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It's funny that you should mention this, because I am looking into taking a 1 1/2 year old boxer mix dog that someone put up on freecycle. I'm going to see if we can "dog sit" this weekend to see if she'll work out in our home. I don't want to take on someone else's issues, it just sounds like this dog doesn't like to be left home while everyone's at work/school. We shall see.

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Krystal, that is very likely the issue. I had a pit/boxer mix that had severe separation anxiety...and acted out because of it. She's really needed someone home almost all the time, and to be crated or in a secure outside pen when we left. It is common in boxers because they are so eager to please they feel rejected if you go out without them.

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Good morning. It's sunny and warm here today. Kim and I recuperating from the weekend and having a lazy day of it.

Cara, had asked me to try to get a picture of the sedge stitch close up on another CAL and I thought I'd post it here too. This is NOT an actual block, just a sample for the picture. I have 4 blocks completed for my BB afghan.


I tried to do this pattern once, had no problem with the stitch, but couldn't get the turns to come out right, the pattern I was following called for two rows of each color. Maybe I should do one row and then I wouldn't have to turn, :lol.
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Linda, looks like another great afghan coming up. That is a really attractive stitch.


I also hope the poor puppy finds a good home.


It is 65 degrees here and we actually ahd a thunderstorm just before dinner. And it's January!!!

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It's funny that you should mention this, because I am looking into taking a 1 1/2 year old boxer mix dog that someone put up on freecycle. I'm going to see if we can "dog sit" this weekend to see if she'll work out in our home. I don't want to take on someone else's issues, it just sounds like this dog doesn't like to be left home while everyone's at work/school. We shall see.


Misa's like that too :yes Well, she was. But when I retired and was home all the time she outgrew it. Now she wishes we would leave once in a while :lol

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Krystal, that is very likely the issue. I had a pit/boxer mix that had severe separation anxiety...and acted out because of it. She's really needed someone home almost all the time, and to be crated or in a secure outside pen when we left. It is common in boxers because they are so eager to please they feel rejected if you go out without them.


Misa's like that too :yes Well, she was. But when I retired and was home all the time she outgrew it. Now she wishes we would leave once in a while :lol



I know this too well. BIL has a female boxer that was... um... left ALONE for a lot of time as a puppy. She had SEVERE separation anxiety and jumped through my screens at 2YO (did I mention they were 12 feet off the ground?) to get out of the house. She'd barrel through screen doors, eat things, etc. Now that she goes to work with him (he owns his own business), she's a whole different dog.


That is why I want to have her visit us. I want to make sure it's just separation anxiety (which wouldn't be an issue since I'm almost always here) and not some deeper issues.


I have only worked for 10 minutes with my hook. I have so much to do still! :eek

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Great, a lovely warm day and I slept most of it away :sigh. I was up at 5:30 am, and realized the comfort shawl I had done wasn't long enough and I had to make 2 more squares, proceeded to spill tea on one of the squares, so had to make another one, tripped over Dh's "leash", stepped on cat's tail, made mistake on one replacement square and had to frog half of it, and finally decided this is a day I should have never gotten up for, sooooo laid down and fell asleep until dinner time. Cat is mad at me now....


Judy, I think that is horrid. I get so annoyed when people treat animals like trash to be discarded when they are bored with them, or the animal doesn't behave like the owner thinks it should. All of our pets have been adopted throughout the years. We are down to the one old man we have now (cat not hubby, :wink), and I can't imagine being without him.


Mel, what scrap afghan are you making?

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Krystal, you're such a sweetie to take in that dog to see if she'll work out! Good luck.

My brother got his giant schnauzer from a rescue group and they all love her.


This neighbor with the puppy are the same ones who WAY overpaid for their house because they wanted it so badly - and then put a for sale sign up 2 months later because they found out the township wouldn't allow them to put an inground pool in their back yard (overhead wires).

They seem to be extremely impulsive. I feel badly for their young kids. Oh, they seem nice enough...but very immature. And it was the parent's idea to get the dog...I asked.


Okay...back to a new pattern idea for a square. I;m having fun searching the 200 Crochet Blocks book...:hook

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I tried to do this pattern once, had no problem with the stitch, but couldn't get the turns to come out right, the pattern I was following called for two rows of each color. Maybe I should do one row and then I wouldn't have to turn, :lol.

Carol, I hate to rain on your parade, but the pattern won't come out right unless you go back and forth. You'd still have to get that ch1, turn, 1 hdc & 1 dc in the last sc made down in order for it to work. :D

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Krystal, you're such a sweetie to take in that dog to see if she'll work out! Good luck.


Well, I can't say that I'm doing it for altruistic reasons. Our dog is 10, and we have talked about getting another boxer. However, pure breeds run about $600 here, and we can't afford that. I'm simply looking at her as a new dog that is cheap. Of course, I don't want a new CRAZY dog, so I want to be careful.

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Well, I can't say that I'm doing it for altruistic reasons. Our dog is 10, and we have talked about getting another boxer. However, pure breeds run about $600 here, and we can't afford that. I'm simply looking at her as a new dog that is cheap. Of course, I don't want a new CRAZY dog, so I want to be careful.

You're still a mush underneath all the talk:D

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see ya tomorrow - I'm sweating and need to close up here and take a shower!

ooooh - excuse me - I'm having a "power surge":blush

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Carol, I hate to rain on your parade, but the pattern won't come out right unless you go back and forth. You'd still have to get that ch1, turn, 1 hdc & 1 dc in the last sc made down in order for it to work. :D


:lol o great, I still can't get it right....:rofl

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I got the Christmas lights taken down today. I had the sliding door and my bedroom window open all day to let in some fresh air....it was close to 70 today. I laid down on the couch about 2:00 this afternoon to watch a little tv and wait for Hilly to get home from school. The next thing I knew, it was 7:30. I vaguely remember her coming in the door and talking to me a few times. I should already be in bed since I have to be up at 4:30, but I am not very tired, and I know if I go to bed, I will lay there and toss and turn. So I guess I'll pick up the hook and crochet for a bit. I just have to decide what to work on.


This is where I got the idea for the scrap ghan from:



I've been looking for a wave pattern...I know I bookmarked/printed out a few but I couldn't find them, so when I saw this post, I decided to base if off of this pattern. I'm not real keen with doing it in SC, so I am using an extended single crochet. That will give the stitches a little more height and won't take quite as long to do.

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Good morning/evening, night to everyone!


Still making squares...:)


No ME projects yet...and now that I have Cara's BB pattern in mind for a coordinating ghan for out living room I'm torn between trying to see if I have stuff in my stash that won't clash with the earth tones in there...or deciding if I do need a shopping trip to the LYS.

WHere would I put THAT pile of yarn, though!:scrachin

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Is it too late to join this?


If not, then I'm in :) I'm making myself a triangle shawl :) I'm not using a pattern -- just basic double crochet; increase on the first and last stitch of each row :) I'm using Lion Brand Homespun yarn in Williamsburg. I'm expecting it to take three or four skeins (depending on how big I want it -- I'm going to kind of wing it), and I haven't decided if I'll fringe it or not yet.

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