling 15 to 16 a month)

2- make one of each of the following every month;





The baby afghan & "pick me up" afghan fit into those catagories, as well as the cotton shawl. (I already did two shawls this month as well as one afghan, a tote and a cap. I made 3 toys, but they don't count for Jan. as I still have 3 more to do to catch up).

3- use leftover scraps from these projects to make caps, hats and booties.



Hopefully this will help me stay on track for all my commitments with a few of my own selfish whims.

And if a few of my good sista crocheters will be so kind to remind me once in awhile, I would be ever so grateful...."


I have also printed it up for reminders when I am not online.

finished cleaning bathroom (except for floor) so took the break time to work up this schedule. I expect other things to crop up, but should be able to fit it in.

Hope you all have a great weekend....

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Linda, that's great! I really loved the way your rr worked out....


Carol, I think I need to make a list similar to yours. Sometimes I feel like I'm turning in circles...and I do want to make more charity projects this year.

It's time to make that list...thanks for the motivation!


I'm about to start square 12 of 20....only 3 will have a graph in them, the rest are plain.

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Carol wow you have a long list of things to do there. Are the toy,shawl,afghan and purse for charity.


Judy I agree with you, I need to make a list as well. Your going well with that afghan.


Linda well done on finishing hiding the tails, thats the painful part isnt it.

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This is a picture of my Earth Block for the quilt-ghan I'm making... it is 20" square ...I'm having such a good time finding and designing quilt-ghans even if I don't keep it this is one project that is MAKING ME HAPPY.. it is such a challenge... I Love it

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This is a picture of my Earth Block for the quilt-ghan I'm making... it is 20" square ...I'm having such a good time finding and designing quilt-ghans even if I don't keep it this is one project that is MAKING ME HAPPY.. it is such a challenge... I Love it

WOW!!!! :clap:clap

I agree with you, too - it's the challenge and pleasure of creating that is what my hooking is all about - whether or not I keep anything!

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Carol wow you have a long list of things to do there. Are the toy,shawl,afghan and purse for charity.


The toys and most of the afghans are charity (a few of the ghans are supposed to be mine), 1/2 of the shawls are charity and the rest are mine and gifts. The purses are mine and gifts but I hope to sell a few of my own design. :yes


Shelly, that is one beautiful block!!! I am so glad that you are enjoying making it.:hook


I hate doing this rug, but I am determined to get it finished.:smiling

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Carol, I think I need to make a list similar to yours. Sometimes I feel like I'm turning in circles...and I do want to make more charity projects this year.

It's time to make that list...thanks for the motivation!


OH you're welcome. Maybe now I can get some stick-to-it-ism and get something done. I did get 4 of the 7 WUA patches done, should be able to do at least one more tonight, then on to the toys. They are small and shouldn't take me too long, but DD is coming over in afternoon, so I don't want to make myself promises. She picked up some yarn at big lots and got me 5 skeins of paton's Brilliant, and got herself some Lu Lu. But I am sticking to my plan, the Brilliant will have to wait, :sigh.

Gotta check out some of the other posts, and then back to crocheting.

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Good evening ladies

Everyone's work is just gorgeous. If I try to name everyone, I will forget someone and I don't want to do that, so I will include everyone that posted pictures (and those that didn't and just said what they are doing) GREAT JOB EVERYONE :D


I have neglected my scrap wave the past 2 days. I have been piddlin' with a few ideas for scarves. I have 2 orders from 2 of my co-workers, and since they are men, I want to find a manly pattern. One is a 2 strander, so there isn't much to do but a sc or hdc, because he wants it to be a sturdy weave with minimal holes.


I have to be at work at 6:00 AM tomorrow, and I have a feeling I am going to be late. The temp is going to plummet to zero or below, and I don't know if my car will start. It had a hard time when I left work a little while ago, and it is 12 degrees. I put a blanket over the battery and the openings in the grill to cut down on the wind blowing into the engine compartment (I don't have a garage and can't park up against anything to protect the front end). It worked last year, lets hope it works tonight.


Ok, I've rambled on and bored you all long enough. Have a good evening and weekend everyone.

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Mel, good luck with the car tomorrow! We're getting more bitter cold starting tonight and all day tomorrow...when the news station reminds you to dress in layers...:eek

We're not used to that too much...


I'm taking a break for a few minutes - finished square # 12 and will join it - and that strip of 4 - tonight, so I can start fresh tomorrow. My hands are achy, but that's to be expected...all will be well after a good night's sleep.


'nite, ladies!:hug

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Good morning, my little chickadees....:)


More brown squares are on my agenda for today. The minute I finish this I'll be diving back into a couple of ME projects before putting the finishing touches on some lapghans.

...what is everyone else up to?

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I'm back in the land of the living and am working on my Babette blanket (my Groovy and ME blankie :D ). I did up a pile of squares yesterday while vegging out and getting better. Friday I didn't even have the energy to pick up my hook :( ) I'll post pictures soon. I also need to get back to working on my 2SUB with fuzzy yarn.

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